Friday, September 30, 2016

🔹Blueberry cheese cake🔹

🔸on 100gramm - 156.4 kcal🔸Proteins - 8.3🔸Fat - 3.56🔸Carbohydrates - 11.2🔸

-300 grams of flour
-2 tsp. baking powder
-50 g sugar
Vanillin on a knife tip
-2 eggs
-100 g butter (room temperature)
-400 g curd 0% fat (the cheese should not be greasy and soft)
-125 gr sugar
Vanillin at the tip of a knife or better vanilla extract for baking
-250 ml cream ( I 5%)
-Blueberries ( I use floor liter jars of mom’s blanks since the summer. you can think to buy frozen, but when thawed, don’t forget to drain the juice.)

1.Flour, baking powder, sugar, vanilla, eggs, butter mix and knead the dough
2.You can by hand, but I do it with a mixer with special attachments for dough
3.You can already preheat the oven to 180 °
4.If you’ll get troscopically weight, it means that the butter is not soft enough.
5.In this case, I poured in the sink of hot water, put the saucepan and continue to make the dough
6.Oil flooded and as a result will begin to get the dough.
7.Further, in any shape on baking paper hands begin to spread and compacted dough. The form must be with the edges, otherwise the filling can sail
8.The dough did not rise, vystelim him baking paper. (Don’t forget to poke a fork!) 9. Bake the dough for 12 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 °
10.Meanwhile, make the filling: curd cheese, sugar, vanilla, cream and blueberries
11.All carefully mix with a whisk
12.Next pour our stuffing in a ready-made dough. Bake for 30 minutes. At t~ 180-200 °

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Conduct detox and purify the body

Guide detox, and you will see the health benefits.

Make software

Program duration - 4 days. At this time you eat foods that cleanse the body well. This:

- vegetables;
- fruits;
- Fig;
- juices.

First day: vegetables

On this day, it is them. It can be: young carrot, cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, radish, radish, turnip, rutabaga, etc. - any vegetables that you like. You can eat them in natural form, to chew just. Or, you can prepare raw salads. But cooked vegetables during detox excluded.

Salads are allowed to fill a small amount of vegetable oil and lemon juice or natural vinegar (Apple, fruit, grape). Allowed a little bit of salt.

During the day, eat as much lettuce as you want. But, of course, within reasonable limits.

How do they work? They are good clean gastrointestinal tract. Vegetables contains high amount of fiber, which is a coarse fiber. They “sweep” our digestive tract, removes out the food residues and toxins. They are also effective against constipation.

In addition to the intestine, raw vegetables with vegetable oil and lemon juice have a beneficial effect on the liver, stimulating the bile flow. This, in turn, contributes to the reduction and dissolution of sand and stones in the gallbladder and helps to remove them from the body.

Second day: fruit

As is known, fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, many of them, like vegetables, contain fiber, therefore help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

For holding fruit day take 2.5 kg of fruit. It can be apples, pears, plums, peaches, nectarines, persimmons, grapes, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, kiwi - any fruit you like.

Take 2.5 kg of fruit, and divide into 6 parts (piles). Each will contain approximately 400 g, This corresponds to a weight of two good apples.

The fruit can be the same (for example, a whole day of only apples), or different - it’s at your discretion.

Every 2.5 hours eat one serving of fruit. For example, the spacing may be such: 8.00, 10.30, 13.00, 15.30, 17.30, 20.00.

Fruit day easily tolerated, as the 2.5 hours you won’t be hungry.

Third day: rice

Rice has the ability to pull into itself toxins, toxins, radionuclides, salts, sand. Therefore, it is an important element of a detox.

In the evening rinse 0.5 kg of rice and fill it with boiled water. It should be 3 times more than rice. Let the rice be so all night.

In the morning drain the water and boil rice until tender. Salt it is not necessary, then the effect of cleansing is maximized. In a pinch, you can add a dash of salt.

Divide the cooked rice into 6 parts. Eat it in intervals of 2.5 hours as described above. It will be like a sponge to draw out toxins from the body and excrete them out.

Fourth day: juices

Of course, it is best to drink freshly squeezed juices. If you have a juicer and the time, you can cook them yourself. And if not, you can use ready store-bought juices. I must say that in detox good, only one hundred percent natural juices, not beverages, nectars etc. So, when buying juice, read the label carefully. It must be 100% juice. Anything else should not be there (sugar, water, citric acid, etc.).

The biggest cleaning effect is citrus juices: orange, tangerine, grapefruit. Also suitable carrot and Apple juices.

Buy 2.5 liters of juice and divide it into 6 parts. Drink it the same way as described above.

What you can drink during the detox?

During the detox abstain from tea and coffee. You can drink water (regular and mineral), black and green tea without sugar and herbal infusions.

During juice day drinking additional liquid is not required.

Dried fruits

So during the detox in the body is not any shortage of glucose, eat some dried fruit, a few pieces a day. It is best suited raisins and dried apricots.

For this purpose, suitable, and honey, you can eat a couple of spoons a day.


We select oils for immunity

Select the oil for immunity.

Aromatic plants are used since ancient times as protection against infectious diseases.

During epidemics of plague, which seized the whole of Europe from the middle ages to the late 17th century, people who worked with aromatic plants or oils, escaped the plague, while all the others around them died.

To protect yourself and loved ones out of your house during the epidemic, place a few drops of one of these oils on a handkerchief or on clothes more often to inhale their fragrance. Daily baths with essential oils are also strengthen the immune system.

1. Of essential oil to the flu epidemic and other viral infections, transmitted by airborne droplets (use heat by decay or spraying in the air):

- carnation
- eucalyptus
- tea tree

In baths:

- lavender
- rosemary
- tea tree
- thyme
Any of these essential oils, used separately or in combination, will provide a high level of protection from infection.

2. Aromatherapy infectious (bacterial) diseases:

- bergamot
- eucalyptus
- juniper
- lavender
- Manuka
- rosemary
- tea tree

3. The best essential oils to boost immunity:

- bergamot
- eucalyptus
- lavender
- Manuka
- ravensara
- tea tree

4. Other essential oils to boost immunity:

- rosemary
- geranium
- black pepper

5. The combination of essential oils to strengthen the immune system (massage using massage oils) :

- bryony 4 %
- eucalyptus 3 %
lavender - 3 %
- rosemary 3 %

! Best results when using essential oils at the first appearance of symptoms. If the infection is recurrent or prolonged, and/or if the immune system is weakened, aromatherapy treatment should be continued for one month. This will help to keep the microorganisms under control, to restore the immune system and strengthen the immune system.



Decoction of onion peel effectively used as an expectorant, laxative, diuretic, choleretic, antispasmodic, vitamin, antimicrobial, vessel-strengthening tool.

Tortured frequent sore throats?
Onion peel pour boiling water, strain and use for rinsing.

Rhinitis (allergic and colds)?
In boiling water add 4 tablespoons of chopped onion skins and breathe over the steam for 3-5 minutes.

Pour 2 tablespoons of the husks 2 cups water, boil 15 minutes, strain. Drink warm ¼ Cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Sick kidneys and bladder?
3 tablespoons chopped husk brew 2 cups of boiling water and let steep for 30 minutes. In acute cystitis, 50 ml 2 times a day for 3-5 days. Chronic - 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day for 10 days.

Bother veins and spider veins on the legs?
Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped onion peel 100 ml of vodka. To insist 7 days.
Drain and take 20 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Or: 2 tablespoons of onion peel pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist 6 hours, strain and drink ¼ Cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 7-10 days. Repeat the course after a week’s break.

Be healthy!


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Cocktail of beauty 🍹

A refreshing drink especially good for us with you, ladies! So many nutrients in it that can rightfully call it a cocktail of beauty, and it’s actually true!

If you have not sold ready-made from the whey of milk, then cook it yourself.

To a liter of boiled or pasteurized milk, warmed to lukewarm, add 1 tablespoon sour cream or yogurt, cover clean marlechkoy and leave in a warm kitchen for about 12-24 hours. Once all the milk will curdle and you will see dense clumps of sour milk in a jar, the yogurt is ready! Heat it until the formation of a clot of curds, strain through a thick cloth. The cheese will be useful for other purposes, and the resulting serum refrigerate.

There is a way and easier in 1 l of warmed boiled milk to pour the juice of 1 lemon, immediately stir and strain. Only then do not add lemon juice in the cocktail.

Add to 0.5 liters of whey 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Stir and drink immediately.

After a week of regular intake of this delicious cocktail, you won’t recognize yourself in the mirror! The skin takes on a fresh appearance as it becomes more elastic. But if you drink it instead of dinner, and figure to improve.

1. Milk take the non-greasy, ideally, 0,5% fat.

2. If you bought a Tetrapak, to boil the milk is not necessary - just heat it until warm.

3. The yield of serum is different every time, but a pint is obtained accurately, and the extra you can freeze. But the cheese obtained in this case also goes for the future. It can freeze, and when you accumulate enough to cook cheesecakes, quiches and more.

4. Comfort from the use of serum is very individual.
If You have problems digesting dairy products (although it is usually difficult to digest whole milk and not skim, which is a serum), then try for the first time in the day and small portion.

Generally the serum is prescribed to people suffering from dysbiosis and vitamin deficiency (a simple symptom - of the nails) - very good results!

And the head to wash it it’s great to put on hair for 20 minutes, wrap the compress, then rinse with a neutral shampoo.

And recommend to take a bath - on a normal amount of water 1 - 1.5 liters of serum. Water temperature 37-38 °, time of 15-20 minutes. The skin is just like velvet!


- When mild age spots try to wipe your hands of Apple or wine vinegar, and yogurt, mayonnaise, sour cream

- When mild age spots try to wipe your hands of Apple or wine vinegar, and yogurt, mayonnaise, sour cream.

Mask lemon-yolk. Vigorously mix 25 g of almond oil, 5 g of honey, 1 raw egg yolk and the juice of one lemon. Apply the mixture on your hands, wear cotton gloves mask and hold for 3 to 4 hours.

Mask potato. Peel two boiled potatoes in their skins and mash them with two teaspoons of cucumber or lemon juice. Warm mass put a thick layer on hands, wrap with gauze. After 15 - 20 minutes rinse with water and apply a nourishing cream.

Wash your hands with warm water, apply 1 of the proposed compresses. Then cover with compress paper and put on warm mittens.

- Carrot poultice. Grate a carrot, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil. Keep 40 - 50 minutes, then rinse.

Yolk-honey wrap. Mix 1 raw egg yolk, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon of oat flour. Leave overnight, rinse in the morning.


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Healthy recipes FOR the HEART AND blood VESSELS FROM LEMON

1. 100 grams peeled garlic, grind and pour juice of 6 lemons. Mix everything and put in a jar, close the gauze.
Store in a cool place.
Take 1 teaspoon with warm water (preferably thawed).

2. 8 lemons, 400 g of garlic, 4 kg of celery (leaves and roots), 400 g of horseradish mince, put in a jar, close the gauze to withstand 12 hours in warm (30°C), place in the refrigerator for 3 days.
Squeeze the juice and drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

3. 2 lemon mince, pour honey, leave for 6 days. The mixture should be eaten completely during the day in equal portions, this day. 2 days to prepare the infusion more of the same and to arrange the same partial starvation.
Arterial pressure decreased after 3-4 cycles.

4. 2 lemons and 2 oranges cut into pieces, remove seeds and mince. The mass is mixed with 2 tablespoons of honey, to withstand 1 day in a glass container at room temperature, and then refrigerate.
Take 2-3 tsp a day with tea or before meals.

5. Grind in a meat grinder 500 g lemons with peel (no seeds), 500 g of cranberries, 500 g purified from the seeds of rose hips, add 500 g of honey, mix well. To insist 1 night in a tightly sealed container.
Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Store in the refrigerator.


4 exercises that the woman is recommended when she is nervous, depressed or tired

1. The Plow pose: Lie on your back. Raise your legs up and cross them behind your head. Keep the legs straight, the heels together and the toes reach to the floor. Pull both hands to the toes. Hold this pose for 5 minutes. Then slowly lower the spine back onto the floor vertebrae by vertebrae. Slowly place your feet on the floor, arms along the body.

2. Camel pose: Sit on your heels. Grab hands behind your heels and lift your pelvis up and forward, bend your head, pull the pelvis forward. Stay in this position for 3 minutes with slow deep breathing. Then gently lower the pelvis back to your heels. This is a good exercise regulates the activity of reproductive organs.

3. Bow pose: Lie on your stomach. Hands grab ankles. Vignettes up so that your spine has become like an onion. Lift the hips and head as high as possible. Hold the posture with deep slow breathing.

4. The shoulder stand: supine position raise the legs to 90°, then lift your torso and grab your lower back with your hands resting on your elbows. Keep the torso perpendicular to the floor and distribute the weight of the body on the neck and shoulders. The chin rests on the chest. Deep slow breathing. This exercise puts pressure on all the organs and stimulates the thyroid gland.



Flax seed for weight loss is an inexpensive, but extremely effective and useful tool for getting rid of extra pounds. In addition, strengthens the immune system, acquired a healthy and soft skin is cleansed digestive system.

Usually flax seeds to get rid of extra pounds are used in various infusions and decoctions.

1 tablespoon of flax seed pour 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 8-10 hours. Make a remedy should be half a Cup 2 times a day.
1 tablespoon of flax seed, pour a glass of boiling water, leave the broth on low heat tightly covered with a lid for 30 minutes, cool. Add fresh grated ginger and 1 tbsp of honey. Take 150 ml for 30 minutes before a meal.
Before bedtime drink a glass of kefir or natural yoghurt with the addition of 1 tsp of flax seed. This will relieve the digestive system and quickly shed excess pounds.


10 secrets to attracting money

1. Always keep clean the kitchen and hallway. Wealth does not come to a dirty house.

2. The purse should be red.

3. You can’t spend the money on the first day, when you get paid. Put them in a place where You keep your money always. Begin to spend the following day gradually.

4. Do not put in wallet, nothing more. This is a place for money and credit cards. You cannot store pictures, coupons and notes in the wallet.

5. Bills store in different compartments of the wallet at face value.

6. Count money with clean hands, preferably in the morning.

7. Take the rich man a large bill and keep her house. Give when Your profit will increase.

8. Improve your ability to earn. Try to find 1 way of earning while working.

9. Distribute the money this way: 50% donate to a good cause, 20% set aside for unforeseen expenses, 10 % give to relatives who need, 15 % spend on yourself.

10. Try a little more to give and not expect anything in return. Perhaps someone will say that it is not true. But you should try first, and then already to do conclusions.

The doctrine of Feng Shui is not the only doctrine that can help to attract money. It is just a Supplement to Your efforts towards a goal.


Monday, September 26, 2016

Radical diet

Radical diet.

Duration - 14 days.
Loss in weight up to 20 kg.
Difficulty - 4 points (on a five-point system).
Adaptation - 2-3 days.
This diet is quite effective and lasts for two weeks. Be patient - it you really need. Without the consent of a doctor is not recommended. The entire diet must distribute 4 meals: this morning; at lunch; 3-4 p.m.; evening (no later than 18 hours); you can drink only water - drinking or mineral.

💧First week
3 eggs or 5 potatoes of medium size.

100 g of cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, 200-250 g of kefir or curdled milk, water.

2 small apples, 0.5 liters of yogurt, 1 liter of fruit juice.

400 g boiled beef or chicken meat, unsweetened tea and / or 200 g of yogurt.

1 liter of mineral water, 0.5 kg of apples or pears. If you decided to lose weight in winter instead of fresh fruit you can use dried fruits that need to be steamed with boiling water.

300 g of yogurt, milk or yogurt, 3 boiled potatoes.

0.5 liters of yogurt and mineral water.

💧Second week
200 g boiled beef, 1 egg, 2 small tomatoes, drinking or mineral water.

2 apples, 100 g boiled beef, salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with vegetable oil, unsweetened tea (you can use saccharin or other artificial sweeteners).

100 g of boiled beef, 70 g rye bread, 2 apples or pears.

2 eggs, 100 g of boiled beef, 150 g of rye bread, 0,5 l of kefir water.

0.5 liter of yogurt, 3 boiled potatoes, apples (no more than 700 g).

300 g boiled chicken, 2 medium cucumber, 2 eggs, tea.

Mineral water, 4 boiled potatoes, 2 apples, 200 g yogurt.


Sunday, September 25, 2016

Purify the body and skin

Purify the body and skin.

Already half of the course, pure skin, 100% free from acne. Soft and perfectly delicate skin of the entire body like silk!

You will forget about constipation! Say goodbye to the toxins, which until that time, gave volume to the stomach! Stop aching! And no sweating!

1. Buy at the pharmacy birch tar and pipette.

2. When you go to bed, on a small piece of bread dripping 5 drops of birch tar, chew quickly and swallow. First it will be unpleasant but will gradually get used to it.

3. The next day drip 6 drops, and so increasing by 1 drop daily and get to 10.

4. Take 10 drops in 2 weeks, then start decreasing one drop and reach 5 drops. The whole process took 24 days!

5. After chewed a small piece of birch tar, no drink and no snack! Doesn’t matter black or white bread. Most importantly, the procedure was daily for 24 days without pass - zabivanii.

6. Do not overdo it - to carry out the procedure twice a year - in spring and autumn.

Purify the body and skin.

Already half of the course, pure skin, 100% free from acne. Soft and perfectly delicate skin of the entire body like silk!

You will forget about constipation! Say goodbye to the toxins, which until that time, gave volume to the stomach! Stop aching! And no sweating!

1. Buy at the pharmacy birch tar and pipette.

2. When you go to bed, on a small piece of bread dripping 5 drops of birch tar, chew quickly and swallow. First it will be unpleasant but will gradually get used to it.

3. The next day drip 6 drops, and so increasing by 1 drop daily and get to 10.

4. Take 10 drops in 2 weeks, then start decreasing one drop and reach 5 drops. The whole process took 24 days!

5. After chewed a small piece of birch tar, no drink and no snack! Doesn’t matter black or white bread. Most importantly, the procedure was daily for 24 days without pass - zabivanii.

6. Do not overdo it - to carry out the procedure twice a year - in spring and autumn.


Morning gymnastics

A set of exercises morning exercises:
15-20 seconds of walking in place, raising their knees high. The first 4 steps - breath, the second 4 steps - exhale.
His hands raised upwards, leads back straight, with an elongated sock leg. After that, the leg bend in front of him and pulled up with hands knee-to-chest, head down, as low as possible. Then all the same we make with the other leg. Perform each leg 3-5 times;
Arrange legs as wide as possible. Bend the left leg at the knee three times and make a springy slope to the toe of the right foot, which should be straightened at the knee. Then, on the contrary, to the other foot. Each way exercise should be repeated 8-10 times;
Legs wide apart, perform circular (with the highest amplitude) of the movement of the pelvis. Don’t forget that the most important thing in this exercise is the retraction and protrusion of the abdominal wall. Repeat the rotation in each direction at least 8-10 times;
Starting position - standing, hands on his stomach. Three times in a row, do spring squats, while pushing on belly with hands. Repeat 18-20 times;
Standing on one leg, attaches to the side bent at the knee of the other leg, and do circular movements of the hip with the greatest possible amplitude, one in the other direction. In each direction we repeat 10-12 times.


Saturday, September 24, 2016

What to cook for Breakfast

Cottage cheese casserole
This dish will be the perfect start of your day. Baked cottage cheese pudding is made with eggs, sugar, semolina and cottage cheese, so it is very satisfying. The main thing after such a meal - not to sit still, as it is high in calories. If time allows take a couple of stops to work on foot.

Baked apples
Baked apples are very tasty. But when they are stuffed with rice, raisins and nuts, it becomes a real culinary work of art. Rice nourishes the body with carbohydrates, apples, vitamins and minerals, nuts - protein.

Meat and vegetables
Many people may not understand why this dish is included in the list of useful Breakfast. But increasingly, scientists report that a balanced Breakfast should be fat. Try to cook for Breakfast, boiled vegetables and a piece of chicken breast. You can also choose the lean fish. It is perfect protein Breakfast.
Pancakes made from oats
The preparation of these pancakes is a bit troublesome task, but what could be more delicious pancakes with banana or pumpkin. Adding fruits and vegetables to Breakfast is really useful.

A sandwich with peanut butter and bananas
Peanut butter is a very useful product. It is, incidentally, very easy to prepare at home. Bread is better to choose whole grain.

Sandwich with avocado
To prepare this dish you will need avocado, boiled egg, tomato and bread. This exotic Breakfast every day treat, but definitely worth a try.

Buckwheat porridge with milk
Buckwheat as a dietary product does not require advertising. Its all know and love. It is delicious and has many benefits for the body, for example, increases hemoglobin.
buckwheat porridge with milk

Cottage cheese and fruit
Low-fat cottage cheese will give your body needs proteins, and fruits and vegetables - vitamins.

A sandwich with lettuce
Sandwiches can also be useful. Make a sandwich by using lettuce, chicken and whole wheat bread. You can also put a thin slice of low fat cheese.

Fruit salad
Those who are very difficult to force myself to eat in the morning, you should pay attention to the fruit salad. You can add some nuts and cheese.

Lazy oatmeal
Those who have no time to cook should try to prepare lazy oatmeal. This is a very simple and tasty.

Omelet with herbs and vegetables
Everyone knows this healthy and delicious dish. Eggs provide the body with protein and vitamin E.

It is better to prepare muesli at home, then you are 100% able to be sure that your Breakfast is useful, and contains no preservatives. Add to muesli berries and pour milk!

These original and healthy dishes will help you the right way to start the day, make it great, and you’ll be full of energy.


What can you make from the juice of Kalanchoe

That can be prepared from the juice of Kalanchoe.

To cut off escapes, rinse and place on 5-7 days in the fridge. Then chop, squeeze the juice and filter. Store at temperature not exceeding 10 °.

Solution for inflammatory eye diseases (blepharitis, conjunctivitis).
Dilute up to 1:1, moisten a cotton pad and apply to eyelids for 10-15 min. up to five times a day.
In the same way you can treat stomatitis and periodontal disease.

Ointment for the treatment of skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis).
In a Cup with a round bottom (wipe it with alcohol or rubbing alcohol) mix 30 ml of juice Kalanchoe with 50 g of anhydrous lanolin, then slowly add 50 g of vaseline. Store in the refrigerator. Lanolin and petroleum jelly to buy in the drugstore.

Tincture for varicose veins.
Fresh crushed leaves (2 tbsp. l. raw pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 10 days, shaking the bottle daily). Daily grind the feet from the bottom up.

Drops in severe acute sinusitis.
The juice of Kalanchoe, aloe juice - 2 tablespoons and the juice of onion - 1 tsp, mix. Bury the mixture at the first 4-5 drops in the left nostril, turn the head to left and lie down for half an hour, then repeat on the right side. After the procedure is to warm the maxillary sinus bottle with warm water and go to bed.


Friday, September 23, 2016

Massage the edges of the feet will eliminate back pain

On the edge of the foot projected all the problem areas of the back. They can
to detect by feeling for tender points. Thanks to a unique massage technique on the foot, you can find the whole spine.

Sit on the floor in a comfortable position and cross your legs. Now take your feet in hand, as shown in the photo. Take a look and imagine the line of the spine, which is between the thumb and the heel, on the inner edge. This is a kind of projection of your spine.

Seen visually divide the line into several parts: the sacrum, lumbar region, thoracic and cervical parts, respectively.
With the help of the thumb with some force massage this line, going from heel to toe.

If the spine has problems, you will be able to find on the edge of the foot reflection. You will be able clearly to feel tender points. Massage them, and you will be able to relax nerve endings, creating tension on the spine, not influencing it directly.

Overall relaxing effect you can feel even after the first massage!


Lemons against cancer

Lemons against cancer.

Lemon is an awesome product that can kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy!

It is believed that it is very harmful for all kinds of cancer. Even lemon is considered as an antimicrobial factor against bacterial infections and fungi, internal parasites and worms.

This information is obtained as a result of more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970 and showed the following results:
lemon destroys malignant cells in 12 cancers, including breast, prostate, pancreas;
- the composition of the lemon tree showed 10,000 times better results than the drug Adriamycin, which is commonly used in chemotherapy, slowing the growth of cancer cells;
therapy with lemon only destroys malignant cancer cells without affecting healthy.

This information is derived from research sources. Do not self-medicate! But for the prevention - eat lemons, that’s useful!


Thursday, September 22, 2016

If you are concerned about your liver, you live in unfavorable environmental conditions, often get sick

If you are concerned about your liver, you live in unfavorable environmental conditions, often get sick…

Then this recipe might be valuable to you.

The prepared recipe mixture breaks down fats (especially around the liver), reduces appetite, diuretic, antiviral, antifungal properties, gives you the opportunity to lose a couple extra pounds, strengthens the immune system, cleanses, dissolves kidney stones and gall bladder, rejuvenates the skin.

What you need to do.

* Carefully grind (put through blender) small bunch fresh parsley 2 medium cloves of garlic.
* Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and enough water to make 1 Cup of liquid.
* Drink the mixture before Breakfast and before dinner for 3 days.
* Then 3 days doing the juice only parsley and lemon, garlic is not added.
* The next 3 days again with garlic.

A total of 9 days. Rest 2 weeks and spend another 1 course.

! Contraindications: chronic gastritis with high acidity, reflux esophagitis, pregnancy.


Best herbal teas for weight loss: 10 recipes!

In this article we will tell you about the most popular types of tea that can help anyone wishing to lose the hated kilograms.

1. Nettle tea

In this tea, which has a healing effect on anemic patients, contain vitamins (C, K, B12, A) and calcium. It is recommended to take while on a diet. It also helps to fight several diseases such as rheumatism, diabetes, ulcers, kidney stones. Tea can also improve the immune system, prevent swelling and also helps control the appetite.

2. Green tea

It is an effective antioxidant that dissolves fat, reduces the absorption of fatty acids and lowers cholesterol levels.

3. Tea from the leaves of the mulberry tree

While brewing this type of tea is recommended to use dried leaves. Tea from the leaves of the mulberry tree not only useful during dieting, but helps you cope with such ailments as ulcers, gastritis and diarrhea. It is a miracle of nature.

4. Dandelion tea

This tea has potent neutralizing and diuretic. It is an excellent tonic, which, moreover, lowers the level of cholesterol. Most importantly, do not drink it before bedtime.

5. Black tea

Black tea is reminiscent of green its ability to fight fat. It can improve metabolism and regulate blood sugar levels. And all this - with the help of two amazing substances it contains and which have the same effect as insulin.

6. Tea made from artichokes

This is 1 of the most effective teas on the market. It is ideal for daily use. Artichokes are especially popular in southern Europe. They have a lot of vitamins and minerals and you can eat them almost every day. They also (as a tea from them) are an important source of carbohydrates, proteins and antioxidants. Its medicinal properties tea is obliged, mainly, to the active substance, which is in the artichoke - namely tinerino. This is the type of potassium which is very strong and has useful properties for the body. It helps remove toxins and improves digestion.

7. Rosehip tea

This tea eliminates toxins from the body, rich in vitamin C and has a wonderful neutralizing properties. It is a diuretic, promote bile excretion. In short, the health portion in the Cup.

8. Tea made from corn ryltsev

Corn silk - the most common part of plants used in herbalism because it has valuable substances. In rylah contains potassium, calcium, silicon, saponin, essential oil, allantoin, beeswax, vitamins C, E and K. All these components make the corn silk is extremely valuable, and they are recommended during a slimming diet and in the treatment of diseases of the heart and liver.

9. Tea from lovage

European experts praise this miraculous broth because it helps to get rid of extra pounds and fat accumulating in the liver and the heart that helps to improve blood circulation. The tea also helps digestion and dissolves kidney stones. It is a powerful diuretic.

10. Chicory tea

Chicory is useful for the bile secretion helps to neutralize harmful substances in the liver and regenerates liver cells.

Negate the effect of tea cannot be denied, as it help in the treatment of various diseases and improving the immune system. When it comes to the tea party as a means of getting rid of excess weight, we should remember that tea is just a Supplement to the diet, not the main tool in the fight against obesity. Of course, you will start to lose weight magically, just drinking tea and not changing lifestyle.

To lose weight, you need to not only drink tea but also eat right, relax and don’t forget about exercise!


Soy diet

Soy - food product, very useful. For this reason, soy diet - type diet, full of benefits and free from the problems of food unlike other diets in which to lose weight, a person lacks nutrients needed for proper body function.
Soy diet, you can lose up to 5 pounds in 1 month, but it is recommended to run it for two weeks, take a break for a few days and continue it for two more weeks before the end of the month.
Sample menu soy diet
Day 1:

Two toast bread, wholemeal, spread cheese.
Coffee or tea with skim milk and a spoonful of fructose.
Snack (around 11 am)



Salad of potatoes, tomatoes and watercress salad, spiced with salt, olive oil and a little lemon.
Two patties of soy meat.
Jelly fruit.

The first dinner

Coffee or tea with low-fat milk and a spoon of fructose.
Two toast of bran bread rough, smeared with marmalade.

Salad of boiled carrots and pumpkin.
Half grilled chicken breast.
Day 2:

Low-fat yogurt to taste.
Snack (around 11 am)

Fruit salad without sugar.

Steamed vegetables.
Brown rice with soybean sprouts.
The first dinner

Two toast of wholemeal bread with low-fat cheese.
Herbal tea with a spoonful of fructose.

Fish only on the grill.
Puree of pumpkin.
Salad of fruit to taste without sugar.
Day 3:

Two soybean cookies with jam light.
Orange juice natural.
Coffee or tea with a spoon of fructose.
Snack (around 11 am)

Coffee or tea with a spoon of fructose.


Salad of tomatoes, carrots and low fat cheese.
Vegetable soup to taste.
Two soybean pellet.
The first dinner

Glass of drink of peach spoon fructose.


Fruit salad with two tablespoons of natural yogurt.
Portion of ravioli with tomato sauce.
Day 4:

Milk, low-fat with a spoon of fructose.
Cake of flour with cheese, tomato and lettuce.
Snack (around 11 am)

Yogurt, low-fat with cereal.

A plate of boiled greens, to taste.
Hard-boiled egg.
The first dinner

Coffee or tea with low-fat milk, with a spoonful of fructose.
Two rice cakes with a light marmalade.

Tuna salad with onions, carrots and boiled egg.
Soup with brown rice.
Day 5:

Coffee or tea with a spoon of fructose and a drop of skim milk.
Homemade cake.
Snack (around 11 am)

A glass of pineapple or pear.
Rice crackers with low-fat cheese.

Salad of cucumber and beet.
Soup of leeks and carrots.
Two pies with soy meat and cheese.
The first dinner

Tea with skim milk and a spoonful of fructose.

Chicken breast grilled, preferably without the skin because it contains more fat and toxins.
Salad of brown rice with low-fat cheese.
Apple baked with a small amount of salt.
Day 6:

Yogurt, low-fat with chunks of fruit.
Snack (around 11 am)

Coffee or tea with a spoon of fructose and a drop of skim milk.
Cake of flour with ham and cheese.

Potato salad and pineapple.
Two soy patties baked.
Cup of fruit salad without sugar.
The first dinner

A small bunch of grapes

Salad of lettuce with tomato, carrot, egg, tuna and onions.
Yogurt, low-fat, cereal to choose from.
Day 7:

Peach drink with low-fat milk and a spoon of fructose.
Two homemade biscuits from soya with low fat milk.
Snack (around 11 am)

Coffee or tea with a spoon of fructose.

A variety of vegetables, steamed.
A Cup of brown rice with soybean sprouts.

The first dinner

Fruit salad with low-fat yogurt.

Two canneloni with tomato sauce.
Jelly light.
I suggest you to visit the other diets that we provide here to your attention, they will help you to achieve your goal.


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

7 masks for a face-lift

No. 1 Egg-protein

Egg whites have long been used in homemade masks for the face lift. They increase the elasticity of the skin and contribute to a virtually instant facelift. Mix the following ingredients together: 1 egg white, ½ tsp oil of vitamin E and a few drops of lemon or orange juice. Massage movements apply the mixture on the skin. This mask can also apply on the neck and décolleté. Rinse after drying with warm water.

No. 2 Sugar-yolk

Treatment with these products is one of the best natural ways of rejuvenation. Whisk the egg yolk with 1 tsp sugar. Apply the mixture with gentle circular massage movements. Leave on for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

No. 3 Smetana

Suitable for all skin types and works wonders! Mix a tablespoon of sour cream and 1 tsp of lemon juice. Duration 20-30 minutes. To the ingredients useful to add any base oil suitable for your type of skin and a few drops of essential oil of lavender, orange or
geranium. You will immediately notice a firming effect and smoothness of the epidermis. Well the mask also lightens age spots, prevents acne, evens the skin’s epidermal layer.

No. 4 Honey with avocado

These components make the skin soft, supple and smooth. Half the avocado pulp grind in a blender or mash with a fork, add 2 tbsp honey and 1 beaten egg white, to obtain a paste. Duration - 15 - 20 minutes.

No. 5 Bananovaya homemade mask for facelifts

Take half ripe banana and 2 tbsp. of cream and mix to form a paste. Add contents of capsule of vitamin E and once again mix well. Rinse after 15 minutes.

No. 6 Starch

You will need 1 tbsp of starch, which should be diluted in 100g of water, another pour 150g of boiling water and cook until the starch will not sagonet. Add 1 tbsp. spoon sour cream and 5 tbsp. of fresh carrot juice. A thin layer apply the mixture and leave on for 15-20 minutes. Thoroughly rinse with cool water and lubricate your skin you cream. Applicable products they are used to remove wrinkles, moisturize the skin and give a tightening effect. To achieve more pronounced results, use the mixture for the procedure 3 days in a row. Keep it should be refrigerated, but not more than three days.

No. 7 Oat

Unique properties natural homemade face mask for skin strengthens the epidermal layer and refreshes it. Its application on a regular basis will allow you to get rid of wrinkles and prolong youthfulness.

Prerequisites: two tablespoons of oatmeal, half a Cup of hot water, 1 beaten egg white, 1 tbsp of honey.
Pour hot water and oatmeal and let stand for 30 minutes. Mix well all ingredients, apply on face and neck for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with milk. Rinse your face with water.

You can use these homemade masks for face-lift 2-3 times a week.


Chinese beauty mask made with honey starch and salt, which nourishes, evens skin tone, visibly reduces the appearance of age spots

Chinese beauty mask made with honey starch and salt, which nourishes, evens skin tone, visibly reduces the appearance of age spots.

- 1 teaspoon of honey (preferably liquid)
- 1 teaspoon of starch
- 1 teaspoon of salt

Honey and starch to mix to a uniform whitish color. Add a teaspoon of crushed sea salt (it can be replaced with ordinary iodized salt). It is kneaded.

If the skin is hypersensitive or very dry, then mask add 1 teaspoon of milk.

The mask is ready, it can now be applied to the face in several layers, until you used up all the mixture.

Mask should be kept on the face for 25 minutes, then rinse.

If you feel discomfort, burning, severe tingling, etc., it is best to immediately wash off the mask with water.

For best results it is recommended to do a Chinese beauty mask a day for 20 days. During this time, will make 10 masks.

This mask will help to tighten the skin, make it healthy, radiant and smooth.


Porridge for thyroid

Porridge for the thyroid gland. 🍜

…For a long time I had to be treated from dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

It was treated in different ways, achieved many things, I began to feel, as it is now misleading, almost healthy, and I think that in many ways helped me special porridge, which is very beneficial not just for the thyroid, and the digestive tract.

■ You need to take 100 g of kernels of buckwheat, 1 teaspoon turmeric, 50 g of dry seaweed, half a liter of water, salt to taste. Buckwheat cook as usual. Almost ready porridge add turmeric and seaweed, and salt. Mix thoroughly.

Porridge will become orange-yellow color and taste very good. It turns out that turmeric has the ability to cleanse the blood and has long been used for medicinal purposes. I so love this tasty porridge that now very often cook it for Breakfast, fortunately, now in stores, where they sell spices and seasonings, and in the markets, no problem, you can buy turmeric.

Seaweed is sold in the pharmacy, also always possible to buy.

I would be very glad if this Council will have to appeal to people who have similar health problems!)


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Struggling with cellulite, stretch marks and sagging!

Regular use of household masks, has a positive effect on the skin, tightens the contours, revitalizes and rejuvenates. For best effect, use the mask after visiting baths or saunas. Or apply after the bath. The main thing to keep your body clean and steamed. So let’s look at the most popular and effective masks designed to care for body skin:

🌺Honey, to cleanse and soften

On a clean, steaming the body apply a thin layer of natural honey and Pat it into the pores with fingertips before the red light and the complete absorption of the honey. This tool promotes active removal of toxins on the surface of the body. After soaking honey take a shower and wipe the body dry with a soft towel.

🌺 To firm buttocks

Mix until smooth 2 raw egg yolks and 2 tablespoons of bee liquid honey. Apply on the buttocks, a little lie down on my stomach, 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

🌺Coffee against cellulite and subcutaneous accumulations of fat

In spicey coffee grounds gradually beat dry blue clay, stirring constantly. Gradually pour mineral water to make a mass resembling thick cream. Apply onto slightly damp, clean skin with massaging movements.
Caffeine, once in the epidermis, promotes the breakdown of fat deposits and clay helps absorb excess fluid from the subcutaneous tissue.

🌺Coffee, with cream, to soften and smoothness

Mix 2 tablespoons of organic coffee (course ground, not instant), 3 tablespoons of heavy cream and 2 tsp of vegetable oil, better olive. All mix thoroughly and heat in a water bath. Now apply, massaging the gel onto clean skin. Pay special attention to the hips and buttocks. After applying, wait 10 minutes and rinse everything with warm shower.

🌺Mineral cocktail to hydrate the body

Try this wonderful tool. It is very effective and works instantly. To prepare it, mix a glass of warm mineral water, preferably therapeutic, with ¼ Cup of milk. Now with a cotton swab wet it means the entire surface of the skin. Especially carefully treat the buttocks, thighs and legs. Wipe not necessary, let the mixture soak into the pores. This cocktail moisturizes, nourishes and tightens the skin.

🌺Stimulating, rejuvenating, with burning pepper

Fold in a Cup with a capacity of 150 ml 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp ground nutmeg 1 tbsp ground bitter red pepper. Use 1 time a week instead of soap. Just brush with a medium skin, massage and then rinse with plenty of water. For face and intimate places to use as there are too thin skin!

🌺Exotic, to soften and rejuvenate

Puree in a blender 1 ripe banana, avocado pulp, 100 g butter, 100 ml. natural cream. Add to the mixture 1 drop of essential rose oil. After a bath, the finished mask apply on a steamed face and body, cover yourself in a bath towel or Terry towel and stay in the bathroom for another 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water using a soft washcloth.

🌺Yeast, for the elastic midsection

Dissolve 15 g of dried brewer’s yeast in ¼ Cup of cream. When a little yeast to dissolve, add 4 teaspoons of liquid honey. Let the mixture stand a little, about 20 minutes. Then apply the mask to clean skin of the abdomen, lie down listening to quiet music for 15-20 minutes. Mask nourishes the skin and tightens it. After regular treatments restored the blood circulation in the epidermis, and stomach becomes more elastic.


Mix together 5 tbsp freshly-squeezed red grape juice with 1 tsp honey and 2 tsp of your usual day cream. Apply the product on problem areas of the body and hold for 15 minutes. It is best to use this mask after a bath or sauna.

🌺For the elasticity of the breast and décolleté

There is no such woman who wouldn’t dream of beautiful, bouncy Breasts and smooth skin. And if that’s all right, the woman always feels irresistible, regardless of the size of her bust.

For these purposes, and there is a wonderful home remedy. To prepare it, mix 3 tablespoons of thick natural cream or sour cream with 1 tsp of honey and 1 egg yolk. Apply the mask to the skin, hold for 10-15 minutes.


10 Reasons to eat Breakfast in the morning

10 Reasons to eat Breakfast in the morning. 🍕

1. For the brain
Morning nutrition is necessary for our brain to better focus attention and remember information.

2. For immunity
As proved by research, people who do not eat Breakfast, less exposed to stress and has a stronger immunity than people who refuse to morning meal.

3. For security
According to statistics, people who regularly lunch, less likely to get into a car accident.

4. For productivity
If you have a busy working day, eat a good Breakfast and get to work. Be aware that you have created yourself the amount of energy that will increase your efficiency by 30%.

5. To activate the body
Don’t think you’ll be fine, if you use extra calories in the morning. On the contrary - the sooner you will have Breakfast, the sooner your body will Wake up and start working. Morning calories will never turn into fat and is consumed without residue.

6. For energy
When you half a day do not eat anything, you are depriving yourself of energy supply.

7. To control hunger
American experts say that if the Breakfast eggs, during the day, you get hungry not so much and as a result, you eat less. If Breakfast rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, during the day, will eat less fat.

8. For beauty
If you do not eat Breakfast, then don’t give to Wake up metabolic processes and your body, instead of actively work on the splitting of fats, postpone on “then”. That’s why you get better.

9. In order to begin to do exercises
But how to force myself to eat Breakfast early in the morning when still sleepy? And you try to develop for yourself and your family a special power circuit. For example, after the morning exercise or Jogging, the body, and he will not refuse something delicious to make up for calories burned.

10. Breakfast is uplifting
Nothing so uplifting in the morning as a delicious Breakfast. In addition, the morning meal in a relaxed atmosphere helps to gather my thoughts and gear up for the next day. 🍝


The best sedative

1. Venlaxor - antidepressant with virtually no side effects quickly removes from severe depression.
2. Buspiron - strong antianxiety agent, does not create the effect of inhibition. It is possible to apply to drivers and students before the exam.
3. Gidazepam - mild sleeping pill that does not affect the reaction of the driver. But you get used to it - more than a month can not drink!
4. Zyprexa - has serious side effects, helps instantly.
5. Imovan (sonap, somnol, sonavan) - the most modern hypnotics.
6. Paxil is an antidepressant, well eliminates panic, fear, obsessive-compulsive disorder (phobias), helps with anorexia, as well as side lengthens during sexual intercourse.
7. PrimeStar - improves memory in General and simplifies the memorization of information.
8. Rispolept - is long-lasting, easy - dissolves in the mouth like candy.
9. Sulpiride (eglanil) - at the same time heals the nerves and stomach. Another plus: drink today - the result today.
10. Finlepsin - treat seizures, and neuritis, and stabilizes mood.


Monday, September 19, 2016



- Mix equal parts fresh blueberries and raspberries. By the way, the blueberry is considered one of the best remedies to improve eyesight - eat it without restrictions.

- Pour boiled water from purified water 3 teaspoons roots (chopped) swamp sweet flag and allow the composition to infuse for half an hour. Drink a quarter Cup three times a day.

- Take in throughout the day in 3 - 4 hours for 5 schisandra fruit. Drink green tea.

- Pour 4 - 6 large spoons of chopped dried roots of Wheatgrass to five cups of purified water and cook until evaporation of a quarter of the volume. A ready broth to drink one big spoon 4 - 5 times a day.

- Mix a quarter teaspoon of honey with half Cup of tea strong tea leaves. The finished mixture is used for instillation in the eyes. 5 drops three times a day.

- Drink at night glass of honey water (one teaspoon of honey in a glass of purified water).

- Daily drink at least one glass of fresh carrot juice with half teaspoon of olive oil.

- One of the best ways to improve vision is a decoction of rose hips, which should be prepared on the basis of the proportion 3 to 4 teaspoons of crushed fruit to 2 cups of boiling water. Cook for five minutes. In the warm add a teaspoon of honey (per Cup of broth).

Also to improve vision is recommended to eat in day at least one hundred fifty grams of salad with ginger and red beets, dressed with lemon juice and olive oil (tea spoon).

- Boil 5 minutes in two cups of water one to two teaspoons of crushed nettle (can be used as leaves and stems), then strain the broth through cheesecloth and mix it with green tea. Eat half a Cup a day.

- Brew in a clean Cup with one Cup boiling water one tea spoon of dried calendula, and then allow the infusion to stand in a warm place for 3 to 5 minutes and strain it. Means use glass every 4 to 6 hours. You can add honey.

Pour it over one teaspoon fennel seeds (dry) Cup of boiling water. After 5 minutes, drink the infusion in small SIPS. Use twice a day.


A Treasury of useful recipes for the common cold

🍃 1 tablespoon of chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water and insist in heat 5 hours. Stir, strain and instilled into the nose 3 times a day.

🍃 3 tbsp chopped onion pour 50 ml of warm water, add ½ tsp of honey, infuse for 30 minutes. Obtained the means to bury your nose 3 times a day.

🍃 The onion and crush the garlic. Pair resulting mixture to inhale through the nose and mouth for 10-15 minutes 4 times a day.

🍃 As soon as a runny nose, apply mustard plasters to the soles and wear thick wool socks. Keep them for 2 hours, then remove and actively to walk 10 minutes in the room.

🍃 Abundantly to lubricate the nasal passages juice of the leaf of Kalanchoe.
4 drops of aloe juice is instilled into each nostril 5 times a day.

🍃 In each nostril drip 5-6 drops of fresh beet juice or put into the nostrils with cotton swabs soaked in this juice.

🍃 A handful of eucalyptus leaves pour boiling water. Breathe over the steam, covering your head with a towel, in the following way: breathe in to be done through the nose and out through your mouth.

🍃 With a strong fever try to inhale the vapor of vinegar, poured on a hot griddle.

🍃 To sniff one or the other nostril cotton wool soaked with ammonia.

🍃 Mix the horseradish, rye flour and honey in equal proportions.
From the resulting dough to make a cake and attach to the nose. The treatment is necessarily carried out overnight for 3 days.

🍃 To bury your nose juice of cabbage 3 times a day.
To lubricate the heel with tincture of iodine, then put on wool socks, shaking them dry mustard.

🍃 To treat the nasal mucosa with petroleum jelly, and then to invest in each nostril a piece of cotton wool, liberally lubricated crushed garlic. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day.

🍃 A good lather dark brown soap the finger and to treat the inner surface of each nostril. The procedure is preferably carried out 3 times a week.

🍃 Mix in equal proportions with vegetable oil and fresh carrot juice. Add a few drops of garlic juice. Received by the tool nose drip 3 drops 3 times a day.

🍃 Do daily nasal rinses with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

🍃 Useful garlic oil. One clove of garlic, pour in 1 tbsp oil, drain in the morning and bury the liquid in the nose 3-4 times a day, pre-clearing it of mucus.

🍃 1 tbsp Alchemilla vulgaris pour 1 Cup of boiling water. Received means rinse the nose 2-3 times a day.

🍃 In the prevention times a day to wash the nose baby soap.

🍃 Dissolve honey in warm boiled water in the ratio 1:2. 5 drops of the resulting solution instilled into both nostrils several times a day.

🍃 Homemade nasal drops

Mix 1 tbsp strong brewed black tea, 0.5 tsp. of honey and 15 drops of tincture of eucalyptus (you can buy in the pharmacy). Bury the nose 1 to 5 drops 3-4 times a day. This tool can be used even for young children.


Sunday, September 18, 2016

21 advice on losing weight

Make a decision - there are just sitting. Eating standing up, in a hurry, on the street lead to the fact that as a result we eat more. Now remember elephants eat standing up.

Did not report on the plate of any dish, strictly adhere to the rules - are satisfied with what is already laid on a plate.

Shopping travel well-fed, because then it is easier to overcome the temptation to buy something delicious that we should not have.

Going to the store, make a list and not buying anything beyond that.

Go for a walk by yourself or with a dog only after Breakfast (not before), as in this case burn more calories than on an empty stomach.

On the second Breakfast or afternoon snack prepare yourself in advance and very little: a handful of dried plums, a glass of skim milk, a small sandwich with chicken and salad or cheese. It is always better to have something prepared in advance than the heat of the moment is horrible.

If hunger bothers you too much, eat a few fruits for example plums (winter - dried), and the last bone to hold it in your mouth. This way you trick your stomach.

The food does not get distracted, do not watch TV, not read books and Newspapers. Focus on the food, eat with taste, so you do not reproach myself for that, fascinated by the twists and turns of the series, ate 3 times more than I wanted.

During the meal, after each eaten a piece set aside for a minute the knife and fork. Is a rhythm loosen the appetite and therefore you eat a little less.

Prepare as much as you want at 1 time. If cooked more (saving time), then put on the table as much as going to eat and rest immediately in the refrigerator.

Do not eat for 1 more time two dishes: anything with meat and vegetables or a piece of cheese. Multiple change course even in small quantities stimulates the appetite. For this to be submitted and spicy seasonings.

If possible, lunch or dinner it is better to split into 2 doses. For example, a meat dish with vegetables, rice or pasta and green salad without restriction eat at once, and the rest fruit or a piece of cheese in 2 hours.

Eat every morsel like it’s something extra, for example, eggs - small portions, savoring, holding a little longer in your mouth, imagining that every bit of the last. Then, eating less, you may be decide that this piece really is the last on it and the end.

Finish eating, as soon as you feel that the stomach has calmed down. Eating one hard-boiled egg, a piece of cheese and a bit of green salad, we’ll try and calm down the hunger. Will help to deal with it a few small pieces of bread.

Linger at the table after dinner for at least another 15 minutes to give yourself time to feel the quiet state of fullness which will continue for a long time. Eating on the run does not give the same effect and soon will make you feel hungry.

Food and the number of calories you need to align with the rhythm of your day. You can eat more before work than after work. Therefore it is better to give yourself some slack at Breakfast, limit the lunch and it is quite restrained attitude to the dinner, especially if it is just before bedtime.

If it so happened that yesterday you ate a lot (a moment of weakness or birthday aunt) but now try to limit myself: some vegetable soup, almost without salt, the drink is made from herbs instead of tea, low-fat cheese or milk. To make it easier to move this gastronomic repentance, divide these modest portions on part, trying to number them more and calories as possible. It would be good to extend this repentance by 1 day.

Chewing gum with fruit flavor allows for a while to fool the stomach.

Drink fruit juices, but not necessarily mixing them 1 to one with water. So you fill the stomach, will reduce the feeling of hunger and reduce the number of calories contained in juices.

If sitting in front of the TV, you used to nibble cookies or nuts and can’t break the habit, set a plate with a green salad.

Prepare in the freezer the ice cubes from water flavored with mint, vanilla, strawberry juice etc. Can be slightly sweetened. These pieces can be sucked, fending off hunger when it is so very annoying.



🍯 The combination of propolis and milk gives a special effect: in addition to the treatment of colds and lung disease improves overall health, sleep, relieve irritability, fatigue.

- 10%-ing propolis tincture it is best to buy at the pharmacy. A vial with a capacity of 25 ml will be enough for a long time, and it costs only a few cents.

- Make the tool should be in the evening, before bedtime 20 drops in 100 ml of hot milk for 10 days 1 time a month. The course should be repeated within 4-6 months.

- In the treatment of colds in children, a positive effect occurs after receiving the first drops of tincture of propolis. For preschool children at night to give 1-2 drops of propolis in 1/3 Cup of hot milk.

- Pancreatitis, gastritis, stomach ulcer, liver disease. Take tincture of propolis referred to the scheme within 6 months.

- Propolis with milk reduces cholesterol in the blood, heals eczema and other skin disorders, the normal menstrual cycle.

- Very significant effect of propolis on the stabilization of the psyche. If you are taking propolis tincture, all the disturbing thoughts go, and you configured for the best, and this is very important in the treatment.


The secret to losing weight that no one knows

The secret to losing weight that no one knows.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) or Indian saffron has an amazing healing effect on the human body. Since turmeric root is a powerful antioxidant, it rightfully occupies a leading place among the means in the fight against old age. And for the woman - this is an invaluable tool for beauty!

In one of the ancient languages (Sanskrit) words related to turmeric, mean that it is able to expel worms from the body”, “to improve the color and appearance structure of the body,” “skin looks more clean and clear”, “beautiful as the starry sky.”

Want to know the miracle drink recipe for weight loss? He’s almost never known. But it is very simple. Yes, and healthy! And the price of one glass of drink will cost literally pennies. What do you need for it? Which component is the most important?

Go to the spice shop and ask the sellers turmeric. Usually 1 small cone costs 10-20 rubles. Even one teaspoon of this yellow-orange (brown) powder enough. Plus a glass of boiling water. Pour over a teaspoon of turmeric and leave to infuse. All!

A miracle recipe for weight loss ready. You can drink all day. Very cheap, isn’t it? A little change this recipe - will receive a drink of longevity.

Need a teaspoon of turmeric and milk. Warm a glass of milk, sprinkle in the spice. Thanks curcumin - its active ingredient - you can renew youth,strengthen metabolism,reduce cholesterol in the blood and, of course, to reduce the depth of wrinkles.
But about other beauty secrets with the use of turmeric next time we’ll talk.


Saturday, September 17, 2016

Fish diet for 3 days

Fish diet for 3 days.

Fish nutritionists refer generally to two categories: detox diets for rapid weight loss diet. To the liver, which cleanses the body, worked in emergency mode, it needs polyunsaturated acids, rich source of which is fish. But at the same time fish - easily digestible protein product, the use of which promotes the increase of muscle and reduction of fat. Accordingly, if the goal is to clean your body of toxins, excess fluid and a couple extra pounds better diet than the fish diet for 3 days.

Features fish diet

Fish diet for 3 days is recommended at least every six months. Fish is a unique product incorporating a light protein, an invaluable fatty acids, and trace elements that help strengthen the immune system and heart. For diet, you can choose any, not too low-fat types of fish such as: tuna, salmon, sardines, trout, mackerel and others.

Observe the fish for 3 days is quite simple. These days you need to completely give up all meat products, and the best fish to replace all the foods that contain protein. Fish and seafood is best eaten with greens, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, beets, peppers and lettuce. Exclude from the diet should be eggplant, radish, tomatoes, potatoes and mushrooms. As a side dish to fish better suited unpolished brown rice.

Fish diet for 3 days is unique in that its main diet can be prepared in any form, as in fried and baked and boiled is a matter of taste. But best of all, for maximum effect, fish is to cook or bake with a small amount of oil.

Fish diet for 3 days is best suited for winter time when our body due to lack of sunlight not enough vitamin D, which is a fish in excess. As a Supplement to the fish diet for 3 days is recommended to drink red wine and to give up all fatty, sweet and caffeine-containing beverages.
Sample menu fish diet for 3 days

Menu fish diet for 3 days is varied and has several options. First, let’s talk about Breakfast. It is better suited to one boiled egg or 100-150g low fat cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt and green tea without sugar.

As a second Breakfast eat 200g cooked fish and drink a glass of plain water without gas. Half an hour later you can eat ½ grapefruit, orange or 2 kiwi. This vitamin charge will provide you with energy for the whole day.

Before dinner you should drink 2 cups of water without gas, it is necessary for the best assimilation of nutrients and vitamins. Then eat 250g of boiled fish or seafood, as well to Bank of canned fish in its own juice. As a side dish suitable fresh or cooked vegetables without starch. It can be spinach, beans, zucchini, bell pepper, cabbage or lettuce. Season vegetables, yogurt or lemon juice. After lunch, you should refrain from drinking water only after 2 hours you can drink a glass of water without gas. In high tea you need to drink a glass of water.

Dinner on the composition of the products is no different from lunch, you can replace the vegetables brown rice or try baked fish. To finish the dinner fish diet for 3 days worth glasses of buttermilk or green tea.

As you can see, a strict diet of fish diet for 3 days is quite varied, since the consumption of different types of fish and replace it with seafood is permitted, as the consumption of vegetables. Fish diet for 3 days is the optimal test its effectiveness on your body. If you found fish diet for 3 days easy enough and can hold on to it for 5 or 7 days, feel free to do it. Importantly, in this case, listen to your body.


How to remove tummy?

Exercise 1: Crunch

Lie on your back, legs bend in knees, feet on the floor at shoulder width, fingers at the nape.
On the inhale slowly lift the upper torso up until the blades come off the floor. At the top - exhale.

Quantity: 3 sets of 20.

Exercise 2: Twist

Lie down on your side, legs slightly bend at the knees and scrape so that both feet touch the floor. Straighten your lower arm and extend forward, to lean the palm on the floor, the top for the head.
On the inhale, slowly start to curl in the upper torso, trying to move in a vertical plane. On the exhale, return to I. p. don’t use weights to not make the waist thicker.

Quantity: 2 sets of 15 reps for each side.
Important! do not strain your neck muscles. The lower back should not come off the floor

Exercise 3: putting my legs out to the sides

Lie on your back, hands lay along the body, palms pressed to the floor. Bend your knees and lift up.
Inhale, exhale lower legs to the side, leaving the blade pressed to the floor. On the inhale, return to I. p. Repeat the same in the other direction.

Option: Do this exercise with a ball clamped between feet.

Quantity: 2 sets of 15 times in each direction.

Exercise 4: Reverse curl

Lie on your back, arms along the body.
On the exhale, tense your abdominal muscles and lift your legs and then tear off pelvis from the floor and get up as high as possible. Reaching the highest degree of tension press, inhale and slowly return in and.

Quantity: 2 sets of 15 times.

Exercise 5: the rise of the pelvis with the ball

The emphasis on direct hands, hands are exactly under the shoulders. Legs straight underneath the ball. The body is straight and strictly parallel to the floor. To take I. p., lie down with your belly on the ball and walk hands forward.
Take a breath, then slowly exhale, raise your pelvis, bending your body to the right angle, and rolling the ball forward a little. On the inhale, return to I. p.

Quantity: 2 sets of 15 times.

Important! not to fall with the ball - straining all the muscles

Exercise 6: Plank

Take the emphasis lying down, arms bent at the elbows and positioned exactly under the shoulders, feet together. The body and legs should form a perfect straight line.
Hold I. p. for 30 seconds.

Quantity: 3 times from each approach increases the time by 15 seconds.

Important! Watch your breath, not too long

Exercise 7: the swing leg

As for the strap.
On inhale raise your right leg up, almost parallel to the floor. The back must remain perfectly straight. On the exhale, return to I. p. Switch legs.

Quantity: 2 sets of 20 each leg.

Important! Do not cave in, max straight leg

P. S. When you exercise - turn on energetic music ;)



It is useful to know (how to take pain pills).

Much of the known analgesics has only 4 options the main active substance.

1. Analgin (Metamizole sodium).
One of the most common painkillers (“Baralgin”, “Pentalgin”, “Spazgan”, “Tempalgin”). But it is banned in Australia, England, USA, Germany. With regular use, this drug has a greater load on the liver and can contribute to the violation of its functions. Analgin is not shown to children till 18 years.

2. The paracetamol.
Fairly harmless for children. It is available in pure form and in the composition of the combined drugs (“Coldrex”, “Fervex”, “Solpadein”). You can’t use paracetamol for a hangover combined with alcohol it is dangerous for the liver. Don’t want to take it with anti-allergic drugs.

3. Aspirin.
Is part of many drugs (“, Asfendiyar”, “Askofen”, “also present”, “Advil”). Not shown to children till 18 years. To aspirin should be careful when problems with the gastrointestinal tract or increased fragility of vessels.

4. Ibuprofen.
Based on it produces several drugs (Nurofen”, “Brufen”). Well tolerated as paracetamol. Has less effect on the gastrointestinal tract than aspirin.


Friday, September 16, 2016

The yeast with the milk from the pressure

After the fifth application, the pressure will be more stable

We have heard and read about the harm of yeast. They say that they make you fat. And I offer you a unique recipe treat high blood pressure, yeast. And most importantly they should be taken only 1 time per month! My mom tames the pressure that way. Drink it 9 months, then 1.5-2 years does not raise the pressure. As soon as a bit starts to feel again starts drinking. Here’s the recipe.

Recipes with different types of yeast used in cosmetology, for the treatment of gastric and other types of diseases. Yeast has found its application in the fight with high blood pressure

The following method assumes long-term consumption, but the effect is achieved quickly and well secured.

So, you need to boil half a Cup of milk and cool. Then add 25 grams fresh yeast (about ¼ package) and stir thoroughly. The resulting mixture should drink on an empty stomach in the morning, half an hour before Breakfast. After 20 days you need to repeat these steps. Then another 25 days. Then drink this mixture once a month.

After the fifth application, the pressure will be more stable, and after 10 months of drinking the milk with the yeast - the result to gain a foothold. Then you need to control their condition. If pressure in norm, then the compound can stop drinking

Articles of a medical nature are provided solely as reference materials and are not considered sufficient advice, diagnosis or prescribed treatment method.


How to quickly reduce high blood pressure

How to quickly reduce high blood pressure.

Smooth slow motions on the neck, focusing on the occipital region.

Vinegar compresses.
Take 2 piece of cloth and soak them in Apple cider or ordinary table vinegar. Apply to heels and hold for 5 - 7 minutes 20 - 30 minutes, measure the pressure. If no improvement, repeat again.

Cranberry juice.
Dissolve in 100 ml of juice has the same amount of honey. To be taken three times a day for a small spoon. Suitable for people with chronic hypertension.

Acupuncture points.
Impact on line, ranging from the deepening under the earlobe and collarbone. Please place index finger in the recess under the ear lobe, just tap and drag the line to the middle of the clavicle. An imaginary line should be almost vertical.
To push hard is not enough to stroke the skin with your finger. Slide 8-10 times on each side of the head. Result to fix by measuring the pressure before the massage and immediately after it. Try it and you will succeed!



Before the fateful date less than a day, and you can’t get rid of terrible acne that sprang up in the most conspicuous place? To eliminate the inflammation in the skin in just one night will allow slice the most ordinary Apple!

You will need:

- slice a fresh Apple;
- water.
Slice of fresh Apple dipped in boiling water. After 3-5 minutes, when the Apple has become soft, take it out of the water at night and apply to the trouble areas. In order not to “lose” the Apple while you sleep, secure it to the skin using adhesive tape.

Due to its antiseptic properties apples are perfectly cope with the bacteria and infections. Moreover, these fruits have alpha hydroacids, which can easily penetrate into the pores and clean them from the inside.

Apples can be used not only for removing acne but also for healing of wounds and treatment of acne and bruises. Feel free to use delicious fruit to make home remedies for skin care


Be beautiful!

15 masks for the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. It is from this region usually begin to form facial wrinkles and best of all it gives the real age. To care for her it is better to start as early as possible - 20 years.

There are many recipes of masks for skin around the eyes and eyelids, with different ingredients and for different purposes and ages.

Eyelid skin is often in need of mitigation, fatigue, swelling, additional nutrition and hydration. With age behind it to monitor even more carefully to avoid wrinkles.

This article contains the mask for eyelids and skin around the eyes is the easiest to manufacture and use in the home.

Masks for skin around the eyes with parsley.
These masks remove bags under the eyes and nourish the skin.

- Mask of parsley and sour cream. Mix 2 teaspoons of sour cream with 1 teaspoon finely chopped to a pulp parsley. Apply the mask on the skin around the eyes, top cover with a damp cotton swab. Rinse off after 15 minutes with lukewarm water.

- Mask of parsley with butter or margarine Mix 10 grams chopped parsley, 20 grams of margarine or butter.

- Mask of parsley Just apply svezheulozhennye parsley to the eyelids, cover with a damp cotton swab and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

- Mask of parsley root. This mask will allow the edematous skin of the eyelids. RUB on a small grater, parsley root, put the resulting slurry on the eyelids for 15-20 minutes.
Masks for skin around eyes with potatoes

Masks for skin around the eyes from potatoes

- Most simple - boil the potatoes in their skins, wait for it to cool. When the potatoes become just warm, cut it with a knife into two parts and 30-40 minutes place on eyes.

- The mask of raw potatoes, milk and flour.
Grate washed unpeeled potatoes on a fine grater. Mix 2 teaspoons of the resulting mass with 1 tablespoon of milk and two tea - flour. Apply the mixture on the skin around the eyes for 15-20 minutes.

Masks for the age of honey

- For dry skin this mask for the skin around the eyes: Mix one teaspoon of honey with egg yolk. Apply on skin and leave for 10 minutes.

Honey mask from wrinkles:
Mix two teaspoons of honey with two tablespoons of oatmeal and a spoonful of strong tea. Add water to the mask got the desired thickness. Heat the mixture on the couple to steam the oats. Apply to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse the mask at first warm, then cool water. Moisten the skin cream after the application.

- Honey-curd mask.
Mix 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and a tablespoon of cream or a few drops of olive oil. Apply to the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes.
Other recipes of masks for skin around the eyes

Masks from fruits and berries

Peach mask.
Mash a ripe peach and add to the resulting slurry a spoonful of cream, sour cream, milk, or starch.

- Bananovaya mask.
Mash a ripe banana into mush, mix with a teaspoon of milk and apply to eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

Mask for the skin of strawberries.
This homemade face mask nourishes and smoothes the skin around the eyes. 2-3 klubnikina mash with a fork to a thick mass and mix with a teaspoon of honey. Wrap the mask in cheesecloth and place on eyes for 20 minutes. After removing the mask, wipe the skin soaked in milk with a cotton swab.

Oatmeal mask
This mask will soothe irritated skin and smooth delicate dry skin. Mix 2 spoons of oatmeal with 4 tablespoons of milk or cream. When flakes swell, wrap them into 2 parts and wrap in cheesecloth. Put the prepared compress on eyes for 20 minutes.

Masks of cabbage

Mask from sauerkraut Wrap cabbage in a gauze and place on eyelids. Lie with her for 15-20 minutes in a dark room.

- The mask of fresh cabbage Finely chop the cabbage, wrap in cheesecloth and place on eyes for 15-20 minutes.


A selection of the best kefir smoothies to improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system

A selection of the best kefir smoothies to improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

1. With spices.
200 ml of yogurt, ground ginger and ground cinnamon on the tip of a knife, a little more red pepper. Dilute 2 tablespoons of mineral water and stir.

2. With honey.
Even if you can’t give up baking, eat a muffin in the morning, drinking this beverage. Mix 1 teaspoon of ground ginger and honey with 2 tablespoons of boiled water. Add a pinch of cinnamon and a slice of lemon. Dilute the mixture with 200 ml of kefir.

3. With apples.
This miracle drink is suitable to reduce appetite and can replace Breakfast or dinner. 5 medium size apples peeled chop on a grater. Mix with 300 ml of low-fat yogurt (whisk in a blender or with a mixer). Add cinnamon to taste and mix again.

4. Treatment.
If you drink this drink 3 times a day one glass and do not eat fatty and high-calorie foods and also exercise, this week you will be able to throw 2 to 4 kg of excess weight. A cocktail of favorable intestinal flora. Take 0.5 liters of yogurt with 1 teaspoon of ginger, a little honey and a pinch of cinnamon. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes Then whisk in a blender.

5. Fat burning.
Within 10 days, drink in the morning on an empty stomach and yogurt with parsley. These days nutritionists advise to stick to a vegetable diet and to drink plenty of fluids (water, green tea). In a glass of buttermilk add 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley and a pinch of ground cinnamon. Let sit for at least an hour.


Thursday, September 15, 2016


This drink is simple and affordable components, not only nourishes the body with nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, improves the immune system, but also provides an opportunity to normalize weight and significantly improves the condition and color of the skin. This is especially important in the spring.

- ginger root - slice length of 5 cm
- apples - 5-6 pieces
- zest and juice of 1 lemon
- honey to taste
- 1 cinnamon stick
- water - 2-3 liters

Ginger is a natural medicine that strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation and cleanses the body. Lemon - source of vitamin C, honey is a storehouse of nutrients, and cinnamon has amazing properties to improve blood circulation and tone the body. The aroma of cinnamon also improves the mood, which is often low in early spring, when the snow has melted and the greenery on the trees yet. Apples - a source of pectin and fiber, vitamins and iron.

Method of preparation:

Ginger peel, cut into slices and place in a saucepan.

The apples make small incisions and together with the lemon zest, add to the ginger.

Cover with water, bring to the boil and boil for about 3 minutes.

Strain through a sieve, cover and wait until the drink cool and infusions.

In the cooled drink add honey and lemon juice. The sweetness of drink change at their discretion.

This drink can be drunk warm or cold.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our magazine - cheers!


7 effective duets for health

1. To strengthen bone tissue and solve problems with the stomach, eat a combination of inulin and calcium.
Inulin is a special type of fiber that helps promote a balanced level of content in the human digestive system of different beneficial bacteria. In addition, this substance increases the level of absorption bone calcium.
Products - the leaders in content of calcium: milk, cheese, yogurt, broccoli, cabbage, canned sardines and salmon, soy cheese, tofu, rice, almond nuts and almond milk.
Products - the leaders in content of inulin: artichokes, bananas, garlic, onions and leeks, dandelion leaves, asparagus, chicory and wheat flour.

2. For strong bones you need to eat calcium in combination with vitamin D.
The body needs to get enough large amounts of vitamin D, for bone tissue could absorb calcium from food.
Products - the leaders in vitamin D are: herring, salmon, light tuna (canned), sardines, egg yolks, rice, fortified soy, cow or almond milk.

3. For the prevention of vision problems it is important to consume a combination of vitamins C and E, this active compound able to help you preserve visual acuity for many years.
Products - the leaders in content of vitamin E: almond butter nuts, peanuts and its oil, wheat germ, soy beans, sunflower seeds.
Products - the leaders in content of vitamin C are citrus fruits, guava, kiwi, bell pepper, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries,fresh strawberries.

4. In order to get rid of feelings of fatigue and get a boost of energy, eat complex with vitamin C and iron.
Iron is responsible for providing oxygen to brain cells, muscles and all internal organs. Vitamin C fights disease, strengthens the gums, healthier heart and skin, and also helps the body cells to absorb iron.
Products - the leaders in content of iron: cereals, wheat germ, spinach, soy cheese - tofu, quinoa, starchy beans.

5. In order to strengthen your heart and musculoskeletal system, eat a combination of healthy fats and vitamin K.
The “right” fats, poly and monounsaturated (including omega-3), exert health effects on the body, reducing the level contained in the cholesterol. In addition, it is impossible without the fat the absorption of vitamin K that affect blood clotting and the structure of the bone.
Products - the leaders in vitamin K: cabbage, Brussels sprouts and Kale as well as broccoli, spinach, turnips and Swiss chard.
Products - the leaders in content of healthy fats: any nuts, vegetable oils, avocado and toasted sesame seeds.

6. For radiant and young skin you need substances such as beta - carotene in combination with healthy fats.
Order beta-carotene is transformed into a very useful vitamin a, he needs to interact with healthy fats. In addition to the healing and rejuvenation of the skin, this vitamin also has a positive effect on the reproductive and immune systems.
Products - the leaders in content of beta-carotene: cantaloupe, apricots, papaya, cabbage, carrot, bell pepper, potatoes and spinach.

7. To strengthen the immune system of your body take a combination of zinc and sulphur compounds.
Thanks to the sulfur compounds increases the body’s absorption of zinc, especially from different whole grain products. As a result, there is an increase in immunity, accelerates the healing process.
Products - the leaders in zinc content: all legumes, and whole grains and whole wheat bread.
Products - the leaders in content of sulfur compounds: garlic and onions.


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Rapid methods of dealing with a cold


Suddenly you have a stuffy nose, tickle in my throat, a headache, and tomorrow it is urgent to work.

In this case, to fight the cold will help of simple and effective rapid recipes.

Morning method:

If in the morning you woke up with cold symptoms, begin treatment immediately.

To start, take 40 drops of tincture of Echinacea or kabelkanal dissolve them in 1 tablespoon of water.

Then take each hour has 20 drops all day.

An hour before leaving the house take the cough mixture after preparing it from 1 tsp of rosehip syrup, 2 tbsp of yogurt and beet juice ,mix it all with lemon juice.

Formal method:
If the cold made itself felt after lunch or towards evening, begin to starve.

Try not to eat anything, and enjoy a cocktail from the cold.

To do this, take 1 liter of water, dissolve it in 0.3 g vitamin C,1 tsp of sea salt and the juice of half a lemon.

Take ready mix 1 tbsp in one hour.

After that ,if there is no temperature,take a hot bath,and after it,immediately put on wool socks,warm pajamas and go to sleep.

If the temperature,instead of a bath, vigorously RUB the foot and make them a massage to redness

Will help to get rid of a cold in one night.

To make it, make an infusion of 1 tbsp mint and 1 Cup water.

Cool it to room temperature and dissolve it in 1 tbsp flower honey,finely chopped garlic clove and juice of half a lemon.

It all mix,drink and go to bed

Warming mulled wine

Another very effective tool when starting cold is warming mulled wine

This tool is very popular in Europe and is an alternative to many tablets
Red wine,included in its composition,itself has antimicrobial properties,and when heated they increase.

The drink is very well restores strength and improves health.
To prepare the mulled wine just:
In 1 liter of red wine put chopped slices and zest of the orange ,sour Apple, spices: cinnamon stick, 5 stuff cloves, 3 peppercorns, 3 tbsp sugar, nutmeg and the juice of half a lemon.

Heat the mixture over low heat,stirring but not boiling.

Take a hot mulled wine glass, preferably overnight.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How to rid your shoes of odor

Odorous shoes can cause complexes and personal tragedies. So take steps to remedy this annoying fault.

Dry the shoes

In the dry environment, no bacteria can not live, so make sure to thoroughly dry your shoes. Remove the shoelaces and lift the tongue up and out, then place the shoes on a radiator or under direct sunlight.


Put your shoes in a plastic bag and then place it in the freezer overnight. The next morning, soak in the sun for best results. There is plenty of evidence that such a strategy is functioning, because the bacteria in shoes are subjected to a double whammy.

Put the orange zest, grapefruit, lemon in shoes

Fresh citrus peel has a bright and strong smell due to the contained essential oils. Put some peel in your shoes overnight. In the morning she will smell much nicer. About the same effect can be achieved by dropping a few drops of lavender oil on the insole.


The shoes can be successfully washed in the washing machine. Put it in an old pillowcase or wash with a couple of towels, do not use too hot water and a centrifuge. You can also use fabric softener to flavor, and white vinegar, which will kill the bacteria that cause the smell. To dry shoes better in the fresh air.

Do deodorizing powder

Mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 tablespoon cornstarch and 5 drops of tea tree oil. Treat this part of the inner surface of the Shoe after wearing and leave overnight. This powder is a powerful remedy against bacteria and fungus, but also has the ability to absorb odors and antiseptic.

Use newspaper or cat litter

1 way to get rid of excess moisture in shoes is to put them in crumpled newspaper or cat litter. They will be able to absorb all the sweat and its odor, after which they can just throw it away.

But if you suffered a misfortune and your sneakers won the competition for the title of worst shoes in town, I use several of these methods. For example, sprinkle a deodorizing powder, fill it with Newspapers, put overnight in the fridge, and then hold under the first rays of the morning sun. And then, I’m sure your shoes will smell only Lily of the valley and honey cakes.


What area of the foot is associated with what organ?

Foot massage will allow to adjust work of organs and relieve tension after training and running.

1. Sole and the back of the foot rubbed in the direction from the toes to the ankle joint; duration about 30 sec;
2. Fingers of both hands to knead and RUB the base of the toes from the plantar side (30-60), then - heel (30-60);
3. Stroking movements to massage the foot (from the sock to the ankle joint), covering it with both hands from all sides (30);
4. Cover the foot at the ankle with two hands and perform deep stroking massage from the ankle to the knee joint (10-15 times), then hold in the same direction kneading (10-15 times) and again stroking (10-15 times);
5. In conclusion, the reception of stroking massage, covering the leg with both hands from all sides, from the ankle joint to the knee joint (10 times).
The same complex of self-massage to be done on the other foot.
Jumping on the toes are useful for training and maintaining cushioning properties of the foot. They can vary, but for all the jumps hand position on the belt. Useful jumping rope.
Good Jogging at a slow or average pace, especially with the production of the feet stiffer in toe, to make it springy.


Monday, September 12, 2016


Baking soda has been used for centuries in cooking and household works. But few people think that it can be successfully used for cosmetic purposes. And it is in vain. Baking soda is a wonderful product, with which you can cheaply but effectively care for the face, body, hair.

A real woman will find the baking soda many uses:

◄ Make effective peeling

Just add a pinch of baking soda to your regular foam or gel for washing, you can mix them right in the palm of your hand. Massage into a rich lather and apply to face with gentle movements. Massage your face for a few minutes, then rinse with cool water. This gentle scrub to clear the skin from dead cells and opening the pores of the face, make the skin smooth and soft. It is especially suitable for sensitive and prone to irritation skin, as baking soda has a soothing and anti-inflammatory action.

◄ Treat acne

Washing with warm solution of soda good for acne. The solution is dried skin, reduces inflammation and irritation. On some large acne can also apply a paste of soda and leave for several hours - the acne will pass quickly.

◄ Mask for oily skin

Mix 2 tbsp flour (wheat, oat, buckwheat) or starch with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Dilute the mixture with warm water to form a slurry. Apply the mask on cleansed face with light circular movements, leave on for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse the mask with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. Perform the procedure once a week.

◄ Clean the excess hair from “chemistry”

Soda well eliminates hair from grease and remains of various cosmetic products - gels, lacquer, the excess of masks, etc. Mix your regular shampoo with baking soda about 4:1, then wash as usual. The hair will be very soft and shiny. Good news for bright blondes, brunettes and redheads: this mixture is very gentle effect on hair, so your color won’t come out.

◄ Add white teeth

Brushing your teeth, “arch” with a pinch of baking soda to your toothbrush coated with toothpaste. This abrasive soft scrub to clean off, stains from the teeth without damaging tooth enamel.

◄ Remove the inflammation of the gums

When inflammation of the gums, mix baking soda with a small amount of water to form a mixture similar to toothpaste. Then apply this mixture with your fingers along the gum line and massage with a soft toothbrush.

◄ Remove the smell.

As a result of the activity of bacteria in the mouth form acids that destroy tooth enamel and cause bad breath. These acids can be neutralized, if several times a day to rinse the oral cavity with a solution of baking soda in 1 Cup warm water 1 tsp soda. The soda solution also helps to eliminate the pungent smell of sweat, underarm and foot odor.

◄ Remove swelling

The soda helps to excrete excess water, so it can be successfully used to treat swelling eyelids and bags under the eyes. Make a solution of soda (1 Cup of water 1 tsp baking powder) or add soda weak tea, soak in a solution on a cotton pad and lightly press them for about 10-15 minutes, place on eyelids or under eyes.

◄ Swim with benefits

To relax in a pleasant atmosphere after a busy day, do not have to spend money on expensive salt and foam. Try to make this mixture for the bath: from the soda (2 tbsp), salt (2 tbsp) (optional) a few drops of essential oil. All the ingredients you need to mix, store in a jar in the bath to add one tablespoon. This solution calms the nervous system, and makes skin smooth and elastic. In addition, after a bath decrease the appearance of cellulite.

◄ Clean brushes and sponges

To clean out the cosmetic accessories from the remnants of old makeup and dirt is also possible with an aqueous soda solution. Unlike soap it doesn’t leave any residue on the brushes and sponges, and their villi do not stick together and become fluffy and smooth. The same solution cleans combs and hair brushes. Just soak in a concentrated solution of soda combs and brushes for 3-4 hours and then rinse them under running water - dirt will go away.


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