Tuesday, September 13, 2016

What area of the foot is associated with what organ?


Foot massage will allow to adjust work of organs and relieve tension after training and running.

1. Sole and the back of the foot rubbed in the direction from the toes to the ankle joint; duration about 30 sec;
2. Fingers of both hands to knead and RUB the base of the toes from the plantar side (30-60), then - heel (30-60);
3. Stroking movements to massage the foot (from the sock to the ankle joint), covering it with both hands from all sides (30);
4. Cover the foot at the ankle with two hands and perform deep stroking massage from the ankle to the knee joint (10-15 times), then hold in the same direction kneading (10-15 times) and again stroking (10-15 times);
5. In conclusion, the reception of stroking massage, covering the leg with both hands from all sides, from the ankle joint to the knee joint (10 times).
The same complex of self-massage to be done on the other foot.
Jumping on the toes are useful for training and maintaining cushioning properties of the foot. They can vary, but for all the jumps hand position on the belt. Useful jumping rope.
Good Jogging at a slow or average pace, especially with the production of the feet stiffer in toe, to make it springy.



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