Saturday, April 30, 2016

Zinc ointment

The zinc ointment. For beauty and health

Is zinc ointment, and there are salicio-zinc. Latest just well dries pimples, it is prescribed for problem skin, and zinc ointment is greasy, she is really good to lubricate dry skin, chapped lips, hands, heals wounds on the lips.

Zinc ointment is an anti-inflammatory agent that has a drying, absorbent, astringent and antiseptic action. After cleaning the face, including homemade, acne and any inflammation apply zinc ointment.

Zinc ointment is a very good remedy for pimples, blackheads, bruises, being bitten by mosquitoes etc Even wrinkles smooths and dries the skin completely, but rather further, whitens and smoothes and relieves minor irritation and inflammation! Zinc ointment does not dry the skin and dries the zinc paste - that’s for sure!

Again, if the pimple starts, once it’s place for the night and in the morning, most likely, it will not be a trace. No wonder zinc is a member of the widely advertised products for problem skin. Only they are expensive, and ointment penny.

Next to you there was no irritation after depilation in the bikini area, apply for a few hours the zinc ointment. Usually, only one application to forget about this trouble until the next procedure.

You do a pedicure at home or in the salon, and want longer maintain the effect? Just periodically apply on the forefoot and heel zinc ointment. Verified.

To prevent contact with eyes. Description of the preparation of Zinc ointment is not intended to assign treatment without a doctor.


EFFECTIVE EXERCISES from saggy belly��

Exercise 1:
Take a deep breath stomach, maximum bulging of the abdominal wall. One, two, three, four, five. Relax, exhale all the air through your mouth.Pulled stomach into itself, pulling it up to the stomach. It’s like you want to hide him in the ribs. I took a breath. One, two, three. Again breathed, repeating the exercise as many times as you years. If you are unable to perform so many repetitions, then during the day we will continue to do it. Because this exercise can be performed standing, sitting imperceptibly. Believe me, this exercise admirably with fatty deposits on the abdomen and massages the abdominal organs.

Exercise 2
“Evil cat”. Kneel down, lean against a palm. Maximum breathe a nose, pulling the abdomen under the ribs, lignite up the back. Lower your head down toward your chest. You should get the position “h” - pose the evil cats, when she suddenly met with a dog. Hold your breath, on the count of 8 exhale, relax. Returned to its original position. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise 3:
The following exercise, chances are you know a child, even with physical education lessons. But this does not detract from its effectiveness. It also helps to remove belly fat, tighten up slightly saggy side, to reduce body fat at the waist. So, lie on a flat surface, hands behind his head. Legs slightly bend and feet on the floor. Times, lifted the torso and reach your left elbow to your right knee. Two, returned to its original position. Three, reach the right elbow to the left knee. Four, returned to its original position. Repeat as many times as possible. Just don’t overdo it the first time. Otherwise, next time you will not want to do this is a good exercise, or can’t because of the pain in the muscles. It is better to gradually increase the load on the muscles than stop halfway. And a couple of words about this exercise. It stimulates the oblique muscles of the abdomen, which in turn burns fat in the waist area and tighten the skin on the sides.

Exercise 4:
This exercise most interesting. The exercise is called pleasant word “Rest”. Lying on my back. Spread the knees wide apart, under knees and put feet. Right foot under your left knee and your left foot under your right knee. This exercise also makes elastic muscles on the outside of the thigh. Be careful not to stretch much your knees for the first time, so as not to damage the cords. Every day you will get better and more confident. Put your hands on the floor or bed near the body. Fully relax, close your eyes, think about good. Only not sleep again. Has lain down a minute or two, dreamed. You can now get out of bed. Take a contrast shower. It will give your body that extra push to burning fat, accelerating the metabolism.
That’s all. Just 10 minutes a day the simplest and most pleasant morning exercise will help you to remove belly fat, become leaner and more cheerful.


Best cold medicine

Best cold medicine.

Save yourself ✔

1. Ibupro - strong pain killers remedy, fast acting, in the form of effervescent tablets easy on the stomach, and in the candlelight suitable for kids.
2. Coldrex - excellent vasoconstrictor drug. Fast acting, because it is dissolved in hot water.
3. Nazol - relieves runny nose and does not dry out the nasal mucosa, is valid for 12 hours.
4. Nurofen - ambulance, works quickly. For kids there is a candle, but strongly worsens quality of blood.
5. Paracetamol (Panadol, efferalgan) - excellent antipyretic, indispensable for asthmatics.
6. Polyoxidonium stimulates the immune system, are prescribed for children, suitable for emergency help and prevention during the epidemic of SARS.
7. Ribomunyl - restores immune system and is recommended for children as the most effective way.
8. Sanorin - the fastest remedy runny nose anti-allergic components.
9. Flukol - B - cheap and effective drug, but contains 8% alcohol and is contraindicated in drivers.


Wonderful drink herbalist from China

Gets rid of bad cells forming in the body or inhibits their growth!

To take during 3 months, health instantly restored. It’s like a miracle.

* You need one beetroot, two carrots and one Apple.
* Wash, cut, peel, cut into pieces and put in juicer and immediately drink the juice.
* Can add lime or lemon for more refreshing taste.

This miracle drink is effective in the following diseases:

1. To prevent the development of cancer cells.
2. Prevention of diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and will also help to cure the ulcer.
3. Useful for lungs, prevents heart disease and high blood pressure.
4. Strengthening the immune system
5. Vision: helps with fatigue and dry eyes.
6. Eliminates muscle pain after heavy exercise, training.
7. Removes toxins, improves bowel. The skin becomes healthy and radiant.
8. Eliminates bad breath.
9. Reduce menstrual pain.
10. Helpful for Allergy sufferers.

Very effective if you need to lose weight!

Please remember that you need to drink immediately from the juicer for best effect.


Why soda is harmful?

Soda is similar to cigarettes both are expensive, addictive, contain toxic substances and causes the human body irreparable harm.

Fizzy and other soft drinks were repeatedly accused of all mortal sins. Food colorings and preservatives - is empty calories, obesity, yellow teeth, decrease bone density, increase blood sugar levels and cancer risk… Why drink so many toxic substances on a daily basis? - ask the experts. And I propose to consider “favorite” soda details…

Corn syrup is a sweetener that increases appetite and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Aspartame is a sweetener that the human body converts into formaldehyde (a carcinogen and neurotoxin), and besides increases appetite and weight. Increases the risk of developing many types of cancer (lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia and multiple myeloma).

Potassium benzoate: preservative that is also suspected of Carcinogenicity.

Sodium: high content of this element in the diet increases the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.

Phosphoric acid: it leads to depletion of calcium and magnesium in the body, lowers immunity and increases bone loss.

Caffeine overdose can lead to increased heart rate, anxiety, nervousness, etc.

Caramel color is a synthetic chemical that is used for coloration is carcinogenic. Experimentally this has been proven in experiments on animals - this ingredient is associated with lung tumors, liver in laboratory animals.


Chicken stuffed with oranges

chicken 1800 g
orange 450 g
garlic 1 clove
mayonnaise 100 ml
salt 1 tbsp.
black pepper 1 tsp.

A perfect dish for the holiday table! It will surprise guests with its appetizing appearance, aroma and taste. To prepare you need: chicken, oranges, garlic, mayonnaise, salt and ground black pepper.

Wash the oranges, cut into rings, and some slices.

Separate the chicken skin from the carcass, a little helping hand. It is very easily separated. To stick rings of oranges under the skin of the chicken, like the breast and on the back.

To make the sauce: in a bowl combine mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

Chicken RUB with sauce on the outside and inside. Fill the chicken with the orange slices.

Peel the garlic cloves and add along with oranges inside the chicken.

Chop off a chicken abdomen using toothpicks. Tie legs with string and put in greased with vegetable oil form. Put the chicken in the preheated oven and bake at 190 degrees until done.

Ready to put the chicken on a serving dish and decorate with slices of fresh orange.
Bon appetit!


Friday, April 29, 2016

10 of the most useful nuts

✔ Pistachios.
These nuts:
- reduce LDL ”bad” cholesterol overall by 6%;
- support the health of the eye (contain zeaxanthin and lutein);
- protect cells from damage.

✔ Almonds:
- reduces the production of insulin;
- promotes weight loss;
- protects cells from aggressive free radicals.

✔ Peanut:
- prevents diseases of Altagracia;
- improves the health of the body (the ideal ratio of protein and fat).

✔ Pecans:
- restores the balance of cholesterol;
- improves the health of the body;
- relieve migraine.

✔ Pine nuts:
- reduce the appetite;
- support immune system (zinc);
- have a beneficial effect on memory (magnesium);
- protect cells from aggressive free radicals (vitamin E).

✔ Brazilian walnut:
- protects against prostate cancer and breast cancer (one in Brazil nuts is concentrated daily allowance of selenium);
- improves the health of the body.

✔ Macadamia nut:
- prevents coronary heart disease;
- saturates monounsaturated fats (getting rid of “bad” cholesterol).

✔ Hazelnut:
- supports the skin and eyes in good condition (vitamin E);
- prevents atherosclerosis.

✔ Cashews:
- promotes the transport of oxygen throughout the body (iron);
- a beneficial effect on memory (magnesium);
- maintains the strength of the skeletal system (magnesium and copper).

✔ Walnuts:
- relieve anxiety and depression;
- normalize sleep;
- get rid of migraine;
- reduce PMS symptoms;
- improve memory.



The medicine, which cured even Hippocrates himself!
1. Dysentery passes in 5 hours.
2. Salmonella for 5 hours.
3. Gastric ulcer in a week.
4. Colitis (colon) - for a week.
5. This download is for the week.
6. Acute appendicitis in 5 hours…

Miraculous recipes healer G. I. Deep

“In the newspaper “Russian Vestnik, No. 17-18, 2007 published my article it talks about fast healing of a water infusion of dried peels of pomegranate fruit:

1. Cure for 5 hours from any of the strains of dysentery, salmonellosis, typhoid, cholera, acute appendicitis (the need for surgery is eliminated).

2. Cure for one week from the following diseases: stomach ulcer, intestinal ulcer (small intestine), colitis - an inflammatory process in the large intestine, dysbacteriosis.

At the request of readers I am giving the recipe of preparation of water extract of dried peels of pomegranate fruit and its application.

The approximate weight ratio of dry pomegranate peel and boiling water 1:20.
In a pre-heated Cup, a glass or glass jar to put about 10-12 g of dried peels of pomegranate fruit and pour them with 200 ml of boiling water in the container pour 200 ml of raw water, drop 10-12 grams pomegranate peels and a kettle bring to a boil, but do not boil). Cover with a saucer or paper, folded in 4 layers. To insist 25-30 minutes, and you can start to drink.
Peel do not throw that insistence continues.
Once filled cover with boiling water - treatment started, and those 25-30 minutes of infusion capacity of pomegranate peel have to be around those who treated.

Preparation of water extract of dried peels of pomegranate for the treatment of all these diseases the same way. The application is different.

I. To cure for 5 hours from 1) dysentery; 2) salmonellosis; 3) typhoid fever; 4) cholera; 5) acute appendicitis - use water infusion:

- After insisting for 25-30 minutes to drink about half of liquid (half Cup). Don’t strain the infusion, infusion continues. And again cover with a saucer. If after 10 minutes then felt sick, so it was just the usual upset stomach (diarrhea) and it is fully cured. It is safe to indulge in any traveling, since diarrhea and constipation you will have.

- If after 10 minutes did not feel recovered, so you have or dysentery, or Salmonella, or typhoid, or cholera. You need to stay at home after 3 hours to drink the remaining water infusion. The treatment process lasts 3 hours (with the insistence 3.5 hours), and recovery occurs after 5 hours after the start of treatment.

II. To cure for 1 week from: 1) stomach ulcers; 2) ulcers of the intestine (small intestine); 3) colitis (inflammation in the colon); 4) dysbiosis - use water infusion of dried peels of pomegranate fruit:

- After insisting for 25-30 minutes getting a drink. Throughout the day drink about a half of infusion of water (90-100 ml) for 4 doses approximately equal portions and in approximately equal intervals of time, i.e., approximately 20-25 ml for 1 admission. Drinking on an empty stomach, and 1st time in the morning, after sleep, and a 4th reception at night, before bed.
Drinking water infusion is not every day of the week, and the next day, i.e. on the days of weeks 1, 3, 5, 7 - to drink the infusion, and on days 2, 4, 6 - not to drink the infusion (break from treatment).
- This is sufficient for complete cure. But if someone is just a precaution want to continue treatment, for example, gastric ulcer, it is possible not earlier than in a week repeat week course of treatment.
- In the treatment process of water infusion is not strain - maceration lasts.
- In this treatment, alcohol is contraindicated, especially and are contraindicated in the days of the aqueous infusion.
- The essence of treatment is that in the entire gastrointestinal tract are constantly suppressed all disease-causing bacteria (healthy bacteria are not suppressed) and their location successfully colonize healthy, necessary for human bacteria.
- In addition to the above, it is known that Hippocrates was treating this water infusion of incised and stab wounds. The wound superimposed clean (cotton) cloth, pre-soaked in water infusion of dried peels of pomegranate fruit. The cloth is constantly kept moist until the wound heals. “

(Article from the newspaper Russian Gazette)


10 tools econometica cheaper than 100 rubles

What quality ecocosmetics have to cost millions, is a myth. To overpay for fancy packaging and the brand does not make sense, it is important to know inconspicuous, but effective natural remedies.

In the New year’s eve the good Santa not only prepares the presents to the good girls, but also robs them of money. Purse emptied on the eyes, and before the winter holidays together with the flu consistently pick up the virus of a Shopaholic. At the same time I want a new dress, a certificate in Spa, Jedi sword and a puppy. This is one way to choose the budget. For 500 RUB, you can fill a bag to overflowing, and very effective creams, lotions and other things. I have decided to make their own rating on a budget (about 100 rubles per product) cosmetics. But with one important correction is only natural.

1. Colorless henna - from 10 RUB. per 25 g

In combination with olive oil or yogurt - not worse salon hair masks. Iranian henna makes a thin and splitting hair, and removes dandruff. And yet it can be a great mask for hands: brewing with boiling water, cool, and then for 10 - 15 minutes to put on the palm and fingers.

2. Tar soap from Nevskaya cosmetics” - 20 rubles. per 140 g

Undeservedly forgotten but very effective tool for problem and oily skin. Dries, removes inflammation and heals wounds. Natural birch tar, which is included in its composition, is a powerful antiseptic. Some cosmetologists even recommend washing this soap head with oily seborrhea. Of the minuses - the strong smell of tar, which many do not like.

3. Black clay from the DNC Swiss - 25 USD per 300 g

Excellent and very rare product (I think in Moscow it is impossible to buy). And most importantly, multifunctional. Black clay is very and moisturizes the skin, it can be used instead of shower gel. Perfect for wraps or facial masks. Rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, has anti-edematous action. By the way, this same brand has other rare types of clays - for example, pink and yellow. And also a great wax for the lips.

4. Castor oil from “Ekolab” - 25 rubles for 50 ml

Another grandma’s remedy, from which the modern beauties in vain turn up his nose. With daily use you can grow eyelashes like a film star for a couple of weeks. It is convenient to apply the well-washed mascara brush for.

5. Bath salts “the Salt of the ancient sea” - 30 RUB. for 500 g

Frightening name should be taken literally - it’s the fossil Kungurian salt sea, once occupied the territory of the Volga region. It contains a loading dose of magnesium and vitamin B6, but because official statements are assigned as a balneological means, for example, in the Institute of balneology. Is a great cure for insomnia, relaxes muscles - in a word, wonderful thing.
Where to buy: in drugstores. May be sold under the name of “Bishofit”.

6. Burdock oil with pepper from “Myrrh” - 40 rubles for 100 ml

Stimulates metabolic processes in the hair follicles, as a result, they cease to fall and begin to grow with frightening speed. The oil needs to be warmed up, applied to the scalp in the shower, and after 15 minutes rinse. I got rid of allergic itching for a month.

7. Green cream “Boro plus” from Emami Ltd. - RUB 42 per 25 g

Touted as a means for individuals, in fact - antiseptic better “Rescuer”. This cream with Indian herbs heals wounds, inflammation and dermatitis eyes. It was removed allergic peeling on the hands in just one night. And “Boro plus” is great as aftershave.

8. Liquid vitamin E from Solgar” - 70 RUB for 60 ml

The key ingredient in most moisturizers does not need the preservatives, the fragrance and beautiful Bank. Powerful antioxidant: smoothes wrinkles, prevents the appearance of stretch marks and nourishes dry skin. Can be used for face, body and skin around the eyes.

9. Almond oil - RUB 110 for 50 ml

Included with most professional tools for nails, and in its purest form - a real storehouse of vitamin E and oleic acid. One of my very glamorous friend saves on edging manicure, just softening the cuticles with this oil. In addition, the tool can be used instead of eye cream with almonds, perfectly moisturizes and smoothes small wrinkles.

10. Rose water from Dicks Laboratories - 140 rubles for 200 ml

This means, according to the canons of Ayurveda, can be used inside and naruzhno. Add in rose water Lassi (Indian milk drink), and is a great gentle toner and cleanse face. And is suitable for all skin types - does not dry and does not clog pores.


Updated the body with this product: a unique recipe of youth from our ancestors

Updated the body with this product: a unique recipe of youth from our ancestors.

About the benefits of sprouted seeds and beans you know almost all people who lead a healthy lifestyle. Many have tried their healing properties. For example, in days of germination in water the life force of the wheat is increased in hundred times. But not everyone knows about the beneficial effects of sprouted walnuts. 14 days it the energy potential increases by a thousand times. Using the recipe given below, you will be able to clean your body from toxins, slow the aging process, restore optimal nervous and immune system. And this is only a small part of the benefits that you will experience after regular use.

Take 1 kg of untreated walnuts, put them in a jar and fill with cold water. The water should cover the nuts. Put it on the windowsill for 14 days, not forgetting to change the water every other day. Mix it up nuts in the morning and evening. After two weeks they will be ready to eat. Keep them in the fridge in the same water.
To feel the therapeutic effect should be consumed 2 - 3 peeled walnut 2 times a day.
Sprouted walnuts are beneficial for almost everyone regardless of age. But they should be cautious to take people with impaired activity of the pancreas.
Use this valuable prescription for health and don’t forget to share it with your friends!


Salt relieves headaches!

If you abruptly headache and suffering is not possible - immediately prepare saline solution.
Head is not to be trifled with! This simple method of treatment get rid of a headache, and still with this compress may return to normal pressure.

First of all, prepare the dressing, folded in 8 layers of gauze (bandage width should match the height of the forehead, and length is the circumference of your head).

Then heated to a temperature of 60-70C 250 ml of water and dissolved in it 2 tsp. without top salt. Received 8% salt solution. Quickly bathed with warm water forehead, ears, neck, dipped in a hot solution gauze bandage and gently squeeze it, a little shake the dressing to cool slightly, and then tying this bandage on the head, grab the forehead, ears and nape. To a compress held, then fix it with a cotton scarf. After that you can lay down. You will feel in a few minutes relief, but do not rush to remove the bandage. After removal of the dressing will again need to wash your head with warm water.

Try out this recipe. We assure, you will not regret it!


Julienne with chicken and mushrooms

You will need:

- 1 medium size onion
- 100-150 g chicken (breast)
- 3-4 mushroom (about 50g)
- 50 g butter
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 tbsp (heaped) flour
- 200 ml cream 10%
- 50 g of hard cheese

How to cook:

1. Finely chop the onion, fry until transparent in the vegetable oil, spread on the bottom of the form.

2. On this same pan fry the chicken (you can take the Turkey), also finely chopped, also put into the form.

3. Fry mushrooms, sliced, put into the form on the chicken.

4. Then in a pan put the butter, flour and fry it (flour) until Golden color (here you can add different herbs to taste, nutmeg, a little pepper), pour in the cream, salt, stir all that was without any lumps, and pour over onion-Corinna-mushroom contents.

5. Three cheese, which then nice will be in the form of a crust with Julien to eat :) ), sprinkle cheese on top of sauce, and send the form in the oven at 200 C (since all the “layers” is already ready, time it will take just 10 minutes. Importantly, zabolotivca cheese on top.

Bon appetit!


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Jam for the treatment of liver

Jam for the treatment of liver. Note!

In may blooming dandelions. We walk and do not pay attention to this plant. Meanwhile, it can be called a real doctor. Dandelion can cook tasty jam, regenerating liver cells and cleanses the blood.

Tear 300-400 pieces of yellow dandelion blossoms, cover with water, let stand in water a day. The next morning, squeeze the flowers, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 15-20 minutes, add 1 kg of sugar and 1-2 chopped lemon (with peel), 1 teaspoon of citric acid and boil for another 5 minutes. When the jam will become the color of honey, then you need to take it off the fire. To give the jam to cool, strain through cheesecloth, and boil the resulting mass of 1-2 minutes, cool. The jam is ready!
Dandelions for jam collect away from roads.

Jam from dandelions preferably taken in the morning on an empty stomach, dissolving it in a glass of green tea or tea from milk Thistle.

Milk Thistle and dandelion act on the body as anti-inflammatory, choleretic, and tonic, cleansing the liver of toxins and poisons, and are derived radionuclides from the body.

This jam is just as useful for the prevention of bronchitis and asthma. You should eat at least two tablespoons for 1 admission, it gives a positive effect.


When URGENTLY need money

(Prayer from Natalya Pravdina)

Hear, Goddess, our call,

let everyone the sun is shining!

treasure fabulous breakthrough

us Golden pour like rain!

And those hearts that in unison

with the whole Universe in the rhythm of the beat
wealth and reach heights

and Angels soul touch

I made gifts

for all - fabulous wealth,

everything is yours ! Go - take it!

join in the divine fellowship!

Fortuna! Revive the mind!

in order to obtain the manna from heaven!

the bottom is equal to top in the age of knowledge,

enough for all miracles!

When urgently need money, and the receipt is not forthcoming, let this prayer from Natalia Pravdina. This prayer is just AWESOME functions. And, I gave her even the people-sceptics who were far

the power of positive thinking. what? - called misleading… you know…
today nothing better to do in the morning two or three times I read… and then -
wow! money!

Actually, it is necessary to read it for 10-15 minutes (ideally), but she’s like a song, easily memorized. Personally, I read when
do household chores, or doing manicures.




The Shine on the face adds to the attraction, so it must be fought with all means available. However, do not rush to buy expensive matting means - to normalize lipid balance of the skin will mask of fresh parsley, rolled oats and tea tree oil. Remember the recipe!

Necessary ingredients:

- bunch of fresh parsley;
- half a Cup of oatmeal;
- 3 drops of tea tree oil.
Pour oat flakes with boiling water and let them swell. Finely slice the parsley well washed, put it with oatmeal, and then add to the mixture tea tree oil. All are thoroughly mixed.

Apply the mask for cleansing the face, avoiding the eye area. After half an hour wash your face with cool water or herbal decoction.

The effectiveness of this mask you will appreciate after the first use however, to achieve a stable result, it is necessary to undergo a course of eight treatments.

Do a mask with parsley, oatmeal and tea tree oil 2 times a week for a month, and soon your skin will become soft, tender and velvety!



1. Do not indulge me, you have the port. I know very well that it is not necessary to give me everything I ask for. I was just testing you.

2. Don’t be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer this approach. This gives the opportunity to calculate their place.

3. Don’t rely on strength in a relationship with me. It taught me to what should be considered only with force.

4. Do not make promises that you cannot fulfill. It would weaken my faith in you.

5. Don’t worry too much when I say I hate you. I don’t mean it. I just want you to regret what I did.

6. Don’t make me feel younger than I really are. I take vengeance on you for it, becoming a crybaby and a whiner.

7. Do not do for me, and for me is that I am able to do for himself. I can continue to use you as a maid.

8. Do not correct me in front of strangers. I will pay much more attention to your comment, if you tell me eye to eye.

9. Don’t try to discuss my behavior in the midst of conflict. My hearing is dulled at this time, and I have little desire to cooperate with you. It would be better if we’ll talk about that a little later.
Don’t try to read my instructions and notation. You will be surprised to know, as I know perfectly what is good and what is bad.

11. Don’t make me feel that my actions are a mortal sin. I must learn to make mistakes without feeling that I’m no good at anything.

12. Don’t nag at me and nag at me, if you will do it, then I will have to defend themselves by pretending to be deaf.

13. Never even hint that you are perfect and infallible. It gives me a sense of the futility of trying to catch up with you.

14. Do not worry that we spend too little time. What matters is how we spend it.

15. Let my fears and concerns are not cause for concern. Otherwise, I will fear even more. Show me that kind of courage.

16. Don’t forget that I can’t successfully grow without attention and encouragement.

17. Treat me like you treat your friends. Then I too will be your friend.

18. And besides, I love you so much, please answer me the same…

19. Don’t expose too much test my integrity. Being scared, I quickly turn into a liar.

20. Don’t forget that I love experimenting. Thus I perceive the world, so please bear with it.

21. Not protect me from the consequences of their own mistakes. I learn from their experience.

22. Don’t pay too much attention to my small ailments. I can learn to enjoy poor health if it attracts me so much attention.

23. Do not try to get rid of me, when I ask Frank questions. If you are not going to answer them, you will see that I won’t ask you questions and will seek information on the side.

Ekaterina Buslova


Women's herbs

Grass necessarily to be in the medicine Cabinet of every woman. Do not rush immediately to grab a pill, sometimes natural remedies given to us by nature, is much safer and more efficient. And treatment teas from wild herbs is still very tasty and inexpensive!

1. Calendula. Use flowers, leaves. It has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, dezinficiruyusch action. It is effective for cervical erosion, thrush. 30 g of calendula flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water, to insist 30 minutes to Drink warm 1 / 3 Cup 2-3 times a day.

2. Smellage. Apply all the parts of useful plants. Improves blood circulation, tones and accelerates the appearance of menstruation and relieve pain. 2 tbsp. spoon pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, to insist hour. Take 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

3. The yarrow. Gather the top of the plant with flowers. Wound healing, hemostatic, increases lactation in nursing mothers. 1 tbsp. spoon, pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, let steep for 50 min., drain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

4. Melilotus officinalis. Used aboveground part of the plant. Effective at menopause, mastitis. 1 tbsp. clover and 10 tablespoons of mother - and-stepmother, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, cool, strain. Drink ½ Cup 3 times a day.

5. Daisy. Use the flowers. For painful menstruation, uterine bleeding, gynecological diseases. 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for 20 min. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

Use for the benefit of your health beneficial herbs. Grow them on your land is not difficult. Harvested for future use and let them all year round give you his healing power.

The article is Advisory in nature. Do not forget about the peculiarities of your body. Consult with your doctor.


Wonderful drink herbalist from China

Gets rid of bad cells forming in the body or inhibits their growth!

To take during 3 months, health instantly restored. It’s like a miracle.

* You need one beetroot, two carrots and one Apple.
* Wash, cut, peel, cut into pieces and put in juicer and immediately drink the juice.
* Can add lime or lemon for more refreshing taste.

This miracle drink is effective in the following diseases:

1. To prevent the development of cancer cells.
2. Prevention of diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and will also help to cure the ulcer.
3. Useful for lungs, prevents heart disease and high blood pressure.
4. Strengthening the immune system
5. Vision: helps with fatigue and dry eyes.
6. Eliminates muscle pain after heavy exercise, training.
7. Removes toxins, improves bowel. The skin becomes healthy and radiant.
8. Eliminates bad breath.
9. Reduce menstrual pain.
10. Helpful for Allergy sufferers.

Very effective if you need to lose weight!

Please remember that you need to drink immediately from the juicer for best effect.


How to bring your body of unnecessary and toxic?

The best recipes of the detoxification!

1. The Apple and cinnamon.
Thinly slice one Apple and pour 500 ml of pure water, add 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, cool and drink throughout the day. The combination of apples and ground cinnamon will allow you to normalize metabolism and clean the digestive tract.

2. Lemon juice and honey.
2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice mix with 200 ml warm water, add 1 teaspoon of natural honey, a pinch of ground ginger. Take on an empty stomach, half an hour before Breakfast. This will clean out the digestive system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and will give you a charge of vital energy!

3. Ginger drink.
A small amount of fresh ginger root (3-4 cm), peel and finely chop, pour 1 liter of hot water, bring to boil and cook on medium heat 10 min., drain. After cooling, add a pinch of ground cinnamon and a few tablespoons of rosehip syrup. Make during the day on 100-150 ml for half an hour before meals. Normalizes digestion, metabolism, the drink will have a tonic and restorative effect.

4. The beet juice.
Prepare fresh juice of 1 beet, 2 apples and 4 celery stalks, take 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day (morning and evening) half an hour before meals.

5. A cocktail of health
Prepare fresh juice of 1 orange, 1 lemon and 1 carrot, mixed with 100 ml of mineral water. Drink on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. This cocktail is the perfect remedy for fatigue, it has a large number of antioxidants.

6. Cucumber and celery
Chop 1 cucumber and 1 celery root, add 300 ml of water. Drink throughout the day, ideal for fasting days.


How to prepare medicinal jam made from dandelions

Healing how to cook jam from dandelions.

In may, around a lot of dandelions. You can cook them a delicious jam, regenerating cells of the liver and gallbladder, cleanses the blood. It helps the body remove harmful substances and excess cholesterol, treats atherosclerosis and improves memory.

What you’ll need:
- dandelion flowers - 300 PCs.,
- sugar - 1 kg
- water - 3 cups,
- lemon - 1 PC.
Collect 300 dandelion flowers with yellow head, together with the sepals, but without the stem. Please note that the collection of plants is best carried out on a forest lawn or in the Park, on the banks of rivers and lakes, away from roads and factories. Well, if you manage to choose a Sunny day and time for about 12 hours a day, then amount of nectar in the flowers is maximum.
Rinse the flowers well and for about 15 minutes leave them to vymachivanija in cold water. At this time cook the sugar syrup of 3 cups of water and 1 kg of sugar.
In the finished boiling syrup down the flowers and allow the mixture to boil and simmer for 20 minutes.
Chop the lemon with peel slices. Add in the jam for 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking. After a few minutes, remove the cooked mixture from the heat and leave to infuse for a day. The next day strain the mixture through cheesecloth, and again bring to a boil for 10 minutes.
- Dandelion jam can dissolve not in water but in a green tea or tincture of milk Thistle (1 tsp seeds of milk Thistle per Cup of water). Milk Thistle and dandelion work synergistically with each other, exerting anti-inflammatory, choleretic and tonic effect, cleansing the blood vessels, blood, and liver.
- Take breaks between courses of the medication for 2-3 weeks. For the year you can eat no more than 3 liters of jam.
You’ll have a jam transparent amber-yellow color. To taste, it will resemble honey. Keep the jam from dandelions in the fridge. Take it in the morning on an empty stomach 1 tbsp, necessarily dissolving it in a glass of warm water. Or use another option-take 1 tsp 3 times a day after meals.
Tips and warnings
Medicines on the basis of the dandelion is not recommended for peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines, gastritis with high acidity.
Source: Medical news, No. 6, 2012

Dandelion roots
- Infusion of dandelion roots. Pour a glass of boiling water 1 teaspoon crushed roots. Leave to cool, strain. Take 30 minutes before meals. Half in the morning and rest at night.
- Decoction of dandelion roots. The proportions are the same. Boil for 10 minutes, then remove from heat and immediately strain. Take as an infusion.
The roots of the dandelion can be treated long time and without interruption. They are used to treat diseases of the liver and gallbladder. They help the joints. In addition, it is also blood purifying agent.


Beautiful Breasts for 15-20 minutes a day

The female breast, as is known, consists of 90% fat. Therefore, when dieting bust rapidly losing volume. Lost every kilogram of excess weight, tend to take 20 g of the mass of your Breasts. And despite the fact that the total mass of the mammary glands is 150-400 grams. Weight loss 4 to 9 kg and you can choose underwear at least one size smaller. But to return to the old forms much more complicated: it is not enough just to put on weight - chances are your bust is simply saggy. You need to exercise to maintain a beautiful breast shape. Body fat, which consists of your dignity, of course, do not pump, but it is possible to strengthen muscle tissue that is deeper. When the pectoral muscles are strengthened, bust, what ever it size, become more resilient and upbeat.

To make a high chest can at home. Guaranteed results after 1.5-2 months of training. The main thing - regularity. These exercises are simply necessary for everyone to lose weight quickly, so that the loss of “upper 90” were not so obvious, and girls after the age of 25 who wish to keep a young and fresh look.

“Prayer” (repeat 10 times per day)
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, back straight. Starting position: hold your hands at chest level with palms facing each other. This pose resembles a praying position. Squeeze the palm of your hand, the tension should be strong. Hold the pressure for 20 seconds, then relax, shake hands.

“The charge of the librarian” (repeat 20 times a day)
For this exercise you need to take two books of equal weight and shape (or two dumbbells of equal gravity). Stand up, back straight, feet shoulder width apart, grab the weights in your hands. Pull straight arms in front of him at chest level, expand palms up. Slowly stand on tiptoes and simultaneously raise straight arms to the sides. Remember that hands should be at chest level. Then slowly return to starting position without dropping hands and getting up on the whole foot.

Pushups (perform each exercise 15 times a day)
Take a plank pose (push the toes of the feet and palms into the floor, back straight, hands perpendicular to the floor, hands are directly under shoulders). Monitor your position: don’t roll over at the waist, keep your head up and not to emphasize the buttocks. do push-UPS in three configurations based on the position of the palms. In the first sunset (by 5 push-UPS each set) place your hands fingers forward, in the second - fingers outwards, and the third toes inwards, hands placed slightly wider than shoulders. If it’s hard to do push-UPS with straight legs, press your knees to the floor and continue the exercise.

Bench press (perform each exercise 15 times a day)
Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. In the hands of dumbbells on 1-2 pounds, hands at chest level, bent at the elbows. Pull your hands up perpendicular to the floor, fists with dumbbells but one line. Lower your arms to the starting position. During lifting dumbbells do exhale, the lowering of hands - breath.

“Kitty” (repeat 10 times per day)
Starting position: lying on the floor on his stomach. Sit on your heels, place your hands in front of you at shoulder width, bend them at the elbows, press your palms into the floor. Straighten your legs, leaning on hands, lift upper body smoothly with voltage. At the end point of the movement your shoulders should be directly over the palms, legs straight lying on the floor, back arched, face turned to the ceiling. Hold the voltage at the end point for 10 seconds.

Performing exercises to strengthen the chest muscles, remember:
- Work “to the limit”. That is when you will feel that muscle “burn” and you can no longer perform an exercise, make the final leap - another 2-3 repetitions.
- Breathe correctly. During muscle tension do exhale during relaxation - breath. That is, at the point of maximum voltage, for example, during the bench press you exhale and returning to the starting position - inhale.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016


How much? 100 g
Why? The body uses vitamin B12, which many in the cheese to produce choline. Choline is synthesized from the neurotransmitter most important transmitter of nerve impulses - acetylcholine, which improves intellectual abilities and helps you to be attentive and focused.

How much? 3 tablespoons.
Why? Slow carbs are gradually and evenly feed the brain, allowing him a long time to focus on a specific task.

How much? One.
Why? Bananas are rich in magnesium, which improves learning abilities and great influence both short and long memory.

How much? 100 g.
Why? Folic acid that it contains, stimulates the production of norepinephrine, stimulating the nerve cells.

How much? One average one.
Why? It has a lot of vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant protects the brain from free radicals, which impair memory and adversely affect the ability to make decisions.

How much? 1 tbsp
Why? Here to you and a full set of healthy fatty acids - omega-3 and omega-6, and vitamins A and E, and zinc. This mineral helps the transmission of nerve impulses throughout the body, participates in the work areas of the brain responsible for emotions, memory, instincts, and sleep.

How much? A handful.
Why? Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, necessary for building brain and nerve cells. Yourself our body to produce its are not able.


Unusual and very effective recipes from the pharmacy!

1. Cubes with herbs!
Daisy+series+jojoba oil+olive oil! And all in the freezer! Dice and in the morning wipe the face! It becomes fresh, rosy and soft! During the day, if the face looks tired, should to wipe, there is a lifting effect!

2. Aevitum
Aevitum - works well with wrinkles. Apply to the skin around the eyes. Capsules cost 34 rubles. This vitamin A and E together, apply morning and evening under eyes. Or, you can smear only 1 time a day, hold 2 hours and dry with a cloth. If there is a possibility and you are at home, you can apply for the whole day! Use 2 weeks, then a break.

3.Bluefroger No. 1( about 150 p)
- contains hyaluronic acid. Very well moisturizes, smoothes Mardini and eliminates “bags” under the eyes, just a few days.
Apply a thick layer 3 times a day and at night.
You can also try castor oil
In the morning 2 hours after you apply the gel (lifting effect)
You can go even further, and buy pure hyaluronic acid capsules (on the website or in a firm where beauticians outfit ) and a vial to inject into the vial leveragein. Every time before applying shake well and apply.

4. Peeling - Hollywood cleaning: To clean dry face, apply a solution of calcium chloride
(35 rubles), wait until dry, then applied a second coat, and again waiting for drying. Lather hands with baby soap and massage the skin, rolling up coils. The mechanism here is the following: calcium chloride interacts with soap (sodium or potassium salt of higher carboxylic acids) formed potassium chloride or sodium and insoluble calcium salt of higher carboxylic acids, which rolls, simultaneously grasping a part of the top layer of keratin scales. It turns out surface gentle exfoliation.
The use of calcium chloride for skin cleansing is possible in the absence of inflammatory cells. Very effectively. Tested!!!

5. Geparinova ointment - 24 rubles.Helps with the swelling and bags under the eyes)

6. Retinoic ointment - a storehouse of vitamin A
The ointment is positioned as anti-acne, but is also an excellent prevention of aging, improves skin, removes redness.

Make it a mask for 20-30 minutes, longer. Someone leaves for the night.I heard that in USA, cosmetologists equivalent (reticula) prescribe how the only proven way to combat wrinkles.


10 properties of pomegranate, about which you never heard

Just incredible what he is capable of this miracle fruit, 1 of the most useful fruits on Earth!

Paradise Apple, tempted eve; the fruit of the tree which is planted in Cyprus, Aphrodite; berry juice which is called “love potion” and sell, as the strongest aphrodisiac is nothing like garnet!

The fruit of decorative plants granatniy, ripening late in the autumn, surrounded himself with an incredible amount of myths and legends about its properties. Especially for its readers, has collected only the facts about the real benefits of pomegranate to the human body.

1. Activates hormones

Oils contained in pomegranate seeds, perfectly restore the hormonal balance in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to eat pomegranate seeds, especially in case of painful menstruation, headaches or the onset of menopause.

2. Natural insulin

Pomegranates - one of the few sweets that are not only valid but also useful for diabetics. Eating just half a teaspoon of pomegranate juice 4 times a day before meals will significantly lower the level of blood sugar.

3. Increases hemoglobin

Pomegranate has long been known as the best way to combat anemia. People suffering from anemia, it is sufficient to use pomegranate juice diluted in 0.5 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2 months.

4. Disinfect the mouth and throat

With angina, pharyngitis, and stomatitis in the useful gargle and mouth water decoction of pomegranate rind or pomegranate juice. Tannins relieve pain, and organic acids destroy the infection.

5. Lowers blood pressure

Pomegranate - a real boon for hypertensive patients, as they are very mildly reduce blood pressure without causing side effects on the body. A membrane of pomegranate fruit, dried and added to tea will help to calm the nervous system, to get rid of anxiety, establish night’s sleep.

6. A great cosmetic

Mask of slightly roasted, powdered pomegranate skin with butter or olive oil - a great tool for those who have oily skin, acne or purulent rashes. And powder of the dried peel can effectively treat burns, cracks and scratches.

7. Relieves inflammation

A decoction of the bark of pomegranate are very useful in various inflammatory diseases (kidney, liver, ears, eyes, joints, gynecological organs). For its preparation you need to pour 2 teaspoons of the powdered bark to 1 Cup of hot water, then boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, strain, wring out and dilute with boiled water. Take a decoction need 50 g 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

8. Displays radiation

Indispensable part of the diet of all who operates with radioactive isotopes or living in high radiation zone, is pomegranate juice.

9. Powerful sedative

Bark of ripe pomegranate contains alkaloids pellerin, izopelteryn and metilizopelteryn, which have strong anthelminthic action. To get rid of worms, insist 40-50 g of crushed bark in 400 g of cold water for 6 hours, and then simmer until half evaporated liquid. Cooled broth strain and drink during the hour in small portions. An hour later, drink a laxative, and after 4-5 hours to do an enema.

10. A cure for diarrhea

The bark and fruits of pomegranate have astringent properties, so they are used against diarrhea, colitis and enterocolitis. For adults it is recommended to take a pinch of dried, powdered bark of pomegranate 3 times a day after food, and children for this purpose, it is sufficient to give fruit juice, diluted by half with water. In the case of infectious diarrhea, polyphenols contained in the pomegranate peel, effectively reduce the growth of dysentery Bacillus and other pathogens.

Pomegranate is 1 of the most useful fruits on Earth. It has been known since ancient times. It was mentioned even in the Bible. Now you know how to use you can enjoy this wonderful gift of nature.


You can make different variants of the herb compounds for oral administration in the form of infusions with a focus on rejuvenation of the body, strengthening the immune system and just for General health

You can make different variants of the herb compounds for oral administration in the form of infusions with a focus on rejuvenation of the body, strengthening the immune system and just for General health.

Option 1.
Rose hips (3 parts), licorice root (1 part), currant leaf (2 parts), juniper needles (2 parts), eucalyptus (2 parts), horsetail (3 parts), flowers of immortelle (2 parts), birch bark (1 part), St. John’s wort (4 pieces).

Option 2.
Hawthorn fruit (2 parts), the fruits of mountain ash (1 piece), water pepper (1 part), licorice root (part 1), sage (1 part), pine needles (2 parts), raspberry leaf (2 parts), the fruits of Sophora (part 1), the leaf buckthorn (2 parts), calendula flowers (part 1), eucalyptus (2 parts), grass tormentil (3 parts), leaf currant (2 parts), comfrey root (1 part).

1 tbsp. spoon mixture of herbs brewed Cup of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. Drain. Drink half a Cup before eating in the morning and evening. Course - 1 month, repeat 4 times per year.

Over the summer, almost everyone can assemble themselves or buy at the pharmacy.


You need to be hardy?

1) Well-trained heart. This is the basis of everything.

2) Start with short medium-intensive daily circuit training (crossfit style), gradually increasing the time and intensity of episodic.

Ie, if you started with a simple 15-20 minutes of the complex, then finish the hour and a half workout with large intensity gradient and large differences of the functional areas. However, and exercise you will not every day, but 3-4 times a week.

3) Looping.

Functional training as well as the power needs to be divided into light, medium, heavy. The body cannot maintain the intensity of 90 % and above.

4) to Recover.

To sleep, sudbeat ligaments and joints nutrients, there are vitamins, not too overloaded with other types of sport and physical activity (the different types, and the body one).

5) to Increase the scope of work.

Endurance is not when you have done 100 reps, 50-m was already beginning to blush as cancer. It is the depletion of the Central nervous system (the nervous of resources).

Endurance is when you have done 100 reps (this valorises only 90%), and puffed calmly on started after ’ 85. Imagine what horizons will be opened if connect all available resources volitional (second, third, fourth breath, etc).


Stretching exercises

Stretching exercises. Train at home.

1. Stand up straight, slightly spread your legs and bend them at the knees. Lift up one arm and stretch over an imaginary object. Lower it down and do the same with the other hand. Thus the head should be slightly thrown back. Do the exercise 6 times.

2. Stand up straight with left hand on waist, legs shoulder-width apart. Now the right hand grasp the head and tilt it to the right. Lock this position for 10-20 seconds, then relax 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise for each hand 8 times.

3. Stand with your back to the wall and lean your hands against the wall. Now slowly sit down, his hands slipping on the wall. Secure the pose for 10-20 seconds and repeat 6 times.

4. Do a lunge by putting your right foot forward. While the right hand is taken aside and is left behind the head. Now slowly bend the right and hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Rest 20 seconds and repeat this exercise 4 times for each side.

5. Sit on the floor and spread her legs apart, his hands clasped on his head. Slowly lean forward, trying to get her right knee. Then slowly return to starting position and stretch to the left knee. Repeat the exercise 6 times for each side.

6. Sitting on the floor, cross your legs. Now push down with your hands on your chin and tighten your neck muscles, resisting the pressure of his hands. Fix this position for 30 seconds, then rest 20 seconds. Repeat 8 times.

7. Get on all fours, arms straight. Now stretch your right arm and left leg so they were in a completely horizontal plane and a good stretch. Repeat the exercise for 7 reps for each side.

8. Lie on your back, legs straight, arms flung out to the sides. Slowly raise your right leg until it forms a right angle, and pull it out. Then lower it to the left, turning his head to the right. Now do the exercise in reverse order and return to starting position. Do the same for the second leg, repeat 5 times.

9. Lying on your back, pull your straight legs toward your head and grasp the foot with your hands. Hold for 20 seconds, then lower the straight leg on the floor. Repeat 6 times.

10. Lying on his stomach, bend legs and holding hands by the ankles and stretched in the waist, raise them up. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then slowly lower the leg and rest for 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 7 times.


Chinese beauty mask from honey starch and salt, which nourishes, evens skin tone, visibly diminishes the appearance of age spots

Chinese beauty mask from honey starch and salt, which nourishes, evens skin tone, visibly diminishes the appearance of age spots.

- 1 teaspoon of honey (preferably liquid)
- 1 teaspoon of starch
- 1 teaspoon of salt

Honey and starch mixed to a uniform whitish color. Add a teaspoon of crushed sea salt (it can be replaced with ordinary iodized salt). It is kneaded.

If the skin is hypersensitive or very dry, then mask add 1 teaspoon of milk.

The mask is ready, now it can be applied to the face in several layers, until you used up all the mixture.

Mask should be kept on the face for 25 minutes, then rinse.

If you feel discomfort, burning, severe tingling, etc., it is best to immediately wash off the mask with water.

For best results it is recommended to do a Chinese beauty mask every other day, for 20 days. During this time, will make 10 masks.

This mask will tighten the skin, make it healthy, shining, smooth.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Money tree for health

Money tree for health.

Jade has many varieties. However, the most common as houseplants, the jade tree or money tree, Sometimes this plant is called crassula, Zyryanka.

In the jade contains a high concentration of arsenic, therefore, to abuse the intake of medicinal preparations based on this plant is not recommended. In overdose are vomiting, diarrhea, disturbances of consciousness.

It is noticed that the jade reacts strongly on the health of people living in the room where it is located. If someone is sick, the condition of the plant begins to deteriorate: it fades, drops leaves, like drawing negative energy to yourself. And when the person recovers, the jade tree changes again.

Despite the huge popularity and simplicity jade, most people do not known for its excellent antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, not inferior in strength aloe.

* Herpes on the lips.
Several of the leaves to squeeze juice. Lubricate the affected area every 30 mins Can be done differently - soak the juice with a cotton swab, put it on the affected area and using a band-aid fix.

* Sore throat, tonsillitis.
From 10 leaves to squeeze the juice, mix with 200 ml of water. Gargle 3-5 times a day.

* Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
In the morning 1 hour before meals to eat 2 leaves of jade, carefully chewing.

* Pyelonephritis, cystitis.
5 jade leaves crushed, pour 200 ml of hot water, infuse 1 hour, drain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon for 15 min. before meals 3 times a day.

* Arthritis, arthrosis.
Squeeze out 10-15 leaf juice to lubricate the affected joints before going to bed.

* Hemorrhoids.
To apply cut sheet, helps immediately.

* Burns, bruises, sprains, wounds, cuts, boils.
Apply paste of leaves on affected area, secure with a bandage. Change the bandage as it dries (2-3 hours).


Aqueous extract of dried peels of pomegranate will cure all!

1. Cure for 5 hours from any of the strains of dysentery, salmonellosis, typhoid, cholera, acute appendicitis (the need for surgery is eliminated).
2. Cure for one week from the following diseases: stomach ulcer, intestinal ulcer (small intestine), colitis - an inflammatory process in the large intestine, dysbacteriosis.
At the request of readers I am giving the recipe of preparation of water extract of dried peels of pomegranate fruit and its application.

The approximate weight ratio of dry pomegranate peel and boiling water 1:20. In a pre-heated Cup, a glass or glass jar to put about 10-12 g of dry peels of pomegranate fruit and pour them with 200 ml. of boiling water in the container pour 200 ml. of raw water, drop 10-12 g. of pomegranate peels and a kettle bring to a boil, but do not boil). Cover with a saucer or paper, folded in 4 layers. To insist 25-30 minutes, and you can start to drink. Peel do not throw that insistence continues. Once filled cover with boiling water - treatment started, and those 25-30 minutes of infusion capacity of pomegranate peel have to be around those who treated.

Preparation of water extract of dried peels of pomegranate for the treatment of all these diseases the same way. The application is different.

I. To cure for 5 hours from 1) dysentery; 2) salmonellosis; 3) typhoid fever; 4) cholera; 5) acute appendicitis - use water infusion:
1. After insisting for 25-30 minutes to drink about half of liquid (half Cup). Don’t strain the infusion, infusion continues. And again cover with a saucer. If after 10 minutes then felt sick, so it was just the usual upset stomach (diarrhea) and it is fully cured. It is safe to indulge in any traveling, since diarrhea and constipation you will have.
2. If after 10 minutes did not feel recovered, so you have or dysentery, or Salmonella, or typhoid, or cholera. You need to stay at home after 3 hours to drink the remaining water infusion. The treatment process lasts 3 hours (with the insistence 3.5 hours), and recovery occurs after 5 hours after the start of treatment.

II. To cure for 1 week from: 1) stomach ulcers; 2) ulcers of the intestine (small intestine); 3) colitis (inflammation in the colon); 4) dysbiosis - use water infusion of dried peels of pomegranate fruit:
1. After insisting for 25-30 minutes getting a drink. Throughout the day drink about a half of infusion of water (90-100 ml) for 4 doses approximately equal portions and in approximately equal intervals of time, i.e., approximately 20-25 ml for 1 admission. Drinking on an empty stomach, and 1st time in the morning, after sleep, and a 4th reception at night, before bed.
2. Drink the water extract every day of the week, and the next day, i.e. on the days of weeks 1, 3, 5, 7 - to drink the infusion, and on days 2, 4, 6 - not to drink the infusion (break from treatment).
3. This is sufficient for complete cure. But if someone is just a precaution want to continue treatment, for example, gastric ulcer, it is possible not earlier than in a week repeat week course of treatment.
4. In the treatment process of water infusion is not strain - maceration lasts.
5. In this treatment, alcohol is contraindicated, especially and are contraindicated in the days of the aqueous infusion.
6. The essence of treatment is that in the entire gastrointestinal tract are constantly suppressed all disease-causing bacteria (healthy bacteria are not suppressed) and their location successfully colonize healthy, necessary for human bacteria.
7. In addition to the above, it is known that Hippocrates was treating this water infusion of incised and stab wounds. The wound superimposed clean (cotton) cloth, pre-soaked in water infusion of dried peels of pomegranate fruit. The cloth is constantly kept moist until the wound heals.

Garnet red with ruby fruit grains meat is 1 of the most beneficial fruits on earth. The roots of its name - in the Latin word granatus, which means “granular”. And useful in it… absolutely everything: skins, and the pulp of the fruit, and its juice, and flowers of the tree, and the roots…
Avicenna in his treatises recalled grenades 150 times and all for different reasons!
Pomegranate in cosmetics is almost essential. As a component of many creams, oils and ointments it perfectly smoothes and whitens your skin, also helps to get rid of pigmental spots and freckles.
Perfectly pomegranate strengthens your feet and makes them resistant and strong your hair is.


A list of the most hazardous products

1. Monosodium glutamate (E621). Products containing the additive E621, cause the body’s dependence. In mice in certain doses causes blindness. Is the mass additive. Sodium glutomat accumulate in the body, can cause severe attacks.

2. The TRANS fats. Oil fat content less than 72% is forbidden, it is common TRANS-fat.

3. Salted fish in plastic packaging. Real salted fish is kept short and only in oil.

4. Peanuts. It is a genetically modified product. It is implanted gene of a Petunia, so that it is not attacked by insects. Therefore, peanuts are almost always fresh and presentable looks.

5. Crab sticks. It is common soya, combined with crab essence. Almost 95% of soy is GMO (genetically modified product).

6. Cereals and cereal fast food, cereal. Contain flavorings and colorings identical to natural, but not natural.

7. Sweet, carbonated drinks. Such drinks primarily cause thirst and, in addition, contain a lot of sugar, or worse aspartame. Phosphoric acid kills microorganisms. In addition, sodium benzoate (E211) used as a preservative, inhibits enzymes that lead to metabolic disorders and obesity.

8. Sausages - contain up to 40% of hidden fat and weight flavors. Some sausages, sausages, sausages on 80% consist of transgenic soybeans.

9. Chicken. That pumped meat is virtually harmless fillers - it is known by many, but especially men you can not eat chicken because it adds a large amount of hormones causing hormonal imbalance.

10. Flavoured teas. They added an incredible amount of dyes and acids.

11. Mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces. Mayonnaise is full of TRANS fats, which are carcinogenic and in addition cause an increase in cholesterol levels. You can’t eat mayonnaise, especially in plastic containers. Vinegar highlights of plastic those most carcinogenic substances! Mayonnaise contains a lot of preservatives and stabilizers.

12. Potato chips, crackers. Due to the nature of the preparation of chips produced a lot of carcinogens - substances that provoke cancer.

13. Juices in packages. About any natural juices the we can not go! In Russia, these juices made from Chinese raw materials 50% chemistry and 50% serum fruits or canned fruits.

14. Chewy candy, candy in bright packaging, Lollipop. Contain huge amounts of sugar, chemical additives, dyes, substitutes.

15. Dried fruits. Nutritionists do not recommend dried, treated with a solution of sulphurous acid or sulphurous gas. And technology of such processing we put apples, pears and most of the apricots. Dried apricots without sulphur dioxide has a darker, to a brownish color. Processed dried fruits it is desirable to soak for a few minutes in lukewarm water, then most of the sulphur dioxide will go into solution.

16. Bouillon cubes. The finished soup. The main ingredient in the composition of cubes is salt (50-60%). Another third in their line - up is glutamate (flavor enhancers), the main danger of which is that they are strong carcinogens.

17. Cheese bags. It includes powdered milk and vegetable fats, in many of them NO cheese at all.

18. The instant noodles. If you want to eat just don’t add seasonings (dry even). 95% or more of all the seasonings, sauces, dry products contain sodium glutomat. The noodles itself is usually created from natural ingredients (water, flour, egg powder).

19. Baby products from major manufacturers contain GMOs. The companies-infringers were Nestle, Gerber, Heinz, Kolinska, Valio, Friesland Nutrition.

20. Sour cream. A sour cream in plastic cups of a vegetable oil and a product of sour cream.



No one doubts the benefits of parsley for the human body. But few probably know how rich is this plant and how it can be used for medicinal purposes.

The unusual ingredient that makes parsley a unique source of health, are essential oils (lemon, myristicin, eugenol, alpha-thujone) and flavonoids. There is an opinion that contained in the plant apigenin, lutein, myristicin protect against cancer.

* Influenza, acute respiratory infections, strep throat, measles, chicken pox.
1 teaspoon crushed roots pour 1 Cup boiling water, cover and to insist 6-8 hours (can leave overnight). Strain, take 1 tbsp. spoon 5-6 times a day (children 1 teaspoon, 3-4 times a day before meals).

* For prostatitis.
Finely chop the parsley. 1 tbsp. spoon pour ½ Cup of boiling water and leave overnight (for 10 hours). Drain in the morning, make PO1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.

* Flatulence.
Pour 4 teaspoons of dried or fresh roots of parsley 2 cups boiling water. Insist night (8-10 hours), take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before eating

* Arthrosis, arthritis.
1 teaspoon of the dry mix greens and parsley roots pour 2 cups of hot water and infuse for 9 hours. Take 2-3 tablespoons before meals for 3 days

* When the stones in the kidneys and bladder.
Mix 1 teaspoon of chopped roots with 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, to insist 2-3 hours, wrapped in a towel. Take 1 Cup in 2 divided doses before meals in small SIPS

* With weakness, decreased performance.
1 tablespoon of seeds pour 1 Cup of hot water and boil for 30-40 min. Let cool, strain and bring volume of water up to the original. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times daily before meals.

* Parsley contains fluorine in 5 times more than any toothpaste.
Scientists recommend to include parsley in the diet of pregnant women, ranging from 20-25 weeks for the prevention of child caries.


9 yoga poses for slim waist

Lateral twisting
Stay in the pose for five breaths in each direction.

Stay in the pose for five breaths on each leg.

Stay in the pose for five breaths on each leg.

The triangle with straight arms
Stay in the pose for five breaths in each direction.

Side plank
Stay in the pose for five breaths in each direction.

Stay in the pose for five deep breaths.

Stay in the pose for five deep breaths.

Stay in the pose for five deep breaths.

Stay in the pose for five breaths.



1. Castor and burdock oil for hair growth
2. Apricot oil - for body massage and to nourish the nails
3. Tincture bitter pepper - a mask for hair growth
4. Shilajit - anti-stretch marks (dissolve a tablet in a body cream or water to lubricate and stretch marks)
5. Lavender essential oil - add a few drops in the conditioner longer hair do not get dirty
6. Sea salt soaks for nails and body.
7. Peppermint oil on your temples before you go to sleep from insomnia
8. The wheat germ oil - food dry skin
9. Jojoba oil - around the eyes and fine wrinkles
10. Salicylic-zinc pasta - drying pimples, blackheads
11. Vitamins E, A capsules - to nourish dry lips, eyelids
12. Bluefroger 1 (gialuronova acid) - from bags under the eyes
13. Apple cider vinegar from stars and cellulite on legs: RUB the legs from the knee up to the thigh in the evening after a shower every day. 2 weeks “stars” have much to posvetlet, no irritation is not observed, only the smell.
14. Tea tree oil - pimples
15. Boric alcohol - from pimples
16. Blue clay mask for body and face
17. Homeopathic calendula ointment - to soften the skin on heels
18. Bodyaga - bruises
19. Cosmetic walnut oil - against wrinkles and bruises under the eyes
20. Glycerin - to soften the skin of hands: 1 part glycerin and 1 part of 6% vinegar mask for the rough skin of the feet
21. Almond oil to prevent stretch marks lubricate the skin
22. Repetit - stimulator scalp, improves hair growth
23. Oil vitamins a+E, lemon juice, dimexide - 2 tsp, mix and apply on the scalp under a plastic puck on an hour - for fast hair growth.


Monday, April 25, 2016

A compilation of the best facial masks

softens and makes the skin silk
1 cucumber grate, add a little sour cream and a few drops of lemon. Apply on face for 30 minutes.

reduces and tightens pores mask for oily skin
Put on the face of the tomato slices or a cloth soaked in fresh tomato juice. The duration of the mask - 15 minutes.

dry skin face mask
2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 1 tbsp milk, 1 tsp sunflower oil, 1 tomato (finely chopped).

softens and makes your skin soft
Carrot on a small grater, 1 tablespoon of sour cream. The length of the mask for 20 minutes.

moisturizes and enhances lip color
Carrot juice can moisturize the lips. This mask also acts saillagouse.

helps to remove dark circles under the eyes
Mask 1. Raw potatoes can be applied on the eyes. From bags and circles under the eyes will not remain and a trace.
Mask 2. Mask of sour cream.

refreshing, tones the skin
Mask 1. This mask is great tones you’ll need zucchini, the small circle grate and mix with 1 table spoon of sour cream.
Mask 2. Black currant (5 large berries), 1 tablespoon yogurt, 1 teaspoon honey


6 drugs of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is very widely used not only in national but also in occupational medicine. Spending a little time and effort, you can perfectly prepare these pharmaceutical drugs which in quality is not inferior to even the most publicized and expensive.

1. Ointment
40 ml of juice of Kalanchoe, 0.25 g of furazolidone, 0.25 ml 2% novocaine and about 100 grams of anhydrous lanolin. All carefully to mix. Store at room temperature.

You can treat all wounds, treat bedsores, fistulas. It quickly relieves acute pain, it helps frostbite, boils, skin rashes, eczema. In cosmetology ointment from Kalanchoe is used to combat acne and spots on the face and varicose veins of the lower extremities.

2. Tincture
0.5 l bottle is filled with chopped leaves, then it is filled with 70 % alcohol. Close and place in a dark place for a week. Shake occasionally. Ready infusion strain and pour into another container, store in the fridge.

Used for varicose veins, purulent inflammation of nail bags (panaritiums), mastopathy, diseases of the mouth and pustular inflammation.

3. The pulp from the leaves
The leaves pass through a meat grinder with a large grille. Squeeze out the juice. The mixture is placed on a folded in several layers of cheesecloth and apply to the area of the body that needs treatment. The pulp from the leaves of Kalanchoe is the basis for lotions and poultices.

Great helps to stop small bleeding, relieves toothache and other pain. Copes with purulent infection and itching of the skin. And according to folk healers, accelerate healing of stitches and wounds.

4. Juice
Fresh juice quickly disappears. So you need to either apply it immediately or to regulate the keeping green plants in the fridge 7 days before you squeeze the juice. Then to preserve his 20 % alcohol.

It is an indispensable tool in the treatment of arthritis, conjunctivitis, periodontal disease, burns, septic wounds, stomatitis, gingivitis, arthritis. It perfectly adjusts to the body’s metabolic processes, has anti-inflammatory, cleans wounds and speeds up healing. The average treatment Kalanchoe juice lasts 15 to 20 days.

Kalanchoe juice can be used as an excellent prophylactic agent during epidemics of influenza: lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose, or instilled into each nostril a few drops. In diseases of the oral cavity it is applied to mucous membranes in the form of applications 3 times a day.

5. Infusion
Place chopped leaves in an enamel bowl and pour boiling water in the ratio: for external use - 1:5, for internal 1:10. Then cover and place in a water bath for 15-20 minutes.

Infusion to treat varicose veins, burns, purulent wounds. Can be used in the form of lotions for skin diseases, inflammation of the eyelids, gums, for throat rinsing. Well it helps with gastritis with low acidity and chronic colitis: drink 1 tbsp. spoon for months on 2 times a day half an hour before meals.

6. Extract.
Freshly prepared infusion is filtered and, by placing in a water bath, evaporate it to half the original volume.

Extract of Kalanchoe serves as an indispensable remedy when inflammation of the gums, chronic tonsillitis. And he copes with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


The dietitian about the dangers of palm oil!

A few words about palm oil: by itself, the original product - palm oil, extracted from the fruit of the oil palm, is useful. Yes, it has a lot of saturated (harmful) fats, which makes it dense. But this harm is compensated by the amounts of carotenoids and many other nutrients. Unrefined palm oil is the case when one use eliminates the harm. He was, incidentally, are often used in cosmetics, gastroentorology.

But refined, which is a part of most foods, stripped of useful components. Sometimes hydrogenation and then more dense. Then the harm of saturated fats increases. But actually, it’s not just about palm oil. Any vegetable, even olive network connection is required while undergoing the process of hydrogenation, getting denser, it becomes harmful. Hydrogenated fats entering the body, can be placed in the cell, making the membrane inelastic. The cell can no longer absorb many nutrients, it becomes impervious to them. So violated redox processes in the body. Hence the fragility of blood vessels, atherosclerosis and other problems, especially cardiovascular.

Overall, pleasant enough. That is why, in my opinion, the initiative of the taxable products with palm oil, is good. Here, I would add any of the products on the basis of margarine and confectionery fat: it is more dangerous than margarine and palm oil.

Yes, the segment of inexpensive goods can suffer with: cheap candy, yogurt, cookies, cheese curds, Breakfast cereals, instant porridge. They should not be in our regular menu. Let’s say that they are harmful-emergency, i.e. when there is no other way, for example, have to take them in the train. And in the morning it is better to eat conventional cereals.

Another category, which in my opinion, needs to be tax on harm - inexpensive meat products with vegetable, that is, additives soy - sausage, sausage, ham. Then there are those products where a lot of starch and other additives, including soy. Few people think about the fact that soy contains phytoestrogen, a plant analogue of the female hormone, similar in its effects on the body. If you constantly, every day to eat foods with soy, the changes in hormonal background of both men and women will become inevitable. Men, especially teenagers, they can be particularly noticeable - the character becomes more hysterical, increased weight, possible infertility. Women with an excess of phytoestrogens is also doesn’t do any good - the interference in the hormones rarely leads to good things.


Fat in traditional medicine

Fat controls cholesterol

German researchers recommend that patients eat a thin slice of fat per day. But not anymore!

Scientists have proven that this product removes from the body toxins. It’s just a total cholesterol!, - until recently disown mouth-watering Shmatov nutritionists. And I was wrong.

A group of German scientists from Munich University (the Germans also know a lot of fat!) investigated the composition of the product by using modern technologies. And it turned out that lard contains arachidonic acid. And she belongs to the useful omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids (about, known as omega-3 in marine fish).

Arahidonova acid is a component of cell membranes, is part of enzymes of the heart muscle. And even participates in lipid metabolism! That is, controls the formation of good and bad cholesterol. German scientists even recommend including 20-30 grams of fat daily in the diet for heart patients.

There is another feature of this simple product - it does not accumulate radionuclides in itself. But nevertheless, doctors do not advise buying the fat in not safe places - there is a risk of Contracting trichinosis (infection that attacks the kidneys and nervous system) as well as from poor-quality pork meat.

In folk medicine, the fat has long been listed an irreplaceable tool in the treatment of diseased joints. Good recipe - if the country is pulled back, or cool hurt her knee, but no pain, then tape the scarf to the affected area a slice of cold salty bacon.

Mush of lard with garlic as emergency funds be applied to the inflamed tooth. This will draw out the pus and will develop further inflammation. And even more often to feast on lard may be advisable for those who operates in hazardous work or live in polluted areas. It is, as proved by canadian toxicologists from the medical College of Toronto, promotes the excretion of toxic substances from the human body.


20 quotes by max Frei, gives faith in miracles

1. We must love ourselves and to praise. Do not entrust this responsibility to strangers!

2. I have a wonderful rule: if events cease to please, we have to leave.

3. We did everything we could. Still have to do all the things we can’t, and then success is guaranteed.

4. Long live the dual personality - the shortest path to emotional balance!

5. If you fall off a cliff into the abyss, why not try to fly? What have you got to lose?

6. Everything is always gone forever. To return it is impossible for us is always returned by someone else.

7. Wait and hope - a sure way suddenly get cranky, but running around town and doing silly things is exactly what we need!

8. Sometimes a decisive step forward is the result of a good kick in the ass.

9. The best journey is the one that does not end.

10. Any female crazy bird. The problem is that the majority did not want to learn to fly. They just like to build their nests.

11. One important secret: you have to go where I want, and not where the alleged need.

12. If the current landscape of being unbearable, you should immediately turn everything upside down, to bring down heaven to earth and see what happens.

13. If there is no exit, you must create it yourself from scrap materials.

14. Every man for himself the wheel of fortune and devil you know, the one and only cause of their own troubles. It’s only foolish it seems like the world is full of evil, blame people. He might, and complete, but this is not essential.

15. By the way, did you notice that this world is full of people who are quite sure that you understand what is happening with the others?

16. How can a normal person with a sense of humor seriously want to get married - don’t understand!

17. When you know something to talk about with someone is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something together to keep silence, is the beginning of a true friendship.

18. You still desperately unlucky, you just had to get used to it.
“Victory at any cost” is not my motto, my motto is different: “Win cheap”.

19. In life there are always times when you should jump into the abyss to finally make sure that has always been able to fly.

20. Go home, sir Max. Let’s eat and get sad and think.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Salt and oil vs degenerative disc disease

Salt and oil against degenerative disc disease.

Cervical degenerative disc disease is difficult to treat. Propose to test a very interesting mix. After its use will not feel pain for a few years!

Prepare a lot of healing massage:

Need unrefined vegetable oil (with a smell) and fine salt (sea).
Prepare medication for the whole course: 10 tbsp salt to fill 20 tbsp oil, all stir well, without grains.
After a few days it turns a white suspension of fine particles of salt and oil. Every day you need to grease her cervical vertebrae where we feel pain, vigorously massage. First two or three minutes, every day adding another two or three, bringing the result up to twenty minutes.

After the massage, obturate neck with a damp hot cloth.

After eight to ten treatments to notice a radical change in his condition, besides, it will improve vision.

Skin with this salt massage a little blurred, but gradually after the end of treatments heals quickly.

In the treatment process accelerates the metabolism, cleansing of toxins, which can cause weakness, drowsiness, dizziness. But it is not required. Usually everything goes without any side effects.


Home drink from the cucumber with lemon for weight loss

It turns out that a good way to lose weight, but rather to “launch” system, metabolism, many growing right in the garden. Many people have probably heard that cucumber juice is excellent not only affects the body as a whole, but also on the exterior, the skin, removes wrinkles, smoothes the skin, eliminates blackheads and swelling, bags under the eyes and such. And then it turned out that adding it to ginger tea cucumber it is not only tastier, but also healthier overall and promotes weight loss well and fight against excess weight.

The composition of the cucumber is 90% juice, which is useful for human body and contains many necessary vitamins, and the remaining 10% is fiber, which positively affects the digestive process and “activates” the bowels. This action is combined with the effect of ginger, since it is more “aggressive” reaction, causing the digestive tract to work, boosting the metabolism and increasing the consumption of any, even the simplest of actions.


Home drink from the cucumber with lemon for weight loss: recipe reviews

Homemade drink for weight loss, which will include cucumbers, cleansing effect on the body, washing out toxins and fat that are found in the intestine. This is the only way to get rid of a few extra pounds, not to mention the fact that other ingredients of the drink also activate the internal system.

Traditional recipe cucumber drink for weight loss is the so - called “water Sassi”. A part of the recipe, in addition to cucumbers are ginger, mint leaves and lemon. For the sweet tooth, it is permissible to add to all this still and a few spoonfuls of honey to a couple of liters of tea, but not any longer. Many people know that ginger is a pretty good way to lose weight in that quality, that very quickly “turns on” inhibited most of the metabolism. This means the body begins to self-expend energy without additional stress, just performing the same actions as before. Doctors say that in today’s world most people have a slow metabolism due to passive lifestyle, lack of movement, regular trips to the car and rest on the couch. And this, in turn, creates the risk that the body gradually slows down its movement become a vital tempo, but love to eat everything, and, alas, even while sitting.

Cucumber drink for quick weight loss will speed up all these processes, excrete unnecessary water, sparing you from swollen and “puffy” hands and feet, as well as providing the necessary nutrients, especially in autumn and winter. What is important is to drink all cooked according to the recipe the amount of liquid for 1 day and cook the same thing the next.

To make a drink of cucumber for weight loss, you need to take:

one cucumber,
half a tablespoon of finely chopped root ginger,
5-6 fresh mint leaves.

These ingredients will need to soak ten cups of cold water (approximately 2 liters). Cucumber need to peel and finely cut into slices, and lemon zest together with just cut thin slices and throw into the water. For them put it and ginger with mint, and then a pitcher or beverage refrigerate. Best of all this drink is to do at night before bed, so he will stand longer.



Baking soda has been used for centuries in cooking and household works. But few people think that it can be successfully used for cosmetic purposes. And it is in vain. Baking soda is a wonderful product, which you can use cheap, but effective care for face, body, hair.

A real woman will find soda many uses:

◄ Make effective peeling

Just add a pinch of baking soda to your regular foam or gel for washing, you can mix them right in the palm. Will make foam and apply on face. Massage your face for a few minutes, then rinse with cool water. This gentle scrub cleanses the skin from dead cells and opening the pores of the face, make the skin smooth and delicate. It is especially suitable for sensitive and prone to irritation skin, because soda has a softening and anti-inflammatory action.

◄ Treat acne

Washing with warm solution of soda good for acne. The solution is dried skin, reduces inflammation and irritation. In a separate large pimples can also apply a paste of soda and leave for several hours - the faster acne will go away.

◄ Mask for problem skin

Mix 2 tbsp flour (wheat, oat, buckwheat) or starch with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Dilute the mixture with warm water to form a paste. Apply the mask on cleansed face with light circular movements, leave on for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse the mask with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. Perform the procedure once a week.

◄ Clean the excess hair from chemotherapy

Soda well frees the hair from grease and remains of various cosmetic products such as gels, varnish, excess masks, etc. Mix your regular shampoo with baking soda about 4:1, then wash as usual. Hair will be very soft and shiny. Good news for bright blondes, brunettes, and redheads: this mixture works very gentle on colored hair, so your color will not fade.

◄ Add white teeth

Brushing your teeth, “arch” a pinch of baking soda to your toothbrush coated with toothpaste. This soft abrasive scrub get rid of the stains from the teeth without damaging tooth enamel.

◄ Remove the inflammation of the gums

When inflammation of the gums, mix baking soda with a small amount of water to form a mixture similar to toothpaste. Then apply this mixture with your fingers along the gum line and massage with a soft toothbrush.

◄ Remove the smell.

As a result of vital activity of bacteria in the mouth form acids that destroy tooth enamel and cause bad breath. These acids can be neutralized, if several times a day to rinse the oral cavity with a solution of baking soda at the rate of 1 Cup warm water 1 tsp soda. The soda solution also helps to eliminate the pungent smell of underarm sweat and odor of feet.

◄ Remove swelling

Soda helps to absorb much water, so it can be successfully used to treat swelling eyelids and bags under the eyes. Make a solution of soda (1 Cup of water 1 tsp of baking soda), or add soda weak tea, soak in a solution of cotton pads and gently press them on for 10-15 minutes put on the eyelids or under the eyes.

◄ Bathe with benefits

To relax in a pleasant atmosphere after a busy day, no need to spend money on expensive salt and foam. Try to make this mixture for the bath: from the soda (2 tbsp), salt (2 tbsp.) and (optionally) a few drops of essential oil. All the ingredients you need to mix, store in jar in the bath, add one tablespoon. This solution calms the nervous system and makes the skin smooth and elastic. In addition, after such a bath decrease the appearance of cellulite.

◄ Clean brushes and sponges

To clean cosmetic accessories from the remnants of old makeup and dirt by using an aqueous solution of soda. Unlike soap it doesn’t leave any residue on the brushes and sponges, and their villi do not stick together, but rather become fluffy and smooth. The same solution cleans combs and hair brushes. Just soak in a concentrated solution of soda combs and brushes for 3-4 hours and then rinse them under running water - the dirt will be gone.


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