Thursday, April 21, 2016


Unique and very easy to prepare Ayurvedic drink that helps prolong youth, normalizes the entire digestive system, also its use has a beneficial effect on the liver, eliminates toxins, improves complexion and promotes longevity.

IMPORTANT! A very valuable effect of the drink is to increase the mobility of joints, arthritis and arthrosis, as it restores intervertebral grease and removes calcium deposits.
Turmeric has powerful antiseptic properties, improves the biochemical composition of blood, helps the immune system fight off viruses, lowers cholesterol and prevents blood clots.
In addition, Golden milk reduces excessive craving for sweets.

¼ Cup of turmeric powder + ½ Cup water bring to boil and cook on low heat for 8-10 minutes until forming a paste.

Before use
bring to the boil and remove from heat, without boiling, 250 ml of whole milk, add :
- ½-1 hour.l. pre-cooked pasta,
- 1-2 tsp of almond oil (linseed oil, grape seed oil or clarified butter)
- Traditional recipe in the milk, you can add honey. However, Ayurveda believes that heated honey becomes a dangerous poison. So either add it to a warm drink or eat a bit of sugar.
- you can add a pinch of cinnamon

Some people may find it difficult to add oil to the drink. If you feel any discomfort from oil - do not add it to the drink!!

Drink GOLDEN MILK in the night or in the morning, the main thing on an empty stomach.
Drink this drink course - 40 days of 1-2 times a year.

Note: those who have problems with gallbladder is better not to risk - turmeric has choleretic action!
Contraindications of turmeric: acute gastrointestinal diseases, kidney failure, pregnancy, children under 2 years of age, individual intolerance.

Be healthy and beautiful!!!



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