Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Exercise daily and feel full of energy and good mood, the world around is filled with bright colors, amazing but true


Exercise daily and feel full of energy and good mood, the world around is filled with bright colors, amazing but true.
1. Cat pose. This pose provides a gentle massage to the spine and abdominal organs, acting as a powerful anti-stress, goes well with the next pose.
2. The pose of the cow. In addition to relieving stress and quieting the mind, this pose stimulates the abdominal organs, kidneys and adrenal glands, and creates emotional balance.
3. The pose of the puppy. The pose also relieves symptoms of chronic stress, tension and insomnia.
4. Jana Sirsasana. This pose calms the brain and helps relieve mild anxiety depression, fatigue, headaches
5. Paschimottanasana. Stretches the hips, spine and lower back, improves digestion, relieves symptoms of PMS and menopause, reduces fatigue, stimulates the liver, kidneys.
6. Savasana. Gives the nervous system an opportunity to sleep, a little break in the stress and turmoil of everyday life.
And of course magic-wise: anjali mudra is an excellent way to induce a meditative state of consciousness. In yoga practice this mudra must be performed in the position Padmasana, in the Lotus position.



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