Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Dukan Diet ��

Don’t forget to save yourself ✔

�� The first phase (attack)

The duration of the first stage:

�� When excess weight less than 10 kg - 3 days

�� When excess weight 10-20 kg - 3-5 days

�� When excess weight 20-30 kg - 5-7 days

�� When you are over weight 30 kg or more - 5-10 days

To eat all the time have clean proteins. The launch phase gives you the opportunity to lose 2-6 pounds overweight.

Products that is consumed in the period of attack (they can have up to saturation, not caring about the size of servings):

�� Kidneys, liver, as well as veal and beef tongue
�� Lean poultry, meat and fish (to cook with their participation costs without adding fat, and the skins will have to give up)
�� Seafood
�� Lean natural ham
�� Chicken eggs
�� Low-fat dairy products (not more than 800 g per day)
�� Liquid (water, herbal tea, coffee, diet coke) - 2 l
�� Seasoning (mustard, salt, vinegar)
�� Lemon
�� Pickles
�� Oat and wheat bran (2 tbsp and 1 tbsp, respectively)

��The second phase (alternating)

In the second stage to the above diet the first step is to add vegetables such as:

�� Radishes
�� Cucumber
�� Tomato
�� Asparagus
�� Spinach
�� Green beans
�� Celery
�� Cabbage
�� Zucchini
�� Eggplant
�� Pepper
�� Beets and carrots (you can eat them only occasionally)

At this stage it is necessary to alternate days when used pure protein with days when these are added to the vegetables. Scheme of alternation of the diet Ducane:

If you need to lose less than 10 kg - 1:1, 2:2 or 3:3
If you want to lose 10-20 kg, 20-30 kg - 5:5

In addition to the daily diet, you can eat a few of any products from the following list:

�� Skimmed cocoa 1 tsp.
�� Starch - 1 tbsp
�� Soy cream - 2 tbsp
�� Cream 3-4 % - 1 tsp
�� Vegetable oil - a small amount (it is used only for frying products)
�� Low-fat cheese - 30 g
�� Red or dry white wine - 3 tbsp
�� Ketchup - 1 tbsp

You can also include in their menu the following products:

�� Gelatin
�� Agar-agar
�� Algae
�� Garlic
�� Drinks Lite (if the calorific value does not exceed 1 kcal per Cup)
�� Sugar substitutes
�� Gherkins
�� Adjika
�� Soy sauce
�� Vinegar
�� Mustard
�� Any spices
�� Nonfat dry milk
�� Natural canned fish
�� Crab sticks (no more than 8 pieces per day)
�� Tofu

�� The third stage (consolidation)

The duration of this stage depends on the number of pounds lost (each of them should fall 10 days of consolidation).

To the diet the first stages is to attach:

�� Fruits, except cherries, bananas and grapes (1 serving per day)
�� Bread - 2 slices per day
�� Mature cheese - 40 g
�� Starchy foods (pasta, maize, rice, potatoes, etc) - 2 servings per week

The third stage involves a small indulgence - twice a week in one of the morning or lunch meals you can turn any dish (even the most calories). However, the “holiday” days should not go in a row.

Once a week (e.g., Thursday) should eat nothing but proteins.

�� The fourth phase (stabilization)

This stage aims to stabilize the achieved results. You can eat almost everything, but once a week should arrange unloading on the proteins. Daily you need to consume oat bran (3 tbsp).



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