Sunday, May 22, 2016

Tea is capable of much! Learn how affect the body different types of this drink

Tea is capable of much! Learn how affect the body different types of this drink.

Tea should not be taken lightly! It is not only tasty and fragrant drink. Depending on the components, the tea may act on your body in different ways. So always follow when choosing tea is not only a pleasant smell, color and taste: pay attention to the effect of the composition of tea. Learn to correctly brew tea too strong and concentrated drink can hurt you, because in many teas, especially herbal, contain natural substances-stimulants, which instantly change the state of the body and affect different organs. Usually for a Cup of tea is enough welding teaspoon without slides.

Green tea is good for all people with slow metabolism. This spring drink: tea is rich in amino acids and antioxidants.

Mint tea really helps those who have problems with digestion. But we should remember that peppermint tea creates an additional load on the heart: it must be applied with caution and not to drink too much.

Tea with lemon balm is a great natural sedative. In addition, Melissa is a diuretic, therefore good for those who want to lose weight, helps with intoxication.

Ginger tea will give you energy, raise blood pressure, will add vigor and clarity to the mind. Respiratory problems ginger tea is the best remedy, it warms the throat and helps the body to cope with harmful bacteria. Ginger is able to relieve nausea, increase appetite.

Chamomile tea - sleeping pills present. Also chamomile is very useful for the gastrointestinal tract.

Tea with elderflower and lime tea - helps with colds, coughs, common ailments.

White tea cleans the blood vessels, has a tonic effect. Suitable for children - there is a small concentration of active substances.

Yellow tea is an antidepressant. It is usually brewed in a clear pot, the leaves are so beautiful and bloom like real flowers. The treatment of depression beauty!

Red tea - warms you up and boosts immunity. It should be drunk after food, because the active substances in tea can act too much, if you eat it on an empty stomach.

Black tea - increases working capacity and mental activity. Too strong black tea has effect on the body similar to drugs: it is not necessary to do a very rich brew. A special kind of black tea - PU-erh, it has a exceptional stimulating effect and is ideal for anyone who wants to overcome the drowsiness and be productive at night.

Tea of rose hips and currants - a unique vitamin tea, which is recommended to drink to all who are recovering from an illness.

Any tea, if you add a pinch of cinnamon, works more effectively!
Let the tea helps to cope with illnesses that are bothering you. But remember that prevention is much better than cure. Eating tea from time to time, you will protect yourself from many diseases.



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