Monday, May 30, 2016

How to eat to those involved in the sport

If you play sports, you need to make a feeding schedule and adhere to certain food rules. So, consider what you need to take note.

During exercise the body uses a large amount of energy therefore, to efficiently restore power, people who regularly visit gyms and sports clubs are required to adhere to certain rules in the diet. A deficiency or excess of certain substances will only spoil all the efforts in order to be healthy and slim. An unbalanced diet can lead to lack of desired result, to the depletion or excess weight. How to avoid it?

According to the doctor-dietician Marina Plateway, for the normal functioning of muscles, you must consume protein foods, as
protein is a kind of building material for the body, it is responsible for all regulatory functions and metabolic processes.

You can get protein from fish and meat. We cannot forget about the carbohydrates, which are primarily energy and material used by the body as a source of energy needed during exercise. In your diet it is advisable to replace fast carbohydrates to the complex, which are contained in cereals, pasta from durum wheat, - says nutritionist. Of course, without the fat lovers of sports lifestyle also can not do, they also serve as a source of energy and essential for the body because they help absorb vitamins A, D and E.

Frequency of training should not exceed 2 times a week for 1 hour, at least at first, then depending on the body’s ability to withstand the load it is possible to change the regime. The main thing - the regularity of classes! - the expert recommends. You need to eat regularly in small portions 4-5 times a day (one portion - not more than 250 g for females and 300 g for males), the diet should be nutritious, it will give courage and strength.

For Breakfast it is recommended the consumption of yogurt, cottage cheese, lunch - Turkey or chicken with vegetables, a side dish of perfect pasta, brown rice. If there is no possibility of a full dinner after work, ahead the exercise, as a snack suitable nuts, which are calorie compared to meat and fish, dried fruits, revitalizing and energizing, bananas, - says Marina Opletaev.

Nutritionists recommend to make a power schedule so that meal before the workout was over one and a half to two hours before it started (on an empty stomach to do not recommended!) and after an hour and a half after her from the big meal it is better to refuse in both cases: with a full stomach is very difficult to do, and digestion will be disturbed (best option - 2 hours before workout to take protein foods, and within one hour uglevodosoderzhaschie food, such as vegetables, cereals, wholegrain bread), and excessive consumption of food after exercise will lead to muscle growth. After class, you can afford vegetables, meat or fish, fatty, spicy and salty food should be avoided.

During the class you can drink plain water or unsweetened juice, water is a good thirst quencher with a slice of lemon or lime (half a Cup or a glass). From tea and coffee is better to refuse, because they have a diuretic effect, and carbonated drinks badly affect the gastric mucosa, - said Opletaev.

With proper selection of the diet with physical exercise you can quickly achieve the desired result, it is important to monitor food quality and quantity, and to listen to your body. Sports are definitely a good thing, but overdoing it is also not worth it!



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