Monday, February 29, 2016

The rules of healthy sleep

1. To comply with the sleep schedule. This means that if you Wake up every weekday at 7am, and at weekends it is advisable to do the same. Sleep can be extended a maximum of an hour. Also need to go at the same time. It is important to consider that it is better to Wake up in REM sleep. To define it, you can try during the week to rearrange the alarm for 10-30 minutes or to access the special tables.
2. To support physical activity throughout the day. For example, to do exercises. This exercise should be complete it was necessary to raise the temperature of the body to improve brain activity and performance. One should not neglect cold shower after charging. Exercise good relieve stress and help the body reduce tension and relax, so during lunch break you can walk, and after work to visit the pool or gym. However, we must remember that heavy exercise just before bedtime may cause insomnia increased physical activity must end at 10 PM. To decrease body temperature take a shower.
3. To drink more water. We are talking about high quality clean water, not just liquids (tea, soda or coffee). There are different opinions about how much water you should consume per day, but one thing is clear: it is impossible to prevent its shortage. If the body was not enough water during waking hours, he will experience stress and during sleep.
4. To minimize the consumption of nicotine, caffeine, alcohol and energy drinks. The ideal condition would be a complete rejection of these beverages and cigarettes. If a person daily drink coffee and Wake up, then eventually the body loses the ability to regroup, relax and be activated at the right moment. Undesirable or eating heavy meals just before bedtime, because in this case, the body will expend energy on digestion.
5. To organise good lighting in the workplace. The ideal option would be daylight. If this is not possible, the workplace should be just as lit. Light destroys the hormone melatonin, so they need less sleep.
6. Relax after lunch. If you really want to take a NAP after lunch, you should not ignore this desire. It takes only 15-20 minutes to rest and recover in REM sleep.
7. Ventilate the bedroom before bedtime. This simple act will allow to create optimal conditions for relaxation. Body temperature at night should be lower than during the day. It is also desirable to eliminate watching the news or movies late at night, because it may increase brain activity and thereby delay the process of complete relaxation. Put the gadgets aside, unless “smart alarm clock” to fix the sleep phase.
These rules will really work if you follow them all together and not selectively and from time to time. Of course, everyone should find best option and best to adapt the rules for themselves. Most likely, immediately begin to follow them will not be easy, but with time it will become a habit, and then a six-hour sleep will not seem like a lot of Spartans.


All harmful displays the pic

The secret Tibetan lamas.

Take regular rice, as many tablespoons of how old you are. We shall wash out and covered it in a jar, fill with warm boiled water, cover and refrigerate. In the morning the water drain, take 1 heaping tablespoon of rice, cook it within 3-4 minutes without salt and eat on an empty stomach before half past seven in the morning. The remaining rice again we shall fill in with boiled water and refrigerate. And do that every morning, until the rice runs out.

The secret of the method is that rice grain has a crystalline structure. When we soaked grain, we remove from it the starch, and granules appear in the cell. Rice porridge not digested in the stomach and intestines, grains act as adsorbent.
After treatment you will become not just healthier but also younger. One condition: after Breakfast rice, it is desirable not to eat anything and to drink at least 3 hours. After this power go pain of waist, ceases to crunch neck.


Sunday, February 28, 2016

First aid kit for your immune system

First aid kit for your immune system.

1) Oats.
A glass of untreated oats, 2 tablespoons of rose hips to brew in a thermos 1.5 l of boiling water and leave overnight. Take half a Cup 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment - a month, and then take a break. Together with rose hips can be put dried fruits: dried apples, pears, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dried mountain ash…

2) Pumpkin.
300-400 g flesh of pumpkin RUB on a coarse grater, add 300 g of honey and mix with the pulp of 2-3 lemons (to pass through a meat grinder together with peel). Store in the refrigerator, take 1 tbsp morning on an empty stomach.

3) Rowan.
A handful of fresh (or 2 dry) berries of mountain ash, rinse and mince. 1 tbsp puree mixed with 2 tbsp pureed cranberries, add 5 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp beet and garlic juice, mix well and pour 2 tbsp. of vodka. Insist two weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Take 1 tbsp 2-3 times a day before meals for at least a month.

4) Centaury.
2 tsp dry herb of centaury pour 250 ml of boiling water, to insist, under cover for 5 minutes, add powdered propolis on the tip of a knife and stir. After cooling, strain and add 1 teaspoon of white clay, stir again. Drink 250 ml 3 times a day 1 hour before meals in small SIPS. A course of 5 days. To repeat a year.

5) Ginger.
A piece of root ginger (6-8 cm) grate on a fine grater, pour 1 liter of hot water, add finely chopped peel lemon and honey (to taste). Take 250 ml 3 times a day.



Repeat this procedure every night and see how better your life has become.

Since ancient times people knew that the element of fire cleanses and burns all negative, stick to the aura.

The uniqueness of the impact of the flame on the biological field that surrounds people, is that it helps to cleanse the body of negative elements accumulated in our day. And if a person living in an urban setting, there is rarely an opportunity to sit by the fire, a candle before him he always can light.

� Sat near a lit candle at least 7-10 minutes, observing the vibrations of the tongue its flame, as it deviates to the right, then left, then freezes in place, soon begin to notice how the candle casts in the space of a small quantity of soot, which, as long experience shows of magic, incorporates fatigue, frustration and resentment that have accumulated in humans.

Stopping the pain and sorrow passes, not allowing the disease to penetrate through the negative thoughts and feelings in our physical body. So the emotional pain, gradually dissipating, prevents the pain of the physical body. Together with the crackling of the candles out our pain, and on its place again rest and composure.

� To remove with a loved one layering negative margins and programs, ask him to sit on the chair sideways so the back does not obstruct the back from exposure to the candle flame, and they stand behind it.

Light a candle and for a while forget about all your everyday thoughts. The patient should start “clean” with the coccyx. Hand with a candle must make a rotational movement in a counterclockwise direction.

The amplitude of this movement is 10-15 centimeters. And the time within which to perform the ceremony, is chosen by you arbitrarily. If the candle starts to crackle, then you have found the “problem” spot - the area in which the person exist serious violations of in the body. Surely at this point you will see a flash of soot. Hold a candle near such zone until then, until the candle stops Smoking! When the flame became pure again, continue to move the spine up to the crown.

Ritual finish the movement above his head: at a distance of 10-15 centimeters higher.

�Cleansing need to spend 3 times by checking, whether the lit candle in the place where she had smoked.
Repeat this procedure every night and see how better your life has become.


Here's why you should not boil water twice! Protect yourself from mortal danger

Here’s why you should not boil water twice! Protect yourself from mortal danger.

Surely you ever have moments when you put the kettle on for tea or coffee, boil it, but for some reason you do not pour boiling water into the Cup. Got distracted by a phone call, your favorite TV series, called someone from the family or you just decided not to drink. In General, you go back to the kitchen, and the water in the kettle has cooled, and boiled it again. However, if you put the water to heat up again - you can pay health. Why? Now learn!

After boiling, the water changes its composition, harmful substances evaporate from it, and it becomes safe to drink. However, when the water boils too long or re-boiling, chemical compounds in it are changing and many hazardous substances instead of steaming, begin to accumulate!

1. Arsenic

The world health organization (who) States that “arsenic in the drinking water represents the greatest threat to public health”. Gradually accumulate in the body, arsenic causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, peripheral neuropathy, cardiovascular disease, renal dysfunction, skin lesions, diabetes, and even cancer.

2. Nitrates

Nitrates are present not only in soil but also in water and even in the air. When water is exposed to high temperatures, nitrates are converted to carcinogenic nitrosamines. These chemicals can cause cancers such as ovarian, colon, bladder, pancreas, esophagus and stomach.

3. Fluoride

The fact that fluoride in the water, poses a risk to human health has been proved. In one of scientific and medical journals published the results of tests, which proved that fluoride in drinking water reduces IQ in children. A study conducted in 2013 showed that fluoride reduces the level of fertility in male mice



1. In the first 3-4 days of aggravation necessary to ensure that the patient rest the back, to minimize movements.

2. When expressed pain syndrome shows the stationary treatment in the neurology Department with the administration of drugs intravenous drip or bolus (L-lysine aescinat, aminophylline, furosemide to relieve the swelling in the spine, hormonal drugs - dexamethasone).

3. Intramuscular injection:

analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs (dicloberl, artaxan, voltaren);
b vitamins (milgamma, vitamins B1, B6, B12);
to relieve tension of the muscles (spazmatron, mydocalm);
improves neuromuscular conductivity (neuromedin, epigrams).

Also widely used introduction of drugs directly into the paravertebral muscles (the blockade).

4. Tablets:

painkillers and anti-inflammatory (nimesulide, ibuprofen, emodin, lexical);
relieves muscle tension (sirdalud, chiseled, mydocalm);
vascular (numbing) to improve nutrition of the affected muscles and nerves (trental, pentoxifylline).

5. Physiotherapy treatment for strong pain syndrome is not recommended, as the procedure can cause deterioration. After 3-4 days, after reducing the pain prescribed:

SNEEM with novocaine on the area of the pain;
magnetic therapy;
fonoforez with drugs (ointments, hydrocortisone, rumaker, voltaren, numbing used cardiovascular drugs - pentoxifylline, trental);
diadynamic currents.

6. Massage is recommended during the recovery period where the pain is minimal.

7. Acupuncture.

8. Manual therapy if indicated.

9. Prevention of exacerbations:

chondroprotectors courses 2 times a year (pills teraflex, DON, stop osteoarthritis, intramuscular injection - alflutop, mucosal);
massage, courses, physiotherapy 2 times a year;
swimming, therapeutic exercise constantly;
wearing a corset for 3-4 hours a day (during exercise).

Popular treatment

1. The juice of horseradish: horseradish roots grate on a grater, squeeze the juice from them, mix it with water in a ratio of 1:1, RUB the loin and wrap it with a woolen cloth for 2-3 hours.

2. A poultice made of potatoes 4-5 potatoes cook in uniform, cooled, grate them along with peel and add 2-3 tbsp of cold water. Apply the mixture on the lower back, put a dry cloth, then cellophane and wrap. This poultice can be applied overnight.

3. Fir oil: RUB into the location of pain.

4. Therapeutic baths:

mustard: 200 g of mustard powder, pour a glass of cold water, mix well. The resulting slurry was poured into a bath of warm water (36-40 °). To take a mustard bath for 15 minutes, then rinse under the shower and wrap yourself with a blanket;
conifers: in a saucepan bring to boil 4 liters of water put 1 kg of young shoots of pine. Simmer 10 minutes, then wrap with a towel and let stand until cool. Strain the infusion, pour into a tub of water, take 15-20 minutes.

Exercises lumbar sciatica

1. Tilts: standing, feet shoulder width apart, hands on his belt. To perform bending with a straight back and to the side, pausing for 2-3 seconds. At the initial stage to do 10-15 dips, then the number gradually increase.

2. Exercise “cat”: starting position - knee-elbow, alternately arch your back up and down.

3. Leg swings: while lying on your stomach lift one straight leg, the other, then both.

4. Hovering on the bar: stretching of the spine under its own weight. To do the exercise smoothly, without sudden movements.
