Monday, February 29, 2016

The rules of healthy sleep

1. To comply with the sleep schedule. This means that if you Wake up every weekday at 7am, and at weekends it is advisable to do the same. Sleep can be extended a maximum of an hour. Also need to go at the same time. It is important to consider that it is better to Wake up in REM sleep. To define it, you can try during the week to rearrange the alarm for 10-30 minutes or to access the special tables.
2. To support physical activity throughout the day. For example, to do exercises. This exercise should be complete it was necessary to raise the temperature of the body to improve brain activity and performance. One should not neglect cold shower after charging. Exercise good relieve stress and help the body reduce tension and relax, so during lunch break you can walk, and after work to visit the pool or gym. However, we must remember that heavy exercise just before bedtime may cause insomnia increased physical activity must end at 10 PM. To decrease body temperature take a shower.
3. To drink more water. We are talking about high quality clean water, not just liquids (tea, soda or coffee). There are different opinions about how much water you should consume per day, but one thing is clear: it is impossible to prevent its shortage. If the body was not enough water during waking hours, he will experience stress and during sleep.
4. To minimize the consumption of nicotine, caffeine, alcohol and energy drinks. The ideal condition would be a complete rejection of these beverages and cigarettes. If a person daily drink coffee and Wake up, then eventually the body loses the ability to regroup, relax and be activated at the right moment. Undesirable or eating heavy meals just before bedtime, because in this case, the body will expend energy on digestion.
5. To organise good lighting in the workplace. The ideal option would be daylight. If this is not possible, the workplace should be just as lit. Light destroys the hormone melatonin, so they need less sleep.
6. Relax after lunch. If you really want to take a NAP after lunch, you should not ignore this desire. It takes only 15-20 minutes to rest and recover in REM sleep.
7. Ventilate the bedroom before bedtime. This simple act will allow to create optimal conditions for relaxation. Body temperature at night should be lower than during the day. It is also desirable to eliminate watching the news or movies late at night, because it may increase brain activity and thereby delay the process of complete relaxation. Put the gadgets aside, unless “smart alarm clock” to fix the sleep phase.
These rules will really work if you follow them all together and not selectively and from time to time. Of course, everyone should find best option and best to adapt the rules for themselves. Most likely, immediately begin to follow them will not be easy, but with time it will become a habit, and then a six-hour sleep will not seem like a lot of Spartans.


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