Showing posts with label today. Show all posts
Showing posts with label today. Show all posts

Monday, May 9, 2016

Perhaps, today every person is familiar with a word like diet

Perhaps, today every person is familiar with a word like diet. And who was the first Creator of the diet and what is its history? This is discussed in this article.

It is believed that the first Creator of the diet was William the Conqueror, king of England in 1087. He put on weight so that he could not ride a horse. To reduce the weight of a king devised a alcoholic diet. Miracle diet helped him, but the mass was not included, probably for the best.

The farther the better. In 1830 appeared the diet to eliminate such a sin as gluttony. It was invented by Sylvester Graham, a Presbyterian Minister. He argued that excessive obesity can cause various diseases. The disciples of Graham were dull and pale, but felt good. Later Alton Sinclair comes up with the post as 1 of the ways to cleanse the body, not only to maintain religion.

By the end of the 19th century began to appear the first printed publications about weight loss and fullness, and then there is a lot of different diets. A pioneer in the diets was Jack Alan, who offered for weight loss diet drinks and low fat food in combination with exercise.
Subsequently to refer to weight loss and limited consumption of sugar and starch used the term “Banting”, in honor of William Banting, who put forward the idea of transforming the eaten potatoes in the fat in the body.

In 1879, saccharin appears. This is 1 of sugar substitutes. For the first time it begins mass-production Corporation “Monsanto”.

At the end of the 19th century the first advertising of the products for weight loss. However, their composition was not very useful components such as washing soda, strychnine, English bitter soda, arsenic and laxatives.

Already in the 20th century, Wilbur Atwater revealed proteins, carbohydrates and fats and their caloric value. In the future, calorie counting began to be used for weight loss. The first guide on the subject was the book Lulu hunt Peters ’ Diet and health with key to the calories”. And now, many women’s magazines promote the idea of counting calories. Advocating this method, as an effective method to achieve the perfect figure.

Time passes and the problem of weight loss remains and becomes a mass. We now offer new diet. Which one is the best, nobody knows. Most importantly, lead a healthy lifestyle, and figure will be fine!



- Fall asleep every day and waking up at the same time.
- Eat Breakfast, lunch and dinner, too at one time - the body will tell you thank you for it.
- Sleep at least 8 hours.
- Before bed go for a walk and breathe the fresh air. And also ventilate the room before going to sleep for 1 hour.
- Drink at least 1500 ml.of water.
- Try every day to eat fruits, vegetables, berries.
- Drink a glass of kefir at night.
- Rinse feet with cold water is also a kind of hardening.
- Sit in Internetе not more hours in the day.
- Make face masks from natural ingredients.
- Take every summer day.
- Run in the morning.
- Buy a Hoop and practice at least 15 minutes a day.
- Smile.
- Learn 5 new foreign words a day
- Every day clean out his room, throwing rubbish and watering your favorite plants.
- Wipe the face of frozen chamomile decoction (i.e. with ice cubes)
- Completely abstain from fast food.
- Do morning exercises.
- Meditiruet - just relax, turn on some soft music, do not think about anything.
- Learn something new every day.
- Read. At least 10-15 pages daily.
- Take at least an hour to your parents. Help around the house, talk, learn about their problems and experiences, give them some advice.
- Tell people nice words and compliments.
- Refrain from foul language and words-parasites. In General, watch out for his speech.
- Do one small good deed every day.
- Take care of yourself - take a steam bath for the face, exfoliation, pamper the body moisturizing lotion.
- Abstain from cosmetics. Or a ton of makeup. At least in the summer let the skin breathe.
- Learn beautiful, inspiring you poems.
- Go right. Follow the posture.
- Give up all sorts of bad habits.
- Try to become a vegetarian at least for a month. Suddenly like that?;)
- Keep a diary of their progress.
- Save money.
- Take yoga classes.
- Think positive thoughts - all will come true!
- Now add yourself to this post on your wall, let your friends also read it


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Why you should start drinking ginger tea today and see for yourself! Indisputable arguments

Why you should start drinking ginger tea today and see for yourself! Undeniable arguments.

Ginger can be considered a superfood, as it strengthens the immunity, improves digestion and relieves inflammation. The composition of this plant contains several essential oils, which are the cause of special aroma and taste of ginger: gingerol, zingerone and shogaol. These oils are powerful antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic agents. Ginger root promotes healthy digestion, boosts immunity, treats asthma, cardiovascular diseases, relieves pain and much more.

Properties of ginger:
1. It is effective against headaches, flu, colds and even sore muscles. Substances that are included in ginger, help reduce pain and aches in the body.
2. Regular use of this product in food has beneficial effects on the immune system. It includes a huge number of antioxidants which strengthen immunity and help the body fight infections.
3. Just one Cup of ginger tea a day reduces the chances of getting a stroke, since this is the root of destroys fatty deposits that block arteries.
4. Ginger also improves circulation, which helps to better circulate oxygen and useful nutrients to our body.
5. Ginger tea kills the viruses that cause the common cold, herpes, and influenza.

How to make ginger tea

1 tbsp. water;
¼ Tsp. ground ginger;
¼ Tsp ground turmeric;

Zakipyatit water and add the ginger and turmeric. Mix and leave for 10 minutes. Then add the honey. The drink is ready for consumption!

Try on some amazing benefits of ginger! This product will greatly improve your health and allow the body to fight various dangers that await him every day. Share this article with your friends!


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Today decided to direct a short post to write

Today decided to direct a short post to write. And this, more philosophical.

How to find out from the person that it currently lacks? Just ask: “What is happiness for you?”

Somehow accidentally yesterday in the VC I got a text message in my search(was looking for some information) and happened to notice 2 chat. Neighbouring posts were on the topic of happiness. The discussion was almost 3.5 years ago in both chats.
Answers such as: you want your island, Lambo and a house - then I will be happy. One wants without limit alcohol, for which you can not pay. The third wants a new iPhone, the fourth house with swimming pool. The list can be continued indefinitely, but at least one 1 girl there answered normally from 2 chat: favorite next. Yes, of course, all of them were about 18 and 19 years old, same as me then, but then again people have the idea of happiness, that this is some material thing.

I say to myself: I have a lot of real estate, Bank accounts and electronic wallets crammed with money, I drive a racing Porsche that is assigned in class, only Ferrari and Lamborghini, and even then some cars are worse than the characteristics of my car. I now have 2 cars: Mitsubishi Lancer and a Porsche Panamera Platinum Edition. And no matter behind the wheel of any machine I sit down with the morning strong the role it will play. Yes, it can affect the mood and then some. It is so nice to drive a Porsche, but that doesn’t make happier. Yes, I agree, better to be sad in the Porsche than the Mitsubishi, but I’m always in a good mood. Here I have a man who has 2 States: either sleepy or positive mood.
All the toys make your life more comfortable, the extra money gives confidence, and most importantly freedom, but they do not replace life itself.
One of the first speakers further wrote: “here will get it and die already”. To even comment is not desirable.

When you have all the “toys” are already thinking more about spiritual development. Interesting to benefit people, help them rise, to do something worthwhile in life. To create a product that will be useful and the most important thing people need. Interesting to influence people, change their thinking, to capture new markets. Of businesses do not want anything to get, and to find ways of reinvestment or so at the least possible investment in another sector, for example. To change the world for the better. To build momentum for their companies etc… more and more there is a desire to learn management and other skills that will help in business.

And the most important thing to remember: the most important thing in life is family, love and friends.

Let you have a crazy problem in business or at work - you sooner or later decide, but loved ones always need to appreciate and keep close.

Sometimes I still don’t understand some people who put material gain above all else. Friend here the other day said, “I’ll be happy only when we build a house”. I never understood so thoughts. You need to be happy is always here and now.
When I was 2 years - I was happy
When I went to school - I was happy
When I graduated from high school - was happy
To the University came, was happy
The first car I bought was happy
Business went up - was happy
I bought a Porsche was happy.
When the status will be 1 billion$ and then I will be also happy.

You need to be able to appreciate what you have now. Because this moment will never be. But life goes on every minute.
Cars and homes should be intermediate goals, but not in any way as a benchmark of happiness. And it is very difficult to understand people who think otherwise.

Ask family and friends: “what is happiness for you?”. And you will see that 95% would call something tangible immediately. And it’s sad…

As the saying goes, money can’t buy happiness, but everyone wants to see this.
