Sunday, February 28, 2016


Repeat this procedure every night and see how better your life has become.

Since ancient times people knew that the element of fire cleanses and burns all negative, stick to the aura.

The uniqueness of the impact of the flame on the biological field that surrounds people, is that it helps to cleanse the body of negative elements accumulated in our day. And if a person living in an urban setting, there is rarely an opportunity to sit by the fire, a candle before him he always can light.

� Sat near a lit candle at least 7-10 minutes, observing the vibrations of the tongue its flame, as it deviates to the right, then left, then freezes in place, soon begin to notice how the candle casts in the space of a small quantity of soot, which, as long experience shows of magic, incorporates fatigue, frustration and resentment that have accumulated in humans.

Stopping the pain and sorrow passes, not allowing the disease to penetrate through the negative thoughts and feelings in our physical body. So the emotional pain, gradually dissipating, prevents the pain of the physical body. Together with the crackling of the candles out our pain, and on its place again rest and composure.

� To remove with a loved one layering negative margins and programs, ask him to sit on the chair sideways so the back does not obstruct the back from exposure to the candle flame, and they stand behind it.

Light a candle and for a while forget about all your everyday thoughts. The patient should start “clean” with the coccyx. Hand with a candle must make a rotational movement in a counterclockwise direction.

The amplitude of this movement is 10-15 centimeters. And the time within which to perform the ceremony, is chosen by you arbitrarily. If the candle starts to crackle, then you have found the “problem” spot - the area in which the person exist serious violations of in the body. Surely at this point you will see a flash of soot. Hold a candle near such zone until then, until the candle stops Smoking! When the flame became pure again, continue to move the spine up to the crown.

Ritual finish the movement above his head: at a distance of 10-15 centimeters higher.

�Cleansing need to spend 3 times by checking, whether the lit candle in the place where she had smoked.
Repeat this procedure every night and see how better your life has become.


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