To the refrigerator have always had a pleasant flavor perform the following procedure: moisten 1 drop of EM (essential oil) of lavender and 1 drop of EM of a lemon porous stone of baked clay or ordinary gauze (in this case, the essential oils will evaporate faster) and place them on the refrigerator door. Periodically update the essential oils.
How to freshen up the microwave? Drip 3 drops of essential oil of lemon or peppermint in a container of water. Put 3 minutes.
The trash - not the best source of flavors. How to eliminate the stench? Wash and dry the bucket, squeeze 1 drop of EM of a lavender and 1 drop tea tree EM on aracamuni, a piece of gauze or cotton wool and place on the bottom.
And 1 advice. Before you start vacuuming, wet with a few drops of lavender cotton wool and retract his vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner is on its way everywhere will leave gentle “provençal” flavor.