Showing posts with label 10br /With the help of auxili. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 10br /With the help of auxili. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2016


Recommendations for educators, parents, students.

Many people know the situation, when suddenly sprang from the head to the desired phone number or a friend’s birthday you remembered only the next day…
Do not worry, such failures are rarely the symptoms of the disease. Likely to blame fatigue, spring avitaminosis… as you know, absolute memory, but memory can be greatly improved if it is regularly trained.
Here are 10 simple exercises that you can do during the day. So, train the memory.

�� EXERCISE your habits: don’t pricesales right hand and the left (or Vice versa if you are left handed).
Sometimes try to write with my left hand.
Think for yourself what else you can do left (or right) hand. “So you activate the other side of the brain, which is almost never used in everyday life,” explains the American Explorer Dr. Katz.

�� EXERCISEs, like a curious child: see, feel, listen, sniff… Have to stimulate the memory unusual ways. Due to this expands the ability of the brain. The more senses you use, the stronger the seen will be engraved in your brain.

�� EXERCISEme text, mark every double “n” or another letter. Do the exercise without pauses, not relaxing. You quickly find that the ability to focus has improved significantly.

�� EXERCISEtective novel: what I was doing at this time yesterday? Where was I during all this? What was I doing 2 hours ago?
And then your focus will be to strengthen the brain, short-term memory will improve.

�� EXERCISEplace. Every time your left knee raised, touch him with his right hand. And Vice versa. The movement should be so eager to wave of the hand was above his head in that moment, when the knee is lowered. This exercise will improve coordination and make it work hitherto blocked areas of the brain. Cross-movement activates half.

�� EXERCISEyour nose attached brush for drawing. Using this brush, draw in the air figure “8” with your favorite color.
Try to keep movement free and neat. Breathe normally, relax your shoulders. This the cross movement will refresh a tired brain. Stress is imprinted in the memory is erased.

�� EXERCISEn even standing in traffic. This way you not only entertain yourself and your companions, but will develop your linguistic imagination. Look at the number of machines around him. From the letters that stand for the number of the machine, quickly make up a sentence, for example: GNU - walk on the street.“ Through this exercise, you learned how better to notice the signs even in a critical situation.

�� EXERCISE write a story about how he studied. Who was your best friend? Remember all the details of the class in which you studied. Restore in the memory of all your classmates and teachers. A great exercise for training the memory for faces.

�� EXERCISEion some positive slogan (phrase), thanks to which you will most easily reach the goal, as with it extinguished a negative perception problem. If before an important conversation are you afraid that the memory will let you down, think of a sentence that repeat daily with closed eyes, for example: “I know all I need to know, and I am completely calm.

�� EXERCISEary systems “the number of pictures you can easily store up to 12 different items.
Now, draw small pictures 12 very schematically: a candle, a Swan, a cactus with three stems, a leaf of clover with four teeth, the hand with five fingers raised by the elephant’s trunk waving in the left side of the flag, the little hourglass, Smoking pipe, standing on a stalk, the man next to the big kettledrum, 2 lamppost, clock.
It is easy to see that the pictures symbolize the numbers from 1 to 12. Learn the characters by heart: “Candle - 1, Swan 2, cactus - 3” and so on. When you learn this sequence, after a little practice you will easily be able to use this number in practice.
Do these exercises every day, teach them to your children and then you will forget about forgetfulness.
