Monday, April 11, 2016

How to get rid of nasolabial folds

1. Gymnastics against nasolabial folds
Of course, the easiest way to avoid the appearance of nasolabial folds is the time to do their prevention. Since 25 years, is necessary to perform a few simple exercises. With her appearance 10 minutes a day, you will maintain a youthful face for years to come.

The complex consists of the following exercises:
- fold the lips into a tube and pull, as if to pronounce the sound “OO-OO-OO”;
is loud and expressive in front of a mirror repeat the sounds A, O, S, And etc.;
- greatly inflate the cheek and hold them in that position for a few seconds. Then let the air out and relax your cheeks;
to widely open the mouth and round lips;
- lower jaw push forward and strongly squeeze the lips;
- draw the cheeks between the upper and lower teeth;
alternately inflate the cheeks;

- inflate your cheeks and let the air separate small shocks.
Each of these exercises should be repeated 15 times.
Do not pass up this sort of exercise even if the nasolabial folds you have already expressed quite clearly. This simple complex will allow you, if not get rid of, the significantly smoothes existing wrinkles.

2. Mask against nasolabial folds
To prepare pre-need brew Bay leaf. 15 leaves pour 30 ml of hot water, put on a small fire and boil for 3-5 minutes, then strain the broth and leave to cool.

At this time, with a whisk, whip the whites of 3 eggs, add a spoon of olive oil and 10 g of burnt alum. All this stir and add 1 tablespoon of decoction of Bay leaf. In the obtained composition will wet the plaster bandage and secure it on problem areas. Leave for 40 minutes.

This procedure is required for mode: 3 day overlay mask, 3 day of give the skin a rest, then again 3 day overlay, etc.

3. Strike cold
- Take a tube of ordinary towel. The corners dip into the icy water and wipe them all wrinkles. At times you must make at least 50 of wiping each fold. It was consistently cool, the tips of the towels as they heat up.

If you turn this procedure in a daily software for the care of the person, we will soon be rid of unwanted wrinkles, tighten the skin and align the oval of the face.

- Another way to get rid of nasolabial folds - to smooth them with ice cubes. Wrap ice in a soft cloth. Lie down on the bed (without a pillow) and turn on for 15 seconds gently slide the ice cube on the wrinkles. If you perform this procedure regularly, the nasolabial folds will become less noticeable after 2 weeks.

Remember that to get rid of nasolabial folds and slow down the aging process is possible only with a comprehensive and regular skin care face.

Stay always beautiful and desirable.


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