Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Amazing Oriental medicine


Amazing Eastern medicine.
Different scents help with different health problems.

STIMULANTS focus attention, improve memory, eliminate asthenic and depressive States, giving vigor, health, optimism.
These include cedarwood, lemongrass, lemon, fennel, orange, patchouli, cinnamon, rosemary, rhododendron, Magnolia, camphor, sandalwood, Tibetan incense.

ADAPTOGENS Normalize the nervous system, increase communication, eliminate the sharp recessions of mood, open chakra of joy, eliminates the heavy thoughts, filled the creature with light and ease.
These include mint, lavender, thyme, Laurel, Jasmine, rose, myrrh, oregano, almonds, Tibetan incense.

SEDATIVE AROMAS. Calm in stressful situations, with fatigue, exhaustion, sadness, grief, tearfulness.
This effect are chamomile, geranium, neroli, sandalwood, vanilla, tea tree, frankincense, marjoram, Lotus, Orchid, Tibetan incense.

PROTECTIVE FRAGRANCES. Protect against vampirism, jealousy, unkindness of other people - i.e., restores the integrity of the aura, eliminates breakdowns of the chakras.
This is Jasmine (for women), Melissa, almonds, cloves, rose, opium, rosemary, juniper, lemon. incense, Tibetan incense.

FEED FLAVORS. Enliven, nourish thinning aura of fatigue, mental agony, inferiority complex - if the source of destruction within itself.
These include Tulsi, coriander, geranium, grapefruit, ginger, pine, arborvitae, lavender, Laurel, mint, neroli, rose, violet, thyme, frankincense, cinnamon, lemon, Gardenia, hyacinth, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, Tibetan incense.

energy shell after stress, grief, loss, sorrow.
It’s bergamot, coriander, geranium, orange, lavender, Melissa, musk, neroli, orange, lemon, thuja, Orchid, Tibetan incense.

REHABILITATION AROMAS. Help to cope with illnesses when energy depletion layer due to serious diseases, traumas, operations.
These properties are amber, fennel, ginger, arborvitae, pine, cedar, orange, mint, cinnamon, rose, Gardenia, carnation, lemon, Magnolia, Tibetan incense.

AROMAS BARRIERS. Create a shield the outer layer of the aura to overcome difficulties, to achieve success in work.
These include bergamot, eucalyptus, pine, cedar, Magnolia, Laurel, orange, musk, rosemary, juniper, lemon, clove, Tibetan incense.

FRAGRANCES FOR MEDITATION. Allow you to enrich your spirit and energy, to achieve a harmonious fusion with the surrounding world.
It is sandalwood, myrrh, frankincense, musk, neroli, rose, lemon, rhododendron, Tibetan (incense.

OPENING AROMAS. Give heat, light, pulsating energy layer in romantic and erotic contacts. Facilitate understanding between lovers, helps to avoid artificial conflicts.
These properties are patchouli, orange, bergamot, ginger, Jasmine (female), Mandarin, violet, musk, rose, sandalwood, thuja, verbena, ylang-ylang, afrodesia, cedar, cinnamon.

FAMILY FLAVORS. Potentiated energy conductivity of impulses between parents and children, between spouses and relatives. Create energy of comfort, warmth and lightness in the house.
These include Jasmine, orange blossom, rose, musk, aphrodesia, coconut, patchouli, Lotus, amber, Tibetan incense.

“RETURN TO ME.” Apply in the case when we accidentally or specifically caused someone harm, hurt, deceived, if flipped out, stormed out, came in anger. These perfumes bestow nobility of feelings and thoughts, helping to restore justice and correct the mistakes.
These fragrances are Jasmine, musk, sandalwood, amber, Orchid, coriander, oregano, rosemary, vanilla, verbena, incense.

This afrodesia, Jasmine, orange, tangerine, Clary sage, neroli, rose, juniper, lemon, cypress, lemongrass, cedar, cinnamon, vanilla.


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