Thursday, October 6, 2016

Exercise Vacuum belly

“A vacuum in the stomach” is considered one of the most effective exercises for toning inner transverse abdominal muscles and make it flat. Interestingly, this exercise found also in yoga.

Thanks to this exercise in only 3 weeks you can significantly strengthen the internal abdominal muscles that will reduce waist size and improve shape as the press, which will become more flat, and the body overall.

“Vacuum in the stomach” - proper technique

Exercise “vacuum in the stomach” must perform like lying, and standing or leaning forward. Given that this is primarily a strengthening exercise, perform it as often as possible, or at least 5 times a week.

You have to get used to the fact that the transverse abdominal muscles should be constantly tense, - in a few weeks they will become toned and you will no longer have to make an effort to control it.

1. Starting position - lying on your back, arms along the body, knees bent feet on the floor, muscles relaxed. Slowly exhale, gradually freeing the lungs from the air, without straining any muscles of the body.
2. Freeing his lungs of air, begin to strain the abdominal muscles, trying to involve him as much as possible. Breathing stopped. At the bottom lock the position of the abdomen for 10-15 seconds, then take a little breath, continuing to hold my stomach in.
3. Making a small breath, do not rush to relax the stomach - tighten your abdominal muscles and freeze for another 10-15 seconds, then pull your stomach while keeping tension on abdominal muscles. If you find it difficult to hold your breath, little breaths.
4. Exhale, relax your belly, take a few free breaths, then release the light from the air, and pull your stomach as much as possible.Plunging, try to stretch the abdominal muscles, and then push the belly up, not breathing.


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