Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The benefits of stretching and how it affects muscle growth 👍💪
- Strength and ligaments. Combine these two components into one, since they are closely intertwined. In any case, by stretching, we have to strengthen the ligaments, making them thicker, stronger, more elastic and less prone to injury and tears. Where is the power?
No muscles, namely the ligaments, determine your performance in the power maloprotochnyh exercises. Not everybody knows that muscle will not drop the whole 100%, therefore never develops a maximum power. This is prevented by ligaments, which under submaximal stress, send feedback to the brain, designed to weaken the electric pulse to reduce the muscle to prevent tearing of ligaments, and other injuries. So how do You GE tried, without strong ligaments you’re not able to squeeze out of his body limits
(just a wild dose of adrenaline, the body blocks the impulses to the ligaments and in such moments, man is able to develop maximum power)
(experiment: in the United States were two groups of a hundred people, both performed the squat. One group stretched, the other not. A significant increase in muscle mass, a month later was observed in the group performing stretching. The increase in strength was 20% more than that of not doing any stretching)
- Mobility! You’re mobile, you’re mobile, these cool quality useful in all kinds of sports, be it chess or weightlifting.
- Healthy joints, ligaments, cartilage, a clear sign of your youth. In one of the martial arts (Kempo), youth is determined by your flexibility.
- Weight! After the approach(especially mnohopocetneho), your muscles are crammed with blood and lactic acid. Stretching the muscle is filled with blood, you not only improve the metabolism in it, but also stretch the sheath of the muscle cells and fascia. What gives? The fascia and sheath cells, prevent the increase in the size of your muscles. Stretching them, you contribute to protein free growth.
All for a good workout and a good stretch!

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