Thursday, October 6, 2016

The benefits of iodine

HYPOTHYROIDISM (reduced thyroid function) - is not a harmless thing… While trying to add iodine in salt, and in various Breakfast cereals, and infant formula, but this is not enough!

✔Let’s start with the sample in the evening before bed swipe iodine 3 strips - 10cm on the outside of the right hand forearm.
The first strip - the strongest color intensity, the second is weaker, the third is the weakest.
In the morning, look at these stripes. What color your skin is absorbed?

- If the weak band learned the body - so the body has enough iodine, but to prevent autumn-winter period and fed him.

- If there is no trace of weak and medium strips - the body needs iodine.

- If all three no trace on the skin in the morning - help!

- If all 3 of the “face” - make no mistake, it’s possible that your thyroid is no longer able to work in normal mode, you will have to drive.

A warning to those who suffer from HYPERTHYROIDISM - irritability, sweating, irritability - if you will conduct this trial, you will increase the heartbeat, so this practice is not for you!


Will draw…
The color intensity of the iodine on the skin will be the one that ABSORBED YOUR SKIN during the tests!!!
The first evening we will draw the stain with iodine the size of their palms on the RIGHT leg (front of calf)
The second evening we will draw the stain on the LEFT leg
The third evening we will draw the spot on his RIGHT arm
The fourth evening we will draw the spot on his LEFT HAND! is a loading dose, because closest to the heart.
Fifth night - draw on the LEFT leg
The sixth evening - draw on the RIGHT foot
Seventh night - draw on his LEFT HAND!

The scheme is simple - just don’t stray!
And the main thing - not to miss a single evening! Missed only 2 weeks will start again with the sample.

✔ I’m doing this procedure for 15 years, every autumn and winter. SUMMER - NOT!!!

Now, a few recipes, where iodine is used (do not combine these recipes with the above procedure! Not that the overload of iodine make the heart pity!)

✔ Gynecological diseases and inflammation - to lubricate the skin of the abdomen (lower part) with iodine - normal iotova mesh 3-5 nights in a row.

✔ A few drops of iodine in a little water (milk) - for gastrointestinal diseases.

✔ For bruises and sprains - iotova mesh at the injury site several days in a row.

✔ With a cold - inhalation of iodine (if not allergic to iodine!) - open a bottle of iodine, deeply to inhale the fumes of each nostril (4-5 times a day) - only do not hold the nose immediately after opening the bottle and never bend.

✔ When back pain is to mix 1 tsp of iodine 1 tsp of lemon juice. Moisten a cotton swab in this mixture and wipe over the entire back. After 3-4 hours, ask a family member or friend to examine your back. The places where iodine is discolored - problem! They should be lubricated with this mixture (to cook it every time), while the back will not stop hurting.

✔ White iodine in a bottle of iodine to put a couple of aspirin and get white iodine for brushing the skin. This is for those who want to go red, an iodine grid.

All godovye drawing be done only at night, and you can paint during the day, then on the street not to go and avoid drafts.


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