Tuesday, May 31, 2016



✔ Buy in the drugstore capsules with oil solution of vitamin E, squeeze an arbitrary amount and gently massage over face, after 30 minutes apply on the skin egg white, let it soak for 30 min., rinse with cold water, This will allow to get rid of acne and cleanse pores. With regular use skin will have a radiant appearance and becomes smooth.

✔ Great tool for exfoliation and effective cleansing is a mixture of baking soda with a couple drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide, which have small circular motion to massage the face.

✔ Get rid of unwanted hair for 1 week, using 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds mixed with 1 teaspoon of baking soda, which enhances the properties of coffee in the destruction of the hair follicle! Operates amazing!

✔ Baby oil make a great substitute for shaving cream! It gives a closer shave of the legs and the procedure is softer. And the longer blade retains its cutting properties.

✔ Best homemade foot scrub - a mixture of olive oil, honey and sugar 1:1. Feet become soft and a healthy look.

✔ Mix a little soda with regular shampoo and wash as usual head. Your hair will become light and crazy volume!


White diet


White diet.
Create a diet with a focus on color characteristics of its component products is not new. Here is the white diet is based on the same principles. It refers to short-term compliance with the types of diet for weight loss, lasts 3-5 days and provides an opportunity to reduce your body weight by 2-3 kilograms. Sometimes under the same name seems to be milk diet, but not in this case. In the diet white diet along with dairy includes all foods that are white in color: eggs, rice, white beans, white varieties of nuts (kernels), vegetables and fruit with white pulp (for example, cabbage, cucumber, daikon, etc.), chicken white meat and even white bread. The only exceptions are salt and sugar, starchy foods, and excessively starchy foods. From their use should not be abandoned, especially if there are problems with excess weight. A very important nuance in the white building diet is the amount of food for 1 meal: portions should be no larger than your fist. Diet can be repeated a month later. Although it is not extreme way to lose weight and not have any special contraindications, before using it, be sure to consult with your doctor about eligibility for you like diet.
Sample menu white diet for 3 days (you can use your option)
The first day of the white diet
Breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream (all low fat or skim), 2 white bread toast, green tea without sugar or mineral water without gas.
Additional appetizer: one egg, hard-boiled.
Lunch: boiled rice, boiled or steamed chicken (preferably fillet), cabbage salad, peeled cucumber, grated daikon or white salad, green tea without sugar.
Dinner: 2 apples medium size, a glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir.
The second day of the white diet
Breakfast: a glass of low-fat yogurt, any cheese 100g white varieties.
Additional snack: two boiled potatoes average.
Lunch: boiled white beans, 2 eggs, hard boiled, cabbage salad, peeled cucumber, grated daikon or white lettuce (you can add sea Kale), green tea without sugar.
Dinner: 1 banana, low-fat yogurt.
The third day of the white diet
Breakfast: coffee without sugar 2 white bread toasts.
Additional appetizer: Kale salad, peeled cucumber, grated daikon or white salad.
Lunch: boiled white beans, 2 eggs, hard boiled, cabbage salad, peeled cucumber, grated daikon or white lettuce (you can add sea Kale), green tea without sugar.
Dinner: 1 banana, glass of low-fat yogurt.




Save yourself, not to lose ✔

You will need:

�� Solution of calcium chloride 5-10% (or as it is called, calcium chloride). Sold in pharmacies.

�� The average price for 10 vials - 43 rubles. It can also happen in vials.

�� A few cotton pads.

�� Baby soap.

Carefully open the ampoule. Take a cotton pad, promutuel it with a solution of calcium chloride and applied to the facial skin on the massage lines. Give is fully absorbed. Repeat this procedure 5-8 times. Possible sensations of mild tingling, burning skin should not, if this happens, immediately rinse with water with soap.

When the last layer has dried up, lightly moisturize fingertips with water and we soap up beyond their baby soap. The fingers should not be too soggy.

Massaging gently RUB the soap into the skin. Under the fingers are formed “soap pellets”.

The mechanism of action is explained as follows: the interaction of soap (sodium or potassium salt) and calcium chloride produces chloride of potassium and sodium and insoluble calcium salt, which just rolls off, grabbing a dead skin particles of the upper layer of the skin. It turns out surface, gentle exfoliation of face.

Continue to massage the face soaked in soap with your fingers. If necessary, re-wetting and soaping the fingers. When the “pellets” will cease to form and the skin will have a little “creak”, carefully wash your face with warm water.

After this procedure, the facial skin may acquire a pinkish hue, it will pass quickly. Therefore, this procedure should not do right before going out or an important event, and it is better to produce it the day before.

After “Hollywood” cleansing the skin is dehydrated, therefore, immediately on the face need to bear on moisturizing and nourishing mask. I prefer a mask of powder Polisorb.


For this you will need half of a bag of powder Polisorb. He sold the pharmacy, the average cost for 1 package (10 sachets) 158 RUB.

Bred 1 powder-to-one with water to the consistency of thick cream. Apply with brush on face, neck and decollete. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

POLYSORB - is a enterosorbent. Absorb excess sebum and perfectly lifts the skin.

After the mask on the skin, apply a nourishing cream. The procedure should not be carried out often. Enough 1-2 times a month. After this cleaning face is “cover”.


List of foods for weight loss:


1. Low-calorie foods
tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, white lean fish, citrus.
2. Satisfying products
cereals, pasta from durum wheat, beans, wholegrain bread, apples.
3. Products, not provoke spikes in blood sugar - skim milk, lentils, mushrooms, berries, lettuce leaves.
4. Products with reduced fat content
low-fat cottage cheese, chicken offal, seafood, grouper, tuna.
5. Products that will support your appearance
pure water, olive oil, almonds, flax oil, avocado.
6. The products that you nice to have
vegetables and fruits that crunch until you eat them - apples, carrots, bell pepper, celery, etc.; whipped dairy products without sugar, fruit puree, low-fat chicken paste, juicy berries.
7. Products that will not retain water in the body
green tea; orange juice, diluted with water; cranberries; berry fruit drinks and soft drinks without sugar; celery and juice from it.
8. Products that will always be with you
bananas, low-fat dairy products in half-liter containers, grain bread, nuts, dried fruits. 9. Products that will help you build a new body
low-fat cheese, dietary cottage cheese, white fish, legumes, egg whites.
10. Products that will support you
black chocolate without additives (in the composition should be specified not less than 75% cocoa), figs, tomatoes, olive oil, nuts.


Fat burning green smoothie


Save yourself, not to lose ✔

�� Ingredients (for one serving):
▫ 1 medium kiwi
▫ 2 ring lemon (with zest)
▫ 7-10 sprigs of parsley (tails cut)
▫ 6-8 sprigs of mint
▫ 100 ml of pure non-carbonated water
▫ Optional 1-2 tsp. honey (but not sugar!)

�� Preparation:

1. Clean and cut into 4-5 pieces of kiwi and place into blender. Ideally, prepare the cocktail in a blender, and with the help of pestle and mortar, as well as to maintain more vitamins than in the case of blender, but if you like I don’t have a mortar, you can use a blender. You can leave a slice for decoration.

2. Put 2 thin ring of lemon (with zest) and parsley.

3. Parse mint on the leaves - leaves to kiwi, and the stems in the garbage. Optionally add the honey.

4. Add water and grind everything into a puree.

5. Pour into a glass, decorate and enjoy. Drink immediately!




- Thyme. Recommended: flu, stomach cramps, kidney diseases, as a diuretic, for anemia, insomnia, migraine, rheumatic pains. Also drink it as a “masculine” tea.

- Chamomile. Heart tea. Antitromboticescoe has a marked effect and antimicrobial action (against flu, colds, inflammations).

- Wild rose. A storehouse of antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamins (C, K) and minerals that strengthens the immune system. If you want to drink red wine but can’t drink alcohol, drink the infusion of rose hips. In addition, helps to fight diarrhea.

- Clover. Tea for cough (with honey), for the liver from female pain. Recommended in case of diabetes instead of the usual tea (without sweetening).

- Rose. Improves mood; antiviral tea, strengthens the immune system. This tea is especially quickly loses its flavor after brewing, cooled tea made from rose buds it is impossible to drink.

- Lemon balm. Tea soothes and helps to cope with digestive problems caused by nervous disorder. Relieves stress improves sleep, eases pain, improves concentration.

- Fennel (rhizomes, seeds). Tea-digestive, improves digestion, relieves bloating - with this purpose it is given even to infants. Also helps with coughs, colds, ear infections.

- Strawberry leaves. Purifying the blood that helps krovetvornuu, soothing, restorative. This aromatic tea you can add dried berries.

- Yarrow. 1 teaspoon herbs yarrow boil with 1 Cup of boiling water for 5-10 minutes and drink (half a Cup) with gastritis. For pain in the stomach also brew a mixture of chamomile flowers and yarrow.

- The dandelion. This tea will help the liver to cope with stress, especially if you drink alcohol, smoke or take drugs. Eases constipation, improves absorption of nutrients from food.

- Lime. Relaxing tea, relieves anxiety and decreasing pressure. Recommended for pain relief in migraine. Two cups of Linden tea with Linden honey a day will help prevent colds. But it is not necessary to repeat the procedure daily: this sweatshop tea is a serious burden for the heart.

- Lavender. Calms the nervous system, aligns the breath, gives sound sleep, invigorates hypotensive. Tea for migraines and detoxification.

- Osmanthus, or the cinnamon-tree flowers. Normalizes metabolism, promotes normal functioning of the pancreas. These are small white-yellow flowers often just add when brewed black or green tea.




How often have you heard the catch phrase that “beauty requires sacrifice”? We were taught in school email, account, physics and astronomy, but everything that relates to beauty and self-care, remains to us as homework for life. Women and girls of all ages share grandmother’s recipes, tips from fashion magazines, listen to the opinion of scientists that someday (we honestly believe it!) invent a vaccine for eternal youth and beauty. And in the meantime I want to share with you the latest discoveries of the luminaries of science and medicine as to what products are best to use for beauty and health of hair and nails.

1. Salmon
This delicious fish contains important vitamin D, protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which help to strengthen nails, prevent breakage and layering, strengthen hair follicles, allowing hair to become thicker and beginning to grow faster. If salmon for some reason is not a frequent guest at your table - proposed alternative: sardines, herring, trout, mackerel.

2. Walnuts
Growing in our latitudes walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and also contain very useful for the body Biotin and vitamin E. These ingredients effectively fight loss of hair, strengthens teeth, hair is filled with vital force, making them stronger and thicker, accelerate the growth of the nail plate. Alternative to walnuts: pumpkin seeds and avocado.

3. Whey protein
If hair and nails are suffering from deficiency of protein, particularly keratin, they become dull and brittle. In order promptly to correct the situation, drink the serum. This delicious, slightly sour drink quite unfairly considered a by-product when making cheese or cottage cheese. In fact, the serum not only strengthens teeth, hair and nails, but also helps control appetite for those who are actively struggling with excess weight!

4. Lentils
These miracle beans contain a whole Arsenal of useful vitamins and minerals. Such vital nutrients as iron, zinc, protein and Biotin stimulate new hair growth, give them strength and natural Shine, hair becomes stronger and thicker and nails stronger and healthier.

5. Spinach
The composition includes spinach is useful for hair and nails substances like beta-carotene, folic acid and vitamin C. These micronutrients help to contain intact hair follicles and the nail plate, accelerates hair growth, making them thicker and healthier. The regular use of spinach the nails cease to exfoliate, become strong and long.

6. Sweet potatoes
This root vegetable contains a huge amount of beta-carotene, or vitamin A. If people are deficient of this trace mineral, they began to be troubled by dandruff, itching scalp, hair starts to fall out, and nails to exfoliate. Just a small serving of sweet potatoes can improve the situation and protect you from health problems.

I hope we have convinced you that to obtain true natural beauty don’t need to spend millions and join the queue for the next six months to a plastic surgeon. All that you need is proper and balanced diet. Tell your friends about these 6 products, which can transform an ordinary girl into a real beauty. And no casualties!


Monday, May 30, 2016

Three smoothies


Three smoothies. Three way to start the day.

1. Smoothies with oatmeal and a banana

We need:
1 tbsp oatmeal
2 tbsp water
1 Cup milk
1 banana


To oatmeal add water and let it stand for a few minutes.
In a blender or food processor place the banana, don’t forget the oatmeal, pour the milk. You can add a little sugar or honey. Mix.

2. Smoothie with cranberries and oatmeal

We need:
1 tbsp oatmeal 3 tbsp water
1 banana
A handful of cranberries
1 tsp. honey
0.5 cups of water


Oatmeal pour three tablespoons of water and let stand for a few moments.
In a blender or food processor place the banana and oatmeal
Add cranberries
Add water and stir. It remains only med. Add it to almost ready to drink. And mix again.

3. A smoothie with a banana and a Mandarin

We need:
1 banana
1 juicy Mandarin seedless
0.5 cups of water


In a blender or food processor place the banana, add the Mandarin slices. Mix.
Add water and mix again. Honey/sugar/little cinnamon - optional.





All houses have a Bay leaf? You know what a great leaf. It can help in many ways. Discover how to use and apply.

- if worried about bad breath or inflammation in this area (stomatitis, gingivitis - inflammation of the gums), then you can simply several times a day to chew on a Bay leaf, and then for hours nothing to eat or drink;

- easily excitable, poorly sleeping children a few Bay leaves can be sewn into the pillow is no worse calms Valerian root;

- Bay leaves can be used for disinfection of the room in which the patient is located; for this you need to brew a few leaves with boiling water, to insist 15 minutes and pour into a saucer or in a bowl, and then the entire room will be filled with the aroma of Bay leaf and cleansed of pathogenic bacteria;

- infusion of Bay leaf for the reception inside: 10 medium Bay leaves pour three cups of boiling water, infuse for three hours and take half Cup 3 times a day as a glucose-lowering agent in the treatment of diabetes, as an anti-inflammatory in rheumatoid arthritis and as an antibacterial and immunostimulant agent in tuberculosis;

- Laurel oil: one and a half tablespoons of crushed Bay leaves, pour a glass of cleaned vegetable oil, to insist in a dark cool (but not refrigerated) place within a week, drain and used topically to treat inflammatory skin diseases (including swelling), diaper rash and bedsores;

- Bay leaf infusion for external use: 30 Bay leaves brewed Cup of boiling water, infuse for three hours, after which pour into a basin of warm water and do a foot bath (for 10 minutes) with excessive sweating of the feet and unpleasant smell.


If you suffer from headaches, you will help simple exercise:


* Headaches

- Within 3 minutes to vigorously move your thumbs of the hands and then carefully massage them in the outlets located in the articulation of the phalanges.

- Cross my arms, putting his palms on the folds of the elbows. The index, middle and ring fingers of both hands to massage around the elbow point. At the same time to lower and raise the arms 30 times.

- Every day to spend vibrating massage of the neck and nape. To perform massage in a circular motion for 10-20 times on both sides. After this to massage the middle third of the foot.

* Disorders of attention and memory

- Together thumb and forefinger and pressed towards each other, arching their. Then run the thumb and middle finger, thumb and ring, thumb and little finger, each hand on 20 times. Then, using the tip of the thumb 20 times presses on the base of each finger of each hand from the outside.

- Squeeze one hand into a fist, the palm of the second hand to straighten the fingers folded together. Middle and ring fingers straightened to bring the palm to the base of the little finger of the hand compressed in a fist, and with a quick movement to change the position of the hands. Do this exercise 10 times for each hand. When changing hands vigorously exhale through the mouth.


How to eat to those involved in the sport


If you play sports, you need to make a feeding schedule and adhere to certain food rules. So, consider what you need to take note.

During exercise the body uses a large amount of energy therefore, to efficiently restore power, people who regularly visit gyms and sports clubs are required to adhere to certain rules in the diet. A deficiency or excess of certain substances will only spoil all the efforts in order to be healthy and slim. An unbalanced diet can lead to lack of desired result, to the depletion or excess weight. How to avoid it?

According to the doctor-dietician Marina Plateway, for the normal functioning of muscles, you must consume protein foods, as
protein is a kind of building material for the body, it is responsible for all regulatory functions and metabolic processes.

You can get protein from fish and meat. We cannot forget about the carbohydrates, which are primarily energy and material used by the body as a source of energy needed during exercise. In your diet it is advisable to replace fast carbohydrates to the complex, which are contained in cereals, pasta from durum wheat, - says nutritionist. Of course, without the fat lovers of sports lifestyle also can not do, they also serve as a source of energy and essential for the body because they help absorb vitamins A, D and E.

Frequency of training should not exceed 2 times a week for 1 hour, at least at first, then depending on the body’s ability to withstand the load it is possible to change the regime. The main thing - the regularity of classes! - the expert recommends. You need to eat regularly in small portions 4-5 times a day (one portion - not more than 250 g for females and 300 g for males), the diet should be nutritious, it will give courage and strength.

For Breakfast it is recommended the consumption of yogurt, cottage cheese, lunch - Turkey or chicken with vegetables, a side dish of perfect pasta, brown rice. If there is no possibility of a full dinner after work, ahead the exercise, as a snack suitable nuts, which are calorie compared to meat and fish, dried fruits, revitalizing and energizing, bananas, - says Marina Opletaev.

Nutritionists recommend to make a power schedule so that meal before the workout was over one and a half to two hours before it started (on an empty stomach to do not recommended!) and after an hour and a half after her from the big meal it is better to refuse in both cases: with a full stomach is very difficult to do, and digestion will be disturbed (best option - 2 hours before workout to take protein foods, and within one hour uglevodosoderzhaschie food, such as vegetables, cereals, wholegrain bread), and excessive consumption of food after exercise will lead to muscle growth. After class, you can afford vegetables, meat or fish, fatty, spicy and salty food should be avoided.

During the class you can drink plain water or unsweetened juice, water is a good thirst quencher with a slice of lemon or lime (half a Cup or a glass). From tea and coffee is better to refuse, because they have a diuretic effect, and carbonated drinks badly affect the gastric mucosa, - said Opletaev.

With proper selection of the diet with physical exercise you can quickly achieve the desired result, it is important to monitor food quality and quantity, and to listen to your body. Sports are definitely a good thing, but overdoing it is also not worth it!




1 serving (13.6 g):
Calories: 26.2 kcal.
Fats: 1.3 g.
Carbohydrates: 2.7 g.
Protein: 1 g


The sushi rice (round) - 100 gr.
Water 200-120 ml.
Vinegar - 2 tbsp
Sugar - 0.5 teaspoon (1 to 2 tablets of sweetener)
Salt - ¾ tsp
Sushi seaweed - 4 sheets
Salted red fish (pink, chum, sockeye, etc.) - 100 gr.
Philadelphia cheese - 180 gr.
Cucumber - 1 PC.


1. Rice add water and on medium heat bring to a boil. Then for 1 minute turn on full heat, the lid is not removed. Then 10 minutes to cook on low heat. After turn off the heat and let the rice stand for 10 minutes.
2. In vinegar to dissolve the sugar and salt, pour in the rice and to prevent a wooden spatula.
3. To decompose dry seaweed. Spread about half of the sheet stuffing: rice - a thin layer, spread the cheese, put the fish and vegetables cut into strips. Roll up roll.
4. In a few minutes (algae to soak and become soft) cut into things. With one of the rolls out of about 8-10 rolls.


6 interesting home women's tricks


1. Buy in the drugstore capsules with oil solution of vitamin E, squeeze an arbitrary amount and gently massage over face, after 30 minutes apply on the skin egg white, let it soak for 30 min., rinse with cold water, This will allow to get rid of acne and cleanse pores. With regular use skin will have a radiant appearance and becomes smooth.

2. A great tool for exfoliation and effective cleansing is a mixture of baking soda with a couple drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide, which have small circular motion to massage the face.

3. Get rid of unwanted hair for 1 week, using 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds mixed with 1 teaspoon of baking soda, which enhances the properties of coffee in the destruction of the hair follicle! Operates amazing!

4. Baby oil make a great substitute for shaving cream! It gives a closer shave of the legs and the procedure is softer. And the longer blade retains its cutting properties.

5. Best homemade foot scrub - a mixture of olive oil, honey and sugar 1:1. Feet become soft and a healthy look.

6. Mix some baking soda with regular shampoo and wash as usual head. Your hair will become light and crazy volume!


Home help aching joints


Home help aching joints.

Some simple and effective recipes of folk medicine.

* Grind the roots of horseradish, raspravam on low heat, take a cloth, dip in mixture and apply to the affected area.

* Take equal parts of 10% ammonia, 5 % medical iodine, floral, honey, glycerin, a bile medical. Mix thoroughly, insist 10 days in a place protected from sunlight. Take some amount of mixture, which is heated and applied at night, on top of the cellophane, then the tissue of wool.

* A folk remedy for pain in the knees - onion broth. Grind 2 onions, add 1 liter of water, boil the onions. Drink the prepared decoction on an empty stomach three times a day 200 ml.

* RUB painful places during the month, a slice of lemon.

* Heat 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and rubbed into the joints.

* Pour 500 ml of vodka grass woodlice in a 3 l jar, add boiling water, cover, insist 10 days. Used the tincture 3 times a day 1 tbsp.spoon.

* 2 teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar diluted in 250 ml of water, taken orally 3 times a day for a long time.

* Spread cabbage leaves with honey and apply to the knees, zamatyvaem scarf for the night.


Sunday, May 29, 2016



If you have stretch marks after childbirth or extra weight loss, and as you noticed on the skin of the hated orange peel - do not despair! Super cream for stretch marks and cellulite are easy to prepare at home. And its effectiveness you will be able to assess very soon!

So, we need:
baby cream - 200 grams
Shilajit - 2 tablets
orange oil - 10 drops
juniper oil - 10 drops
cinnamon oil - 4-5 drops

The method of preparation of the cream:
Everything is very simple! Take a small clean jar. Add in the cream, leaving a little space at the top. Well, somewhere around an inch. This we do in order to make it easier to stir with a future super cream.

So, then add to the cream Shilajit. After a while it will dissolve in the children’s cream and the mixture will attain a darker shade. Well, the smell is not the best. Don’t worry, the smell will remain.

Then we need to add essential oils of orange, juniper and cinnamon. Cinnamon gives a strong enough scent. If you do not like intense smells, add a few drops of cinnamon. I love cinnamon, so for me 5 drops - what you need.

Well, that’s all)) the Cream is ready!

Now about the products in the cream a little

Shilajit is a wonderful smoothes stretch marks, adds skin elasticity
Orange essential oil - smoothes skin and has anti-cellulite effect
The juniper oil - removes sagging of the skin
Cinnamon - excellent tightens the skin and very good for cellulite
Method of application:

Apply the cream on a steamed after a shower or bath the skin. After that, put on a robe, not allowing the skin to cool.


Women's herbs


Grass necessarily to be in the medicine Cabinet of every woman. Do not rush immediately to grab a pill, sometimes natural remedies given to us by nature, is much safer and more efficient. And treatment teas from wild herbs is still very tasty and inexpensive!

1. Calendula. Use flowers, leaves. It has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, dezinficiruyusch action. It is effective for cervical erosion, thrush. 30 g of calendula flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water, to insist 30 minutes to Drink warm 1 / 3 Cup 2-3 times a day.

2. Smellage. Apply all the parts of useful plants. Improves blood circulation, tones and accelerates the appearance of menstruation and relieve pain. 2 tbsp. spoon pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, to insist hour. Take 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

3. The yarrow. Gather the top of the plant with flowers. Wound healing, hemostatic, increases lactation in nursing mothers. 1 tbsp. spoon, pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, let steep for 50 min., drain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

4. Melilotus officinalis. Used aboveground part of the plant. Effective at menopause, mastitis. 1 tbsp. clover and 10 tablespoons of mother - and-stepmother, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, cool, strain. Drink ½ Cup 3 times a day.

5. Daisy. Use the flowers. For painful menstruation, uterine bleeding, gynecological diseases. 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for 20 min. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

Use for the benefit of your health beneficial herbs. Grow them on your land is not difficult. Harvested for future use and let them all year round give you his healing power.

The article is Advisory in nature. Do not forget about the peculiarities of your body. Consult with your doctor.


5 salads with radish


1. Salad with radishes and corn


- radish
- fresh cucumbers
- canned corn
- leaf lettuce
- dill
- sour cream


Radishes and cucumbers cut into thin slices. Cucumbers can be peeled. Salad to break it. Add corn and finely chopped dill. Add salt and sour cream.

2. A salad of radish and cucumbers with carrots


- Radish - 250 grams;
- Cucumbers - 3 pieces;
- Carrots (small) - 1 piece;
- Green onions - 1 bunch;
- Parsley - 1 bunch;
- Sour cream - 200 grams


All the ingredients are cut, fill with sour cream, salt to taste.

3. Salad with radishes, tomatoes and feta


- Tomatoes - 250 gr.
- Radish 150 gr.
- Onion - 1 PC.
- Feta cheese - 200 gr.
- Salad - 1 Puig.
- Salt - 5 gr.
- Black pepper - 5 gr.
- Vegetable oil - 30 ml.


Onion cut into strips. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces. Radishes cut into thin slices. Feta cut into cubes. Green salad to break it. Mix lettuce, onions, tomatoes, radishes, feta. Season with a little salt and pepper. Fill with oil.

4. Salad with cheese, radishes and cucumbers


- 2 types of cheese, 150 g
- 1 bunch of radishes (10-12 pieces)
- 1 medium cucumber
- 3 medium cucumber ( better pickled)
- 1 bunch green onions heads (approximately 5 PCs).
- 0.5 bunch of dill
- 2 tsp mustard
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp grape vinegar (Apple cider)
- 3 tbsp sunflower oil
- 1 tbsp sour cream (optional)
- salt to taste


Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Radish and cucumber cut into sticks. Pickled cucumber cut into cubes. Dill and onions, chop. For preparation of salad dressing combine the mustard, vinegar, lemon juice.Add vegetable oil and sour cream, mix well. The components of the salad season with salt to taste, pour dressing and mix well.

5. Salad with radishes and eggs


- 1 bunch of radishes,
- 4 eggs,
- 1 onion,
- 4 tablespoons of sour cream,
- dill and parsley,
- ground black pepper.


Young radish wash, cut into slices and put in a deep bowl. Also need onion cut into half rings and connect with the radish. Boil eggs in cool, cut into slices (and cubes possible). Prepared products to put in a salad bowl, alternating slices of radish, onions and eggs, season with salt and pepper, pour sour cream, sprinkle with finely chopped greens.


Products to cleanse the body


Products to cleanse the body.

Our stomach, liver, intestines and body in General are constantly being tested from our side. Some foods will help to cleanse the body?

Of course, you can a week to sit on a diet, but it is better to start eating healthy food that will give you the opportunity to clear the organs of toxins and impurities.

It should be remembered that during cleansing, you should give up fatty, smoked and fried foods. Do not have to exhaust yourself with strict diet. It can only hurt, undermining the body’s immune system, resulting in can easily get an infection. Your diet should include simple foods that will improve health and give strength. Lean on dairy products, black bread and oatmeal. The main role in the purification of the body should play a fiber, since its deficiency leads to accumulation of fats and toxins and this in the first place negatively affect human health and can cause serious disease.

1. Green tea

Nutritionists recommend drinking at least 3 cups of green tea a day. This drink consists of catechins, which, combined with the polyphenols protect the liver from damage.

2. Ginger

Improves the blood flow to the stomach, accelerating the digestion process, and because increases metabolism, and the extra pounds faster to leave your body.

3. Cabbage

This vegetable is rich in vitamin C and fiber, included in the kit, it is highly effective in reducing cholesterol and prevents aging.

4. Brown rice

Brown rice is much healthier than white because it retains many essential substances for the body. In addition, he is able to maintain energy balance and to cleanse the body of toxins.

5. Beets

Your red color of this vegetable from the betaine, which effectively reduces the amount of toxic amino acids that lead to heart disease. Also beets are inherent diuretic and laxative properties, helps excrete salts of heavy metals.

6. Apples

Able to enhance the appetite but, the pectin that is contained in them, relieve us from the excess fats that are formed in the liver.

7. Red pepper

It contains a substance named ”capsaicin”, thanks to which we feel the acuteness of this product. It activates the functioning of the stomach and improves metabolism. This spice ”breaks down” fat cells, increases energy expenditure in the digestive process.

8. Olive oil

Rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which stimulates the rid the body of cholesterol.

9. Celery and cucumbers

These foods contain incredible amount of nutrients, although the percentage consist of mostly water. The juice of cucumber and celery is a diuretic and purgative effect, and also involved in the excretion of toxins and fats.




Since childhood I have constant headaches. When passed a medical examination, the doctor said that I have narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain. Wrote a tablet, which at first helped, and then got worse.

Knowing that I often have a headache, brother brought the medicine that has made itself at somewhere visitandolo recipe. When he gave it to me to drink, the pain went away almost instantly. After that I started taking this medication 2 times a day 25 drops. It’s been 6 months and I never touched a single pill.

And the cure is:

you will need 100 ml infusions
- eucalyptus
- Valerian
- motherwort
- hawthorn

50 ml tinctures
- peony
- peppermint

- 10 pieces stud
- 1 tbsp of honey
- 1 packet of ginger (10 g)

All this to pour in a liter bottle of dark color. Leave for 25 days, shaking occasionally. Then drain well and pour into puzyrechki with dispenser. Take 25 drops 2 times a day, morning and evening.


Best products to boost immunity in children


1. Milk. Has a high content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals. Only do not suggest baby is too fat milk. It will be enough 1.5 or 2.5% (after a year).

2. Kefir and yogurt. They contain probiotics (live bacteria of lactic acid) that support bacterial intestinal flora and enhance immunity.

Acquaint crumbs with yogurt is 8 months, and yogurt - after 1.5 years. Moreover, it is desirable to cook them yourself. Read more about this in the article “How to make home-made yogurt.”

3. Apples. Regulate the bacterial intestinal flora and improve digestion. Please note that apples retain useful properties almost all winter. And only by February of the vitamins in them already almost does not remain.

It is recommended to give for colds, flu, fatigue, anemia, after an illness.

4. Carrots. She has quite a strong medicinal effect. Increases the body’s resistance to viruses, helps with anemia or General weakness. Besides will keep beta-carotene, which is necessary for good vision.

Carrots can grate or squeeze the juice. And diarrhea will boiled. To preserve the useful properties of carrots it is better to prepare on pair.

5. Med. Is not only a treat for the children but also very useful product to enhance immunity. It strengthens the immune system, helps in the treatment of colds and has a positive effect on the circulatory system. Only give him very carefully, because it is also a strong allergen.

When choosing a honey for the child, give preference to lime or buckwheat. Add it to tea 1 teaspoon a couple times a week.

6. Beet. This vegetable is good for preventing anemia, anti-inflammatory effect and improves the nervous system. A small portion of salad from boiled beets and improves appetite.

Beetroot is a good dish during the disease: first, it is easy to digest, and secondly, does not cause discomfort when swallowing (if sore throat).

7. Parsley. It is enough one teaspoon of chopped greens per day, so your child gets a daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Due to the content of almost all vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus, parsley good at letting for colds and flu.

When cooking a soup, stew or vegetable soup, don’t forget to add a bit of finely chopped leaves.

8. Marine fish. The main source of unsaturated fatty acids that have a positive impact on the brain and nervous system, and also enhance immunity. How and what fish to choose, read the article “the Lure of the fish”.

9. Turkey. Most useful dietary meat. It’s no wonder it is recommended for Allergy sufferers. It is rich in protein, b vitamins, iron, zinc and magnesium. Raises protective forces of an organism, and is a good prevention of anemia.

10. Wheat cereal. The porridge contains a lot of minerals and vitamins (read more in the article “vitamins in foods”). It is easily digested and improves digestion. Please note that if you are allergic to gluten, give it to your child, it is impossible.

11. The onion and garlic. They are popular due to the content phytoncids, which kill bacteria and promote immunity.




Flax seed for weight loss is an inexpensive, but extremely effective and useful tool for getting rid of extra pounds. In addition, strengthens the immune system, acquired healthy and soft skin is cleansed digestive system.

As a rule, flax seeds to get rid of the extra pounds are used in various infusions and decoctions.

1 tablespoon of flax seed pour 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 8-10 hours. Make a remedy should be half a Cup 2 times a day.
1 tablespoon of flax seed, pour a glass of boiling water, leave the broth on low heat tightly covered with a lid for 30 minutes, cool. Add fresh grated ginger and 1 tbsp. honey. Take 150 ml for 30 minutes before a meal.
Before bedtime drink a glass of kefir or natural yoghurt with the addition of 1 tsp of flax seed. This will relieve the digestive system and quickly shed excess pounds.


Saturday, May 28, 2016

9 charged! Save, not to lose!


1. The picture loaded on the improvement of vision
2. The picture is charged on the weight loss and getting rid of extra pounds
3. The picture is recharged on the health and strength of hair
4. Picture charged on the withdrawal toothache
5. The picture is charged on the increase in energy of tone
6. Picture charged on total the body’s healing
7. The picture is charged for treatment of phobias and fears elimination
8. The picture is charged at cleansing the blood and intestines
9. The picture is charged on withdrawal nicotine addiction


INCREDIBLE drink for a SUPER flat tummy!


Fat burning drink - the magic of ginger, honey and fruit!
- ginger root - 1 piece length of 10 cm
- red apples - 10-12 pieces
- zest and juice of 2 lemons
- natural honey to your taste
- 1-2 cinnamon sticks
water 4-5 liters

This drink not only nourishes the body with nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, but also allows you to escape extra pounds. The ability to burn fat due to the unique, but accessible to everyone components: ginger, honey, and apples - appears after the systematic use of the drink. So be sure to enter in the diet.
Ginger is a healer, which strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation and cleanses the body. Due to these properties, reduced weight, and significantly improves the condition and color of the skin.
Lemon - source of vitamin C.
Honey - a storehouse of nutrients!
Cinnamon has amazing properties to improve blood circulation and tone the body. Its aroma improves mood.
Apples - a source of pectin and fiber, vitamins and iron.
How to make a drink?
Ginger peel, cut into slices and place in a saucepan.
The apples make small incisions and together with the lemon zest and cinnamon sticks add to the ginger.
Fill with water (4-5 liters), bring to a boil and boil for about 3 minutes.
Remove from heat and strain through a sieve.
Cover and wait until the drink has cooled and infusions.
In warm drink add honey and lemon juice. The sweetness of the drink adjust in its sole discretion.
The drink can be drunk warm or cold.




1. Strawberry + banana

Number of servings: 2
½ Banana
4-6 frozen strawberries
½ Cup low-fat plain yogurt (curd)
½ Or 1 tbsp. orange juice
1 tbsp flax seeds
In a blender first mix the banana, berries, yogurt and orange juice. Add flax seeds and mix again. Pour into glasses and serve.

2. Carrot + apricot

Number of servings: 2
6 abrykosy (pitted, sliced)
175 g mango, slices
300 ml of carrot juice
2 tbsp. honey
Combine all ingredients in a blender until the consistency of smoothies and serve immediately.

3. Milk + strawberry + wheat germ

Number of servings: 2
1 tbsp. low-fat milk (almond) or kefir
4 tbsp low-fat plain yogurt (curd)
3-5 strawberries
2 tsp wheat germ
2 tsp wild honey
Combine all ingredients in a blender until the consistency of smoothies and serve immediately.
The smoothie recipes-Lunches

4. Milk + strawberry + wheat germ

Number of servings: 2
1 tbsp. low-fat milk (almond) or kefir
4 tbsp low-fat plain yogurt (curd)
3-5 strawberries
2 tsp wheat germ
2 tsp wild honey
Combine all ingredients in a blender until the consistency of smoothies and serve immediately.
The smoothie recipes-Lunches

5. Cucumber + peppers + onion

Number of servings: 2
1 tbsp. tomato juice
½ Pepper (spicy Cayenne or sweet), slices
100 gr. cucumbers, cut into
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp green onions (chop)
1 tsp soy sauce, salt and pepper (to taste)
Combine all ingredients in a blender until the consistency of smoothies and serve immediately


The Dukan Diet ��


Don’t forget to save yourself ✔

�� The first phase (attack)

The duration of the first stage:

�� When excess weight less than 10 kg - 3 days

�� When excess weight 10-20 kg - 3-5 days

�� When excess weight 20-30 kg - 5-7 days

�� When you are over weight 30 kg or more - 5-10 days

To eat all the time have clean proteins. The launch phase gives you the opportunity to lose 2-6 pounds overweight.

Products that is consumed in the period of attack (they can have up to saturation, not caring about the size of servings):

�� Kidneys, liver, as well as veal and beef tongue
�� Lean poultry, meat and fish (to cook with their participation costs without adding fat, and the skins will have to give up)
�� Seafood
�� Lean natural ham
�� Chicken eggs
�� Low-fat dairy products (not more than 800 g per day)
�� Liquid (water, herbal tea, coffee, diet coke) - 2 l
�� Seasoning (mustard, salt, vinegar)
�� Lemon
�� Pickles
�� Oat and wheat bran (2 tbsp and 1 tbsp, respectively)

��The second phase (alternating)

In the second stage to the above diet the first step is to add vegetables such as:

�� Radishes
�� Cucumber
�� Tomato
�� Asparagus
�� Spinach
�� Green beans
�� Celery
�� Cabbage
�� Zucchini
�� Eggplant
�� Pepper
�� Beets and carrots (you can eat them only occasionally)

At this stage it is necessary to alternate days when used pure protein with days when these are added to the vegetables. Scheme of alternation of the diet Ducane:

If you need to lose less than 10 kg - 1:1, 2:2 or 3:3
If you want to lose 10-20 kg, 20-30 kg - 5:5

In addition to the daily diet, you can eat a few of any products from the following list:

�� Skimmed cocoa 1 tsp.
�� Starch - 1 tbsp
�� Soy cream - 2 tbsp
�� Cream 3-4 % - 1 tsp
�� Vegetable oil - a small amount (it is used only for frying products)
�� Low-fat cheese - 30 g
�� Red or dry white wine - 3 tbsp
�� Ketchup - 1 tbsp

You can also include in their menu the following products:

�� Gelatin
�� Agar-agar
�� Algae
�� Garlic
�� Drinks Lite (if the calorific value does not exceed 1 kcal per Cup)
�� Sugar substitutes
�� Gherkins
�� Adjika
�� Soy sauce
�� Vinegar
�� Mustard
�� Any spices
�� Nonfat dry milk
�� Natural canned fish
�� Crab sticks (no more than 8 pieces per day)
�� Tofu

�� The third stage (consolidation)

The duration of this stage depends on the number of pounds lost (each of them should fall 10 days of consolidation).

To the diet the first stages is to attach:

�� Fruits, except cherries, bananas and grapes (1 serving per day)
�� Bread - 2 slices per day
�� Mature cheese - 40 g
�� Starchy foods (pasta, maize, rice, potatoes, etc) - 2 servings per week

The third stage involves a small indulgence - twice a week in one of the morning or lunch meals you can turn any dish (even the most calories). However, the “holiday” days should not go in a row.

Once a week (e.g., Thursday) should eat nothing but proteins.

�� The fourth phase (stabilization)

This stage aims to stabilize the achieved results. You can eat almost everything, but once a week should arrange unloading on the proteins. Daily you need to consume oat bran (3 tbsp).


Formal charge: 3 simple exercises for the spine


Back hurts in the evenings, approximately 80% of the adult inhabitants of the planet. The fact that one day the distance between the vertebrae decreases, and they put pressure on the spinal cord, thus causing unpleasant pain in the back and oppressing the internal organs. The task of the evening charge for back - to gently stretch the spine, increasing, thus, is the distance. Do it yourself can everyone with the help of special exercises.

Basic rules when performing exercises for spine simple - you need to do the exercises without jerks, gently, feeling the stretch of the back muscles and spine. These exercises can be done every day for 10-15 minutes.

1. Get on all fours. Take a breath, slightly rotten back and look up. To feel the stretch of muscles along the entire spine from the tailbone to the neck. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Then exhale, round your back and pull your stomach to tense muscles. Tuck your chin to your chest and hold your breath for a few seconds. To run 7-8 such movements.

2. Lie on your back, place hands on the floor behind your head. Fully exhale air. Keeping the left leg straight, inhale while bending the right knee, and pressing his thigh to the torso, ohvatyvaya right knee with both hands. Hold your breath for a few seconds, then relax, exhale and return to starting position. Repeat 5-7 times for each leg.

3. Lie on the floor, hands behind your head and straighten. Breathe normally. Simultaneously pull the left arm and leg in opposite directions. Repeat the same for the right side. Make 5-7 extrusions for each side.


8 tips under which you will be able to normalize your weight


8 tips under which you will be able to normalize your weight.

1) don’t limit yourself in the diet very strictly.

2) Choose only wholesome foods.

3) Stop thinking about food.

4) Walk, run, exercise.

5) Eat according to the principles, know how to say thank you, I already ate or not, I’m not hungry, be sure to eat Breakfast. It is not tight, as well.

6) don’t say phrases like I’ll never eat chocolate or today I eat only bread. This will cause a wild desire to violate the prohibition.

7) Eat a balanced, diet take only if you like its content and you’d like some time will be fed by the proposed scheme.

8) do Not rush for results. Most importantly develop good, appropriate eating habits, this will allow you to achieve results and keep it forever.


For the sake of the good of view take the 10 minutes a day


For the sake of the good of view take the 10 minutes a day.

Charging for the eye works wonders, if you do it regularly. Of the proposed 10 exercises you can choose five, but the whole complex should devote about 10 minutes each day.

1. Blinked often within two minutes - it normalizes inner circulation.

2. Squinted to the right and then move the view in a straight line. Do the same in the opposite direction.

3. Feel the darkness. It is believed that immersion in the dark promotes the development of light-sensitive cells of rhodopsin, a substance necessary for clear vision.

4. Make a circular head rotation: left and right, up and down. It activates blood circulation.

5. The exercise resembles an exercise bike. Move the view in different directions: left and right, up and down, in a circle, eight.

6. Zazhmurtes for 3-5 seconds, then open your eyes. To repeat 7 times. Exercise relaxes the eye muscles and stimulates blood circulation.

7. Push down on the upper eyelids with your fingers, but without much effort, hold in this position for about two seconds. Complete series 4-5 times. Exercise improves the outflow of intraocular fluid.

8. Stand near the window, focus on an object located in the immediate vicinity (point to glass), and then move the view to a distant object (house, tree). Repeat 10 times.

9. Close your eyes and slowly move your eyeballs up and down. Repeat 5-10 times.

10. Open eyes and draw in the air first, simple geometric shapes, and then complex objects and large-scale compositions.


What is important to know about food combinations!



✔ Fruit with nothing to create the combination. Necessary to use them separately. And since they are digested very quickly, you can eat fruits an hour before the main meal.

✔ Two different protein you can’t eat at the same time. For example, fish and milk, fish and eggs.

✔ Very desirable combination of concentrated proteins and carbohydrates. So cheese, eggs, meat and nuts not to take in food simultaneously with potatoes, bread and cereals.

✔ Fats form a perfect combination with cabbage. It prevents slowing down the production of gastric juices, rendered fat.

✔ Food with a high content of carbohydrates (potatoes, bread, beans, peas, etc.) do not eat together sour vegetables and products.

✔ Food rich in fats should not be combined with protein food. Incompatible, for example, sour cream and eggs, vegetable oils and cheese, meat and butter etc.

✔ Much starch to use for the 1st time harmful. Skip the bread when I eat potatoes or porridge.

✔ Reduce the intake of milk. It inhibits the production of gastric juice, causes fermentation.

✔ Try to make green vegetables the base of any dish. They stimulate the production of gastric juice.

✔In salads do not add a lot of oil, acid. It may slow down the protein digestion


10 rules of successful person of the world psychologists


10 rules of successful person of the world’s psychologists. Fasten on your wall and be successful!

1. Develop in yourself a spirit of love to the job that you do, not forgetting that it’s your choice!

2. Prepare for the tests mentally and physically. Learn to be healthy body and soul. Don’t know - learn!

3. Enjoy an upcoming test you in a new status.

4. Be always positive. Don’t be afraid to take on complex tasks. Stress - a consequence of uncertainty, so believe and trust yourself.

5. In any situation, you can disappear into what you’re doing at the moment. Do not live in the past and live the future today - it is tantamount to defeat. Be in the present!

6. The thought is material. Be mindful of your thoughts. If your mind is calm, the body will not be trapped. Remember, what is the source of the disease? Conversely, muscular tension indicates a psychological conflict - the search for the cause in your thoughts, let go of the situation.

7. If you can’t change the situation, change the attitude. We always see a situation the way this situation are able to see. Educate ourselves, expand your vision.

8. Sosredotachivaja on what you’re given control, and disconnected from what is above your capabilities. Be able to stop in time to gain strength and overcome a higher bar.

9. Having suffered a defeat, take it as experience. Understanding their mistakes should bring you further to victory. Don’t give up and don’t go to the side like a loser.

10. Most importantly - have fun and joy from any process, what would you do: sports, school, business, family. And then you’ll have good luck!!!

Want to be admired, - work on yourself


Strawberry clouds


164,4 g per 100 kcal

Lemon - 0,5 Pieces
Frozen strawberries - 200 Grams
Gelatin - 15 Grams
Stevioside or honey to taste - 150 Grams

1. First and foremost, get out of the freezer the strawberries will defrost her. Juice save.

2. Using the blender the strawberries turn into a homogeneous mass (there should be a kind of puree).

3. Then it is necessary to add gelatin, give him some time so he bulked up (follow the instructions on the package), then add the lemon juice and stevioside, all mix well and not very strong fire heated. Do not forget to stir constantly. Gelatin needs to dissolve completely. Boil is not necessary! Then to room temperature, the mixture was allowed to cool and five minutes to seven, beat with a mixer, the speed is high. The mixture should noticeably increase your volume, become thick and brighten.

4. Put wax paper for baking in the form where it will freeze the ground, then here we spread the strawberry mixture and leveled. For a long time, remove the form in a cool place so that the mixture froze.

5. After the ground froze, the form roll to the surface. Paper removed.

6. Now cut into cubes, roll in coconut or melted dark chocolate, not very generous


Friday, May 27, 2016

I respect men


I respect men. They make life more interesting, they shake hands, open the door, buy chocolate and dresses. They meet us at airports. They will go to war if there is war. They are brave.
I respect men. They report: no question, no problem - and problems, true, no…
They pick us up at the uni, to work, they take us from foreign guests, bring home and covered with a blanket; they like to look at us without makeup, they take us on hands, if there is a puddle, they think that we are small and we need to embrace. They are right.
They become fathers, they give names to our children. They protect us. They smell like good Cologne.
I respect men. Words they often coincide with actions. They know everything better than us. They always wonder where we are. They persistently willing to pay for our coffee, though they don’t know why. They suffer our whims and tell friends: she has a tough character, but she’s so beautiful!…
They forgive us everything, although we note that they generally do not forgive…
They are strong.
I respect men. But only men, not males.


Yoga for the stomach: 5 simple poses that will help to regain harmony


Belly fat often appears, even in lean people, and it’s very difficult to get rid of. Moreover, that beer belly is immediately evident and he brings a lot of mental suffering. It besides influences the overall state of health. Fat in the abdomen can lead to diabetes type II diabetes and heart problems, so it is very important to get rid of it.

Yoga is a very effective way to deal with this problem, it will confirm any person who has at least a little of it involved. Of course, exercise alone is not going to resolve: yoga will help to visually reduce the stomach, but 70% of success depends on proper nutrition.

1. Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)

This pose not only helps to remove belly fat, but also strengthens the abdominal muscles. Exercise in General strengthens the upper torso, and the back becomes stronger and more flexible. (The pose is not recommended for patients with ulcers, hernia, back injury, and also pregnant).

�� Lie on your stomach, extend your legs and lean on the palm (should be directly under shoulders).
�� Chin and toes should touch the floor.
�� Slowly inhaling, raise your body on your hands. Rotten back back as far as you can.
�� Depending on health, hold this position 15 to 30 seconds.
�� Slowly exhaling, return to starting position.
�� Repeat the exercise 5 times with small breaks for 15 seconds.

2. Bow pose (Dhanurasana)

The pose strengthens the Central part of the abdomen. To achieve good results during the exercise try not to swing slowly back and forth. It improves digestion and trains the flexibility of the whole body.

�� Lie on your stomach, bend your knees, lift up the calf, put your hands behind your back and grab the ankle on the outer side.
�� Inhale, exhale, bend to the maximum, raising the pelvis and chest from the floor. The head we need to get as far back as possible.
�� Try to hold this position 15 to 30 seconds and keep breathing.
�� On the exhale, return to starting position, stretching his arms and legs.
�� Repeat the exercise 5 times with 15 second breaks.

3. The position of the boat (Naukasana)

A great posture to remove fat from the waist. In addition, it has beneficial effects on appetite and strengthens leg muscles.

�� Lie on your back, stretch your legs, hands beside the body palms up.
�� Inhale and slowly raise your legs, try to keep them straight and do not bend the knees.
�� Pull on socks and try to raise the legs as high as possible.
�� Stretch your arms and try to reach their toes; hold your body at an angle of 45 °.
�� Breathe normally, hold the position for 15 seconds.
�� Exhale deeply.
�� Repeat this exercise 5 times at intervals of 15 seconds.

4. Plank (Kumbhakaran)

Kumbhakarna is one of the easiest poses in yoga, but at the same time very effective for burning fat. Plank tones and strengthens the shoulders, arms, back and buttocks. (Exercise is contraindicated in people with high blood pressure and those who have a sore back or shoulders).

�� Get on your knees, place your hands in front of him.
�� Take legs back and stand up on the toes, as in push-UPS; raise up on his hands.
�� Take a deep breath, pull the neck and look straight ahead; the back should be straight, you will feel a slight tension in the abdomen.
�� From head to toe your body should be straight lines.
�� Hold this position 15 to 30 seconds; if you feel strong enough, try to do it as long as possible.
�� Repeat 5 times with small breaks.

5. Posture release wind (Pavanamuktasana)

Besides the fact that this asana reduces back pain and strengthens the abdomen and hips, she has a lot of pluses. For example, the pose of the liberation of wind improves the intestine, normalizes acidity level, speeds up metabolism.

�� Lie on your back, stretch your legs, stretch your hands parallel.
�� Pull the legs, hold the heels together.
�� On the exhale, bend your knees and slowly raise them toward your chest.
�� To hold the correct position, hugging her knees.
�� Breathe deeply and hold this position 1 - 1.5 minutes.
�� On the exhale, lower your legs and hands on the floor.
�� Repeat this exercise 5 times with breaks.

☝ Good but if you want to accelerate metabolism, it is recommended to perform this set of exercises in the morning. But for fast results repeat this posture 3 days a week, 3-5 times a day.


35 cases that need to get done this summer


1. Take a picnic basket, go to the Park and arrange a small picnic on the lawn.
2. To write their names on the pavement, bright coloured crayons and draw them pictures.
3. To ride my bike in the comfortable and the unfamiliar corners of his native city.
4. Lying on your back, looking up at the clouds and naming the names.
5. From cherries, apricots, raspberries and other berries to cook different cakes and then share them with friends and neighbors.
6. To go fishing.
7. Play badminton, volleyball or Frisbee on the nature.
8. By mail to send grandma and grandpa a beautiful card with kind words and wishes.
9. To fly a kite.
10. Ride on a catamaran.
11. To arrange an overnight stay in the tent and watch the stars. Make a wish when star falls.
12. To try 10 new ice creams.
13. To meet the sunrise and enjoy the sunset.
14. Run under a warm summer rain.
15. Do exercise in nature.
16. Go to a concert or to the cinema under the open sky.
17. To inflate the mattress and to go on an exciting journey along the coast.
18. A loaf of bread to feed the ducks or other birds.
19. To try 5 new exotic fruits.
20. To have a shooting with water guns or plastic bottles with a hole in the lid.
21. To arrange a walk through. To bring fun accessories to go on your favorite places in the city or, conversely, where there never were.
22. Read 10 new books.
23. To go with the whole family (or friends) for a morning jog in the Park.
24. Refresh your wardrobe: make shorts from old jeans, paint marker shoes, painted t-shirts.
25. Lie in a hammock and make plans for the coming summer.
26. Make funny photos with tourist attractions.
27. To learn how to do something with your own hands to mould clay, to learn carving or drawing in the technique of Ebru.
28. To do new hairstyles.
29. To horseback riding.
30. Go sightseeing in a nearby town.
31. Eat with a big and sweet watermelon.
32. To go to a master class on the game on unusual musical instruments: African drums, Jew’s harp or didgeridoo.
33. Make paper boats and floated them on the river.
34. Print the best images, place in frames and hang them around the apartment.
35. To make homemade lemonade.


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