Monday, May 23, 2016

All about female hormones

All about female hormones. The information that is important to know every woman!

We, girls, beings, fragile, delicate, graceful. And in our body, too, everything must be perfect and harmonious. Especially if we are talking about hormones. What are the consequences of excess or lack of hormones? It turns out, all is not so simple. The slightest changes in the hormonal background entails a variety of consequences. This is evident not only in how a woman looks, but also affects health. Keep track of your hormones must, the right balance is the key to good health, attractiveness and a strong nervous system!

1. Estrogen
This hormone is produced in the ovaries and is responsible for our femininity. Yes! The fact that you have a soft rounded shape and flexible nature, is his direct work. Among other things, estrogen accelerates cell renewal, prolongs youth, preserves the beauty of the hair and skin elasticity, protects vessels from cholesterol deposits.

May cause excessive fullness in the abdomen and hips. In addition, an excess of the hormone might lead to benign tumors.

Causes premature aging of skin, early appearance of wrinkles, deterioration of hair condition and, most worryingly, leads to undesirable owolosenia on all conceivable parts of the body: face, chest, arms…

2. Testosterone
This hormone is produced in the adrenal glands. Is that you “and a galloping horse will stop, and in a burning hut” that he is guilty. Testosterone makes a woman purposeful, persistent, able not only to believe in fairy tales, but do it with their own hands. The more you have in the body of testosterone, the easier you are given different kinds of sports, active games, faster build muscle mass.

With an excess of testosterone a woman is transformed from a gentle nymph in violent and aggressive fury.

3. Oxytocin
The hormone responsible for our tenderness and affection. A surge of this hormone is familiar to all mothers: that after the baby is born oxytocin aktiviziruyutsya and the woman feels infinite tenderness and love for his son.

Proven that oxytocin is produced in large amounts during emotional or physical stress and stress. That is why women trying to get rid of the problems start to check homework in children, to cook a four-course dinner for her husband, to do good deeds for others. And you’re still thinking: why is this pious, right?

4. Thyroxine
Amazing hormone, which is synthesized in the thyroid gland. Why amazing? But how else can you call the hormone responsible for from figure and mind?! Regulating metabolism, thyroxine is responsible for our harmony. If the thyroid is in order, don’t starve yourself - you still will not recover. In addition, thyroxine is responsible for our intelligence and ingenuity.

From excess thyroxine lose weight very quickly. Up to anaemia. And in my head begin to climb disturbing thoughts, appears insomnia, rapid heartbeat, drowsiness, memory impairment. If you think you have these symptoms - step March to the doctor to check your thyroid!

Leads to such negative consequences, like rapid weight gain, fatigue, drowsiness, confusion, forgetfulness and even problems conceiving!

5. Norepinephrine
That’s the hormone of a real woman! Norepinephrine is produced in a stressful situation, the adrenal glands. He dilates blood vessels, covers cheeks with blush, makes your eyes shiny and skin supple and toned. Thanks to norepinephrine you become not only irresistible - it helps with head held high to meet all adversity, instills a feeling of confidence, gives a feeling of being “hopeless situation does not happen”. At such moments you are full of determination and courage, successfully solve all the problems, with a charming look and are fast asleep. Nice, isn’t it?

6. Insulin
Enters the bloodstream from the pancreas. Breaks down complex carbohydrates (including sweets), controls the level of glucose in the blood gives us life energy.

Some women are born with are not as active insulin level in the blood, like any other. Eating too much sweet or starchy foods, you can “dokusaisha” to diabetes. The risk of developing the disease increases if diabetes has hurt someone close to relatives.
Remember: you are unique, charming and unique! Share this article with your friends, maybe it will help someone reason to think about your health and will push to pass a medical examination. Watch your health and be healthy!



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