1. Milk. Has a high content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals. Only do not suggest baby is too fat milk. It will be enough 1.5 or 2.5% (after a year).
2. Kefir and yogurt. They contain probiotics (live bacteria of lactic acid) that support bacterial intestinal flora and enhance immunity.
Acquaint crumbs with yogurt is 8 months, and yogurt - after 1.5 years. Moreover, it is desirable to cook them yourself. Read more about this in the article “How to make home-made yogurt.”
3. Apples. Regulate the bacterial intestinal flora and improve digestion. Please note that apples retain useful properties almost all winter. And only by February of the vitamins in them already almost does not remain.
It is recommended to give for colds, flu, fatigue, anemia, after an illness.
4. Carrots. She has quite a strong medicinal effect. Increases the body’s resistance to viruses, helps with anemia or General weakness. Besides will keep beta-carotene, which is necessary for good vision.
Carrots can grate or squeeze the juice. And diarrhea will boiled. To preserve the useful properties of carrots it is better to prepare on pair.
5. Med. Is not only a treat for the children but also very useful product to enhance immunity. It strengthens the immune system, helps in the treatment of colds and has a positive effect on the circulatory system. Only give him very carefully, because it is also a strong allergen.
When choosing a honey for the child, give preference to lime or buckwheat. Add it to tea 1 teaspoon a couple times a week.
6. Beet. This vegetable is good for preventing anemia, anti-inflammatory effect and improves the nervous system. A small portion of salad from boiled beets and improves appetite.
Beetroot is a good dish during the disease: first, it is easy to digest, and secondly, does not cause discomfort when swallowing (if sore throat).
7. Parsley. It is enough one teaspoon of chopped greens per day, so your child gets a daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Due to the content of almost all vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus, parsley good at letting for colds and flu.
When cooking a soup, stew or vegetable soup, don’t forget to add a bit of finely chopped leaves.
8. Marine fish. The main source of unsaturated fatty acids that have a positive impact on the brain and nervous system, and also enhance immunity. How and what fish to choose, read the article “the Lure of the fish”.
9. Turkey. Most useful dietary meat. It’s no wonder it is recommended for Allergy sufferers. It is rich in protein, b vitamins, iron, zinc and magnesium. Raises protective forces of an organism, and is a good prevention of anemia.
10. Wheat cereal. The porridge contains a lot of minerals and vitamins (read more in the article “vitamins in foods”). It is easily digested and improves digestion. Please note that if you are allergic to gluten, give it to your child, it is impossible.
11. The onion and garlic. They are popular due to the content phytoncids, which kill bacteria and promote immunity.
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