White diet.
Create a diet with a focus on color characteristics of its component products is not new. Here is the white diet is based on the same principles. It refers to short-term compliance with the types of diet for weight loss, lasts 3-5 days and provides an opportunity to reduce your body weight by 2-3 kilograms. Sometimes under the same name seems to be milk diet, but not in this case. In the diet white diet along with dairy includes all foods that are white in color: eggs, rice, white beans, white varieties of nuts (kernels), vegetables and fruit with white pulp (for example, cabbage, cucumber, daikon, etc.), chicken white meat and even white bread. The only exceptions are salt and sugar, starchy foods, and excessively starchy foods. From their use should not be abandoned, especially if there are problems with excess weight. A very important nuance in the white building diet is the amount of food for 1 meal: portions should be no larger than your fist. Diet can be repeated a month later. Although it is not extreme way to lose weight and not have any special contraindications, before using it, be sure to consult with your doctor about eligibility for you like diet.
Sample menu white diet for 3 days (you can use your option)
The first day of the white diet
Breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream (all low fat or skim), 2 white bread toast, green tea without sugar or mineral water without gas.
Additional appetizer: one egg, hard-boiled.
Lunch: boiled rice, boiled or steamed chicken (preferably fillet), cabbage salad, peeled cucumber, grated daikon or white salad, green tea without sugar.
Dinner: 2 apples medium size, a glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir.
The second day of the white diet
Breakfast: a glass of low-fat yogurt, any cheese 100g white varieties.
Additional snack: two boiled potatoes average.
Lunch: boiled white beans, 2 eggs, hard boiled, cabbage salad, peeled cucumber, grated daikon or white lettuce (you can add sea Kale), green tea without sugar.
Dinner: 1 banana, low-fat yogurt.
The third day of the white diet
Breakfast: coffee without sugar 2 white bread toasts.
Additional appetizer: Kale salad, peeled cucumber, grated daikon or white salad.
Lunch: boiled white beans, 2 eggs, hard boiled, cabbage salad, peeled cucumber, grated daikon or white lettuce (you can add sea Kale), green tea without sugar.
Dinner: 1 banana, glass of low-fat yogurt.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
White diet
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