Products to cleanse the body.
Our stomach, liver, intestines and body in General are constantly being tested from our side. Some foods will help to cleanse the body?
Of course, you can a week to sit on a diet, but it is better to start eating healthy food that will give you the opportunity to clear the organs of toxins and impurities.
It should be remembered that during cleansing, you should give up fatty, smoked and fried foods. Do not have to exhaust yourself with strict diet. It can only hurt, undermining the body’s immune system, resulting in can easily get an infection. Your diet should include simple foods that will improve health and give strength. Lean on dairy products, black bread and oatmeal. The main role in the purification of the body should play a fiber, since its deficiency leads to accumulation of fats and toxins and this in the first place negatively affect human health and can cause serious disease.
1. Green tea
Nutritionists recommend drinking at least 3 cups of green tea a day. This drink consists of catechins, which, combined with the polyphenols protect the liver from damage.
2. Ginger
Improves the blood flow to the stomach, accelerating the digestion process, and because increases metabolism, and the extra pounds faster to leave your body.
3. Cabbage
This vegetable is rich in vitamin C and fiber, included in the kit, it is highly effective in reducing cholesterol and prevents aging.
4. Brown rice
Brown rice is much healthier than white because it retains many essential substances for the body. In addition, he is able to maintain energy balance and to cleanse the body of toxins.
5. Beets
Your red color of this vegetable from the betaine, which effectively reduces the amount of toxic amino acids that lead to heart disease. Also beets are inherent diuretic and laxative properties, helps excrete salts of heavy metals.
6. Apples
Able to enhance the appetite but, the pectin that is contained in them, relieve us from the excess fats that are formed in the liver.
7. Red pepper
It contains a substance named ”capsaicin”, thanks to which we feel the acuteness of this product. It activates the functioning of the stomach and improves metabolism. This spice ”breaks down” fat cells, increases energy expenditure in the digestive process.
8. Olive oil
Rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which stimulates the rid the body of cholesterol.
9. Celery and cucumbers
These foods contain incredible amount of nutrients, although the percentage consist of mostly water. The juice of cucumber and celery is a diuretic and purgative effect, and also involved in the excretion of toxins and fats.
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