Thursday, May 5, 2016

7 natural elixirs to restore and maintain vitality

How often in the last time you felt squeezed to the bone? In an endless cycle of Affairs, day-to-day running around and trying to do everything at once, we don’t just do their best, but do not have time as it should recover to a new day. Time and effort - that’s what often is missing now for each of us. And if the days were somehow “tie” another hour or two just will not work, then energy recovery, things are better. Our ancestors faced this problem and solved it, using all the variety of known products. These 7 infusions, the crown their efforts, trouble-free work today. Though the recipes here are not new, but time-tested, and it is much more important!

1. Take a teaspoon of honey, 1 egg yolk and a little lemon or orange juice. The yolk is diluted with juice, then mixed with honey. The resulting brew is best consumed for Breakfast. The yolk, like honey, are very nutritious and the juice of citrus contains vitamin C.

2. This fruit infusion also you would like to have for Breakfast. You will need 5 pieces of prunes, 3 pieces of dried apricots and figs, 2 slices lemon, 2 apples and a tablespoon of raisins. Fruits filled with water until she is completely covered. The resulting boil on a slow fire and allow to simmer 5 - 10 minutes.

3. For serving the next drink you will need to take half of oranges, peeled nuts 10 and 150 g of grated Apple. Squeeze the orange juice mix with apples, add nuts at the end. The ingredients here can be varied - to take 4 - 5 tablespoons of whipped cream instead of nuts or replace the orange juice with honey and lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of each. The resulting mixture is ideal for creative people as especially good for the brain.

4. Take a lemon, allow to soak in boiling water for fifteen minutes. After that, RUB it on a grater whole, with skin and bones, well, or passed through a meat grinder. Add a little butter, unsalted necessarily, and one and a half tablespoons of honey. Mix to a maximum homogeneity. The result goes perfectly with tea.

5. First, cook a Cup of oats in five glasses of water. Need to cook until then, until you get liquid jelly. Jelly this filter, made up as much boiled milk, cooled. 5 tablespoons of honey, stir until smooth mass - and you can eat! The resulting take 3 times a day, half a Cup at a time.

6. Then you need oats. Grain it is poured boiling water from 1 to three, insist day at room temperature, then drain the liquid and put the infusion in the refrigerator. Drink before eating a quarter Cup, at least 3 times a day. Before use to warm.

7. The basis for this infusion will be wheat, barley, and oatmeal in equal doses. Taken from all grains cook the flour, which is filled with water at a ratio of 1 to one. Insist 2 hours, strain, and voila! The resulting drink with honey. The drink helps not only with recovery, but also for anemia!

Be healthy!


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