Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A raw food diet

Among the variety of diets is highly popular raw food diet, the main principle of which is the consumption of plant foods without any heat treatment.
His supporters believe that with this way of life instead of 100 g of protein a person need per day 20-30 grams. The reason is that when the raw food diet, as the body uses amino acids, which are vital protein components. Supporters of the raw food diet also claim that animal origin food for a healthy person is not useful.

Fruits, berries, vegetables, greens, root vegetables, nuts and seeds are part of traditional diet to a raw food diet.
On the permissibility to eat different kinds of food a raw food diet can be:
- vegan - raw is allowed only vegetable food;
- lacto-raw food diet - allowed some types of dairy products in addition to raw food of plant origin;
- vegetarian raw food diet are allowed to eat raw eggs, milk, dairy products sometimes, well, fish, meat are eliminated completely.
According to the method of diet planning are distinguished:
- mixed raw food diet (COE) - you can mix different types of raw foods in 1 meal. For example: one reception eat different kinds of fruits and vegetables, prepared raw food of plant origin salads and cocktails.
- sermoneta (CME) is used in 1 meal before the onset of saturation of 1 type of vegetable food. For example, only tomatoes or cucumbers only.
Like most systems and modes of supply in raw food, there are advantages, and disadvantages.
The advantages include:
- normalization of weight;
- strengthening immunity;
- rejuvenation of the body;
- increases stamina, strength;
- gradual cleansing of the body;
Disadvantages are:
- sometimes painful cleansing crises;
- the transition to a traditional diet can often be accompanied by pain in the intestines, and occasionally other more serious ailments;
Contraindications: patients with chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis, gallstones or kidney (stick mode is possible, but caution), exhaustion and anemia.



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