It was after these words, I realized that many people have no idea about the process of energy production in the body, and present themselves in the form of a kettle, the volatile water) I will Try to show all the fingers, without downloading unnecessary, because I think only in this way information is absorbed best.
Our body is like a city whose components work to exhaustion for the benefit of our existence. Each of us is a micro universe. Fuels in our bodies is intracellular source of energy - adenosine triphosphate, ATP in common. This molecule decays and this process is accompanied by release of energy as ATP allocates phosphoric acid and a molecule to become adenosine diphosphate (ADP). ATP-our body gets energy from various sources and these will be discussed in detail.
1. The first step in beginning exercise ATP is compensated by the breakdown of creatine phosphate, in the course of which turns ADP back into ATP, and creatine phosphate from creatine remains. This process lasts for about 15-30 seconds and it is the most powerful source of energy, as 98 gasoline burns fast and powerfully)
2. Next comes the process of glycolysis, which is the breakdown of glucose molecules and the formation of two molecules of lactic acid. These molecules of lactic acid can restore the energy reserves of two molecules of ATP and this energy source is enough for approximately 3-4 minutes intensive exercise, which is quite a good result)
3. Finally we reached the most interesting process in the body is the oxidation process) It is here, perhaps, in the opinion of the people and the evaporation of water in the kettle)) At this stage, the body realizes that he is not getting enough ATF and have something to do with it. And he does it following the same glucose finds another method of energy release. In each cell there are mitochondria, the function of which consists in the oxidation and release of energy. Well, the Glucose data is placed in the mitochondria and in the process of oxidation and appears not 2 ATP molecules, and a whopping 19! So athletes, running long distances, can continue for such a long time. But as always not so simple) our stock is not unlimited and glucose ends, it is enough for roughly 5-10 minutes. After that, the priority becomes the consumption of substances carried by blood, i.e. blood glucose and fatty acids. Seen, here they are), is still there. In the subsequent continuation of loads, the priority placed on fatty acids that the body is trying so hard for us to leave for the occasion. The entire process of oxidation is accompanied by an abundant supply of oxygen in the body, which is so necessary for the oxidation process. Every moment is happening all the more pronounced lack of oxygen and all the more pronounced excess carbon dioxide, which is accompanied by temperature rise in the body. All this enhances the energy deficit in the body and increasingly stimulates our body to use as energy source all much-loved body fat. Now I hope you can imagine how the fat burning process in the body and that it has nothing to do with the boiling and the boiling water. Thank you all for your patience and for all the amount of ATP spent on reading this article. All good and success.
© Maerov N. In., 2016
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