Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Golden milk for the health of our blood vessels

Golden milk for the health of our blood vessels.

Take a bag of yellow turmeric (better to buy in Indian spice shops, at least in supermarkets, but not in the markets. Somehow, she’s completely odorless, either because in open bags worth it, whether it is mixed into something foreign… In 50 grams of fine turmeric powder, add to 2 times more water and diluted to a pulp to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Put it on the fire and while stirring cook for 5-7 minutes. Get a thick brown paste.

After this mixture has cooled, put it in a glass jar and refrigerate. Usually such a number just to rate enough (the course of 40 days 1 time per year). Before bed boil a glass of milk, add a teaspoon of paste of turmeric and ¼ teaspoon of almond oil - recipe 2 tablespoons of oil, but it ousseini bold! Almond oil is sold in pharmacies or in stores diet or a healthy vegan diet. A teaspoon of honey to put in your mouth and drink a glass of Golden milk.

I almond butter is not added. Stir turmeric in hot milk and drink with honey. Just want to warn you - never failed to stir the pasta until the end of the milk remains suspended. Choose it with a spoon and drink milk with honey. Very tasty. After this evening milk sleep like a baby, complete serenity and tranquility. After the first three evenings of the reception of the gold of milk noticed that the legs run like in his youth))).



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