Thursday, May 5, 2016


1. Monosodium glutamate (E621). Products containing the additive E621, cause the body’s dependence. In mice in certain doses causes blindness. Is the mass additive. Sodium glutomat accumulate in the body, can cause severe attacks.

2. The TRANS fats. Oil fat content less than 72% is forbidden, it is common TRANS-fat.

3. Salted fish in plastic packaging. Real salted fish is kept short and only in oil.

4. Peanuts. It is a genetically modified product. It is implanted gene of a Petunia, so that it is not attacked by insects. Therefore, peanuts are almost always fresh and presentable look.

5. Crab sticks. It is common soya, combined with crab essence. Almost 95% of soy is GMO (genetically modified product)

6. Cereals and cereal fast food, cereal. Contain flavorings and colorings identical to natural, but not natural.

7. Sweet, carbonated drinks. Such drinks primarily cause thirst and, in addition, contain a lot of sugar, or worse aspartame. Phosphoric acid kills microorganisms. In addition, sodium benzoate (E211) used as a preservative, inhibits enzymes that lead to metabolic disorders and obesity.

8. Sausages - contain up to 40% of hidden fat and weight flavors. Some sausages, sausages, sausages on 80% consist of transgenic soybeans.

9. Chicken. That pumped meat is virtually harmless fillers - it is known by many, but especially men you can not eat chicken because it adds a large amount of hormones causing hormonal imbalance.

10. Flavoured teas. They added an incredible amount of dyes and acids.

11. Mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces. Mayonnaise is full of TRANS fats, which are carcinogenic and in addition cause an increase in cholesterol levels. You can’t eat mayonnaise, especially in plastic containers. Vinegar highlights of plastic those most carcinogenic substances! Mayonnaise contains a lot of preservatives and stabilizers.

12. Potato chips, crackers. Due to the nature of the preparation of chips produced a lot of carcinogens - substances that provoke cancer.

13. Juices in packages. About any natural juices the we can not go! In Russia, these juices made from Chinese raw materials 50% chemistry and 50% serum fruits or canned fruits.

14. Chewy candy, candy in bright packaging, Lollipop. Contain huge amounts of sugar, chemical additives, dyes, substitutes.

15. Dried fruits. Nutritionists do not recommend dried, treated with a solution of sulphurous acid or sulphurous gas. And technology of such processing we put apples, pears and most of the apricots. Dried apricots without sulphur dioxide has a darker, to a brownish color. Processed dried fruits it is desirable to soak for a few minutes in lukewarm water, then most of the sulphur dioxide will go into solution.

16. Bouillon cubes. The finished soup. The main ingredient in the composition of cubes is salt (50-60%). Another third in their line - up is glutamate (flavor enhancers), the main danger of which is that they are strong carcinogens.

17. Cheese bags. It includes powdered milk and vegetable fats, in many of them NO cheese at all.

18. The instant noodles. If you want to eat just don’t add seasonings (dry even). 95% or more of all the seasonings, sauces, dry products contain sodium glutomat. The noodles itself is usually created from natural ingredients (water, flour, egg powder).

19. Baby products from major manufacturers contain GMOs. The companies-infringers were Nestle, Gerber, Heinz, Kolinska, Valio, Friesland Nutrition.

20. Sour cream. A sour cream in plastic cups of a vegetable oil and a product of sour cream.

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