Sunday, May 8, 2016

All about lavender

Lavender was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

In wild condition grows in Persia, South of France, in the Canary Islands.

It is a valuable decorative plant in a growing in the Crimea and the Caucasus. It has a strong spicy odor and a spicy-tart flavor.

Medicinal properties of lavender:

Lavender has a calming effect for nervous disorders, irritability and palpitations. The tea from lavender normalizes sleep.
Use it for therapeutic baths with inflammation of the joints.

In folk medicine, lavender oil, diluted with alcohol, was used against migraine, urolithiasis and pyelonephritis, as wound healing, skin diseases and neuralgia, bruises, sprains and paralysis.

The household and culinary use of lavender:

In pharmaceutics medicinal lavender is used for cooking various preparations, medicinal teas, aromatic alcohol and to obtain the essential oil.

Fragrant lavender oil is used in perfumery and cosmetic industry.

Bags of dry lavender, hanging in the closet with the Laundry, give the Laundry a pleasant smell and protect woollens from moths. And the use of such bags at the head of a sleeping person normalizes sleep, and the flowers serve as a deterrent mosquito repellent, mosquitoes.

The taste of lavender, spicy and tart. Because of the strong flavor it is added only in some dishes. As a spice lavender is especially popular in Spanish, French and Italian cuisine. During the Smoking of products, lavender with juniper berries added to the smoldering sawdust.

Foodies use lavender for cooking oil and green vegetable dishes together with savory, dill and sage. It is used also for the preparation of green sauces and added to soups of fish.

Recipes to use:

For dry eczema: 25 g of flowers in ½ lit-RA olive oil, put in a water bath for 2 hours, leave to infuse overnight, strain through a cloth and use for lubricating (course of 4-6 weeks).

Lavender milk baths for General - 50 g herbs in 5 liters of boiling water, to insist 1 hour. To use for weak and sickly children. These baths act as a sedative at nervous disorders, insomnia. To take only in the evening, the course is 10-15 baths. You can alternate with rosemary, pine, sweet flag, watercress.

Lavender water (against blepharitis (inflammation edges century) - flowers of fresh lavender - 60 grams, alcohol 32%-1 liter, insist 1 month., filtered. To lubricate the affected eyelids 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Lavender essential oil as an antidote to snake bites is to RUB the bitten area with oil or fresh grass, lavender, poison neutralized immediately.

Insect bites - RUB the affected skin with a mixture of lavender oil with alcohol in equal parts.

Note that lavender oil and other preparations of lavender are not recommended for use with preparations containing iodine or iron.


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