Friday, May 13, 2016


A few months a person can “lose” 5 - 10 and even 15 years! And it is available to each of us!

About bodybuilding heard, I think, all. But that’s what Fassbinder, heard a few. Meanwhile, hasbinding is a great alternative to plastic surgery, available to everyone and does not require special costs.

Hasbinding (face - face and building - construction) - exercises that reduce wrinkles and make the skin more elastic. Unlike traditional gymnastics faces off hasbinding that the latter is a strength exercises using resistance.

If you have age-related changes are reported, there is time to deal with them and hasbinding! Such exercises for the face will allow, if you have a droop to the cheeks, swollen eyelids, mouth corners drawn lateral folds, wrinkles on the forehead, neck and around the eyes, double chin.

What to expect from classes hasbinding?

Better complexion, muscles will gain tone and will cease to fall under the force of gravity, unnecessary deposits of fat will burn, the skin will begin more smoothly and close-fitting muscles. The face is lifted, younger and fresher, toned cheeks and chin pleasing sculptural forms.

A few months a person can “lose” 5 - 10 and even 15 years! And it is available to each of us!

When to expect result?

Complexion improvement will happen in the first week after the start of the training. And to begin the visible changes of the muscles, as the practice of hasbinding, it takes time. It all depends on the condition of a person, but on average that “the process has begun, requires about two months.

Start with what do each of the following exercises 5 times for 6 seconds. Gradually increasing the number of repetitions, bring them to 20. exercise every day and do light facial massage before or after a workout.

Hasbinding for wrinkles on forehead

Put your palms flat on the forehead so that the ring fingers were resting on the eyebrows. Overcoming the resistance of the ring finger, raise your eyebrows. At the same time the thumb and forefinger pull the skin forward without it on his forehead would crease.

Hasbinding for the elasticity of the cheeks

Drag the corners of the lips, as when smiling. The index fingers put on the place where when you smile are usually formed by folds, and to put pressure with your fingers.

Hasbinding for neck

With effort pull the lower lip (and not the corners of the mouth) down to open the bottom teeth. When performed correctly, this exercise should occur the neck muscles.

Hasbinding double chin

Place the fists under the chin, and then, overcoming the resistance of hands, open your mouth.

Hasbinding mouth

Open your mouth and thumbs raise the corners of your mouth up like You want to laugh heartily. Try to close your mouth. Hold this position and index fingers hold tightly around the eye sockets.

Hasbinding lip

Press down firmly on the lips, and forming in the corners of the lips press the folds with your fingers.

Hasbinding against crow’s feet

Put middle fingers on the outer edges of the eye sockets and close your eyes. In this case the fingers will feel the contraction of the eye muscles. Do not press your fingers too hard, so as not to interfere with natural muscle movement.


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