Thursday, May 5, 2016

In your medicine Cabinet does not have a bottle of glycerin ?

Where she’s from - you don’t remember what to do with it - maybe I go, to throw away - sorry. Do not throw away! The area of application of glycerin is very wide, and it will allow you in the most unexpected situations and even save money.

How to use glycerin in the home.

1. Using glycerin, you can output the “difficult” spots.
Stain from berries (even blueberries) just withdraw if exactly an hour to keep the glycerin in the contaminated area, and then rinse it barely salty water.

- Withdraw using glycerin, you can also fresh stains from coffee and tea. To do this, put on the contaminated area with a mixture of glycerol kitchen salt. As soon as the stain faded - wash the solution and wash the thing in the usual mode of washing.

2. Glycerin resists dust.
If you RUB glycerin lacquered furniture and mirrors, the dust will not sit on them.

3. Glycerin restores leather products.
If on a leather jacket, bag or gloves rubbed the seams - they should be wiped with glycerine. The skin will already seem not too shabby.

4. Glycerin makes the floors Shine.
If you have parquet or laminate - wash it with water and glycerin. The floors begin to Shine.

5. Glycerin for hair.
- Add glycerin in the shampoo each time washing your hair and they will become more obedient, no longer jammed and appear dry.

- You can do a variety of masks with glycerin. Add it to store cosmetics for hair. It is a viscous substance, it coats the hair, wetting it.

6. Glycerin for the hands.
In cosmetic shops sell ready glycerin creams. It’s very comforting in the frosty winter, protecting hands from the cold. In the warm season, this substance is also useful, as it can soothe the irritation and itching of the skin. You can just apply a little glycerin on the problem areas and dry areas, and can do the glycerin bath for hands. For this warm water and drip a few drops of glycerin.

7. Glycerin for the skin.
Glycerin has long been used in the cosmetics industry, and in spite of the evolution of the components in cosmetics, it is still popular among manufacturers. The fact that glycerol has a unique ability - he quickly absorbs moisture and retains it for a long time. If you apply it on the face of it is absorbed into the skin, and it will remain invisible film. This film draws the microscopic water molecules contained in the air, thereby moisturizing the skin.


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