Thursday, May 5, 2016



As you can often hear in conversation, complaints of headache. Of course, there is nothing easier than to drink a pill of Advil or something else (everyone has their own means).

Women’s magazine offers to try unusual, but it is a radical remedy.

Sprinkle ordinary table salt in a canvas bag and send it to 5-7 minutes in the freezer. Then lie down and place a small bag of salt on the crown, close your eyes and lie still for about 10-15 min.

You will not notice how the pain begins to subside. And it all is salt, which, absorbing the heat, constricts blood vessels of the entire head, thereby favorably affecting them.

When you feel that salt is warmed up, lay her back on the bridge of his nose and closed eyes. Be careful! The temperature of the salt should be lower than the room, or can suffer sinuses.

People’s experience States that pain relief is usually enough of a cold saline compress. Well, if the pain subsides, after 30 min. repeat this procedure.

If you have a migraine, try to drink 1 Cup of hot water and then applied on forehead and the back of the dressing with salt. It is best to carry out this procedure before going to bed.

If you have a headache because of the stress, prepare the alcohol solution of the salt (in the form of a slurry) and RUB it in for 20-30 min. in the upper part of the head. It is noticed that a headache will certainly depart. The effect is better if the procedure is carried out at bedtime.

Try it, and you’re sure it will! Anyway, the pills you will always have time to drink.


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