Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Nutrition BEFORE and AFTER exercise

Nutrition before exercise should contain carbohydrates, proteins and does not contain fat (preferably no more than 3 grams).

Eat before a workout no later than 2 hours before it started. It is known that physical activity slows down and even suspend digestion, so go on an empty stomach.

Carbohydrates before training needed in order to load glycogen storage depot that will be required for production during the training. Proteins are required as sources of amino acids for working muscles. Fats in the diet before exercise should be absent, because the fat in food slows down stomach emptying and the rate of digestion. Fatty foods in the stomach longer, it can cause discomfort, lethargy, colic, nausea and belching.

Products pre-workout
Poultry meat (Turkey, chicken breast) with coarse bread or rice
Lean fish with potatoes
Lean meat with potatoes or pasta
Eggs porridge
Cottage cheese with bread
The amount of food eaten should be small, as the average Breakfast. If you do not feel a feeling of heaviness, and filling the stomach to the beginning of the workout, the amount of food was normal.

Protein pre-workout
A protein shake is digested much faster than regular food. Therefore, when the weight is allowed additional intake of 20 g protein or portion gainer 1 hour before workout. Its early in the blood will actively do the amino acids that are required muscles.

Meal after the workout in bodybuilding
In the next 20 - 30 minutes after a workout, you need to take food rich in protein and carbohydrates. This is the only time allowed the intake of carbohydrates with relatively high glycemic index, that is, fast carbohydrates.

During this period of time in the body open so-called post-workout, anabolic or protein-carbohydrate window. All that will be eaten during this period, will go on muscle recovery and muscle mass gain, as all nutrients are involved in anabolic processes.

Carbs after a workout
Carbohydrates after a workout is better to consume in an easily accessible form of simple, vysokopitatelny sources. You need to have a rise in insulin levels, this hormone has an anabolic and anti-catabolic properties. Carbohydrates are needed to replenish spent energy, because otherwise it will begin to break down muscle proteins under the influence of catabolic processes.

Carbohydrate foods

Potatoes - yellow, sweet
White rice
Bread and other flour products
Pasta from soft wheat varieties
Sweet juice

Protein after a workout
Immediately after training it is advisable to drink a protein shake with fast protein or gainer. In this way, the muscle protein synthesis after training increases at least 3 fold (compared to fasting). Proteins also help to increase secretion of anabolic insulin, and have strong regenerative effect on muscle tissue.

Protein products

Lean meat
Eggs - boiled or scrambled eggs
Fish - low-fat
Fatty foods after a workout to consume is not recommended, as fats hamper the absorption of protein and carbohydrates.

After a workout, within two hours, it is desirable to exclude anything that contains caffeine: coffee, tea, cocoa and all chocolate (even protein powder with chocolate flavor). The fact that the caffeine interferes with insulin operation and thus prevents loading of glycogen in muscle and liver.


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