Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Remove hair forever!

Iodine + ammonia is a popular and effective tool.
1. Mix 35 g. of alcohol, 5 g. of liquid ammonia, 1.5 g of iodine, 5 g. of castor oil.
2. The resulting solution lubricate the skin with unwanted hair 2 times a day.
A few days hair fall out by itself forever.

If you have an Allergy to any ingredient, this recipe use is not worth it!

Several folk recipes hair removal.
1. The walnut shells. One of the most popular and effective means to remove hair permanently.

Here are some recipes on the basis of the shell:

- Take the green, unripe walnuts, cut in half and RUB the juice acted as a bottleneck problem. Repeat the procedure several times a day. Soon, the unwanted hairs will fall out by itself and will not grow.

- grind the walnut shells, mix with water to form slurry and RUB the skin 3-4 times a day. Repeat the procedure until the complete disappearance of unwanted hair.

- young glass of crushed walnuts, add a tablespoon of tar. Mixture cover and put in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Finished tincture rubbed into the skin daily, until a complete stop of hair growth.

2. The pine nuts. Often used in the fight against unwanted hair.

Shalt cedar shells in the flour. Add a little hot water and RUB the mass in problem areas of the skin within a few days. Hair should be gone forever.
Similar results can also be achieved if you prepare a concentrated decoction of the husks of pine nuts and regularly spread it over the skin.

3. Nettle seeds. Dioecious a devastating impact on the hair follicle. Seed oil nettle when used regularly removes body hair.

Grind 40 grams of seeds. Pour 100 ml of vegetable oil. Put the mixture in a dark place for 2 months. Ready infusion strain and lubricate the skin, where it is necessary to remove the hairs.

4. Green grapes. Can rid you of unwanted hair.

Squeeze the juice of unripe wild grapes and lubricate the skin in problem areas. Repeat the procedure every day. The product is suitable for hair removal on sensitive areas of skin, even on face.

5. Potassium permanganate.

Prepare a strong solution, and clean the skin. Repeat the procedure daily until the hair do not fall out. Be careful, you may get burned.
It is not recommended to use potassium permanganate in the summer season, as a means stain the skin and hard to wash off.

6. Poppy is a folk remedy for hair removal. The people noticed that poppy-rhoeas helps in the fight against excess hairiness.
Burn the whole plant and resulting ash RUB the problem areas.

!!!If you have an Allergy to any ingredient, this recipe use is not worth it!!!


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