Monday, May 9, 2016

What you need to know about diets

The fact that people report No… of minerals and vitamins, which help lose weight.

This is the real lie!

As is actually. Vitamins help your body process food into energy and not into fat. Minerals help stabilize blood sugar levels, and thus reduce the appetite.

What people report…a Separate power supply. Taken separately, proteins and carbohydrates.

Diet combining and separating the products suggest to consume carbohydrates and protein separately - and nature is not.

As is actually. Combining proteins and carbohydrates you reduce the glycemic load of food, and this, in turn, stabilizes blood sugar, reduces appetite and helps burn the extra pounds. You have no sense of appetite and you lose weight!

What people are misleading…Truth or fiction about calories.

Proponents of diets high in protein level was trying to disprove the theory of counting calories, but failed. Research shows that not all calories are the same regarding the process of losing weight. The method of counting carbohydrates, which fully control blood sugar levels, fastest and most effective for getting rid of excess weight.

As is actually. Consumption of food, given glycemic load foods leads to a significant reduction in weight, despite the same calorie intake. This way of eating reduces the appetite. The meal, given glycemic load foods promotes not only reduce weight, but also to restore energy!

What people report…Calories go through the excretory system and you lose weight due to protein diet.

This theory is wrong! People start to lose weight due to the fact that they start eating less. And why they eat less? Because such a diet helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.

As is actually. If you adhere to a protein diet, you cause irreparable harm to the heart, kidneys and bones.

What people are misleading…you Can lose weight by consuming fewer calories.

Excluding fats from your diet, thereby exclude essential for the organism amino acids, such as omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9, which in turn leads to a number of physical and mental diseases. Low-fat diet is not the best way out of the situation!

As is actually. People who afraid to gain weight, start eating less, reducing the amount of calories. But the obesity epidemic is gaining momentum. At the same time, consumption of sugar, stimulants of the nervous system, such as coffee and tea, has increased significantly! It’s a coincidence? As all these factors affect weight, physical and emotional state?..



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