Saturday, May 7, 2016

Iodine grid: the healing properties of simple lines

Designer health.

There are at least twenty different diseases in which alleviate the human condition is possible by applying iodine mesh. A tiny vial of iodine is usually available in every home medicine Cabinet - because no one in everyday life is not immune from wounds and cuts requiring operative antiseptic treatment. In the nineteenth century, doctors discovered that, in contact with skin iodine solution can operate as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

How to do iodine grid?

Iodine grid applied to the skin using a cotton cosmetic sticks - the same ones that are commonly used for cleaning of sulfur in the ears. This wand should be dipped in a 5% solution of iodine and paint on the body of a grid of vertical and horizontal stripes. The value of the “cells” of a popular iodine mesh is usually about 1 square centimeter.

Penetrating through the skin into muscular tissue and blood vessels, iodine detrimental effect on pathogens, coagulating their proteins. The secret of the grid is that due to the “cells” of a particular size groups of bacteria are detached from each other and rapidly die. Iodine great job with those bacteria that enter the body through the skin pores.

Iodine mesh with a shortage of iodine in the body

According to statistics, almost a third of the world’s population suffers from a lack of iodine in the body, which causes thyroid cancer, and for pregnant women may lead to birth of physically and mentally disabled children.

In order to determine whether enough your body iodine from food, not necessarily to be tested - enough to put iodine grid. It is best to place on the inner thigh. If after 3 hours it does not remain the slightest trace, an urgent need to run to the doctor and ask to be prescribed the most effective medications for the treatment of iodine deficiency. If the iodine has time to absorb into the skin for 6-8 hours, it will mean that small problems with iodine in the body has, but they can be solved by including in the daily diet of sea fish, seafood and seaweed and other foods rich in this element. In perfectly healthy people, not experiencing a lack of iodine, the traces of the mesh disappear only at the end of the day.

How to do iodine grid when you cough?

Whatever the causes of dry cough, iodine grid will allow to localize the inflammatory process at the very beginning. Penetrating the skin and blood vessels, iodine enhances blood circulation, but to do antitussive the net is recommended only when the body temperature exceeds 38 °.

So, how to cure dry cough home methods of logotherapie? The mesh is applied either to the throat (angina) or chest (for pneumonia). In some people the skin on these parts of the body is particularly sensitive. That’s why you can put only 1 small bar. If in 10-15 minutes there is no burning sensation, itching, discomfort, and then you can begin drawing a full grid. When you cough the mesh on the throat represent 2 times a day - morning and evening.

How useful iodine mesh with a cold and the flu?

For those who are looking for ways how to cure the common cold, iodine mesh will be a very convenient solution. In this case, it is applied very thin and neat lines on the nose and wings of the nose. It is advisable to act with caution, because on the face, as well as on the neck, the risk of formation of iodine from burns: skin red, peeling and will wear off. Colds make sense to place a grid on the feet and in the area of calf muscles.

Iodine mesh for bruises

If you don’t know how to show a bruise, then again help out the same generic iodine mesh. However, it should not be used in the first hours after injury: it is recommended to do this only one day after the injury. The fact is that even minor trauma is usually accompanied by swelling of the tissues, and the irritant effect of iodine does not contribute to its resolution. A sound approach is to first act on the injured place a cold piece of ice, wrapped in cloth. And only on the following day it will be possible to start treatment with iodine.

Iodine grid during pregnancy

Women who are preparing to become mothers, to use iodine mesh is recommended to fill the deficit of iodine in the body. Besides, this tool will allow to cope with the symptoms of cold - after all, the selection of ready-made pharmaceutical drugs are pregnant have to exercise special vigilance, and iodine is considered to be environmentally friendly and safe medication. It is important not only to bring the health-conscious to the extreme and always consult with your doctor


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