Saturday, May 7, 2016

TOP signs that you should change eating habits

If your attempts to lose weight are still just attempts, you may allow one or several common mistakes that prevent to lose weight.

You eat in cafes and restaurants

You can find healthy food options in many places, even fast food, but if you really want to lose weight, it is better to cook at home. So you will control all the ingredients that will get on your plate and your food is guaranteed to be healthy.

You always food washed down with juice or soda

Juice and soda is thousands of unnecessary your diet calories per month. Even diet soda can cause weight gain.

You don’t think about your diet

Of course, ordering lunch to the office or a light snack in the cafe - a quick option that might even cost you cheaper than buying food and cooking at home, however if you lose weight and train, you need to make your menus with all the necessary your body nutrients and the recommended daily intake of important vitamins and minerals. And do not lean on fat, rich in carbohydrates food.

You’re not eating enough

You should eat so that the food you’ve consumed, saturated your body, otherwise during the day you will be in addition to snack, so will add unnecessary calories. Nobody says that snacking between meals is not necessary, but at unhealthy snacks, choose rich in protein and fiber.

You eat mindlessly

We often instead of to enjoy lunch, while eating I think about anything, only not about food. And our brain isn’t sending signals that we are full, which can lead to both overeating and a feeling of hunger shortly after lunch. Trapezica slowly, sosredotachivaja on food and chew food properly.


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