Saturday, May 7, 2016


What vitamins are contained in eggplant

Useful properties of eggplant are determined by its composition. It contains fiber, soluble sugar, pectin, protein, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, PP.

Because of the content of vitamin e, this vegetable is recommended for people who want to get rid of nicotine addiction. Thanks to the vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), the body is easier to tolerate nicotine deprivation.

the vitamins in eggplant, the content of vitamins in eggplant photo

Eggplant is an indispensable product for those who want to lose weight. In 100 grams of eggplant contains 28 kcal. Eggplants contain large amounts of fiber, which helps rid the body of excess fluid along with toxins. If you decide to lose weight with eggplant, it is necessary to take into account 1 the fact that during frying the eggplant absorb much oil. To avoid this, before cooking, you should soak sliced eggplant in cold water for 10 minutes. But baked and stewed eggplants better.

Eggplant - the benefits and harms

Eggplants are valued because they contain all the necessary human body trace elements. And this value will not be reduced if ones to cook or just preserve. Pectin, which is contained in eggplant, helps to stimulate digestion and does not stagnate bile. Thanks to pectin, it displays excessive cholesterol.

Eggplant - the benefits and harms photo

To answer the question whether there is eggplant from harm, many find it difficult. Wrong answer, if you say Yes, but a negative answer also does not explain the whole situation. The main thing to remember is that overripe fruit should not be eaten, as they contain the alkaloid solanine. It is a poisonous substance due to poisoning which may cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, intestinal colic, convulsions and shortness of breath.

In cases of poisoning by solanine the best antidote is milk, egg white, mucous soups. This substance can be destroyed if the vegetable is to turn up the correct heat treatment. And remember that excessive consumption of any vitamin can harm your body.

How useful eggplant

Despite the fact that eggplant can not boast a large number of vitamins in it, it is low in calories and is a good helper in the fight against obesity. It contains pectin and a host of other valuable minerals that remove toxins from the body and do not allow cholesterol to be absorbed.

the benefits of eggplant, eggplant photo

In diets they are indispensable. Potassium, which is contained in eggplant improves the heart and removes fluid from the body. It is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, anemia and gout.

Elderly people should include this vegetable in your diet. It helps fight atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis and also strengthens bones.

Eggplant calorie content and nutritional value

If you are interested in how many calories in eggplant, 100 grams of raw vegetable contains only 24 calories. Learn more about the nutritional value and composition of eggplant, refer to the table below.

Eggplant calorie content and nutritional value photo, table, fat

The juice from the eggplant

In folk medicine, very appreciated juice of the eggplant. It contains b vitamins, vitamin C, PP, mineral substances: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus. It is recommended to use for people suffering from atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease.

To prepare the juice from the eggplant, you need to clean fresh young eggplant from the skin and using a juicer squeeze the juice.

The juice from the eggplant photos, eggplant juice

It is very good for intestinal and stomach diseases. As an infusion of eggplant is used as a cholagogue, for this you need 1 medium eggplant peel and cut into small squares and pour a glass of boiling water. Then steamed eggplant to place a water bar at 30 min after strain. This infusion take 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Contraindications. Not recommended to use overripe fruit, as they contain large amounts of solanine. As you know, solanine poisoning. If poisoning shortness of breath, colic, nausea and vomiting. To cleanse the body of solanine, the need to constantly drink clean water.


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