Saturday, May 7, 2016

TOP 6 high-calorie foods that should be in your menu

Find out what high calorie foods should be present in your diet, even if you’re on a diet.

You tend to lose the excess weight or too carefully monitored to ensure that your waist has not appeared extra inches and therefore refuse from high-calorie foods? Experts remind that there are products with a high content of calories, even for this reason, should not be excluded from your menu because they contain all essential for your body nutrients to function properly and to prevent the development of diseases. What kind of product is it?


Avocado contains monounsaturated fats, antioxidants and beta carotene, which reduce bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol levels, support memory and help prevent heart disease.

Recall that the recommended daily intake of fats is between 60 to 65 grams, and in one avocado contains about 30 grams and 322 calories. So don’t deny yourself the pleasure to eat avocado, but if these reasons you are not convinced, I can afford a day only half of the fruit.

Nuts and seeds

Almonds, cashews, walnuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and oils made from them - from about 160 to 190 calories in 30 g or 210 calories per two tablespoons. However, despite its caloric content, nuts contain protein that helps build muscle, heart healthy fats, fiber, vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, folic acid and potassium.

Of course, mindlessly eating the nuts should not be, but a handful a day to eat standing. You can eat nuts separately and can be added to salads and other dishes.


Dairy products with high fat content such as cheese are usually also high in calories. So, in 30-gram piece of Cheddar cheese contains about 113 calories. However, this product is an excellent source of much needed protein (7 g) and calcium (202 mg). Keep that in mind before zeroing it from their diet.

Olive oil

Despite the fact that salads and foods cooked in olive oil, can add extra inches at the waist, it is not necessary to abandon the consumption of the main product of the Mediterranean diet. Monounsaturated fats which includes olive oil, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. And in addition olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties, good for the overall health of bones and helps to think clearly.

However, adding it to dishes, still prepared in one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil contains 120 calories.


Because of the high carbohydrate content, many people avoid to consume potatoes, but in vain. Plug in your menu baked potato. One potato with the skin of medium size contains 161 calories, as well as iron, potassium and fiber.


Whole grain quinoa are fairly high in calories. So, in one Cup contains 222 calories. But to avoid the consumption of the product for this reason not worth it, because it is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, folic acid, nourishes well, preventing overeating that eventually, helps lose weight.


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