Monday, April 4, 2016

What is the hemoglobin should be in children

From birth to 3 months - 145-225 g/l,

From 3 to 6 months - 95-135 g/l

From 6 months to 1 year - 100-110 g/l,

From 1 year to 7 years the index is from 105 to 150 g/l,

From 7 years to 18 years, from 115 to 160 g/L.

Indicators in infants is very high. In children hemoglobin have other properties, and structure than the adult and is called fetal hemoglobin.

To yearling age, he completely destroyed and this type of hemoglobin, as an adult. The age of the children under 5 years is an important period in the physical and mental development of the child. Serious slowdown in the development of the child can occur with a shortage of hemoglobin at this age.

It is important to identify in advance the lack of hemoglobin and to take action. Low hemoglobin indicates anemia, other chronic diseases, lack of vitamins, minerals, including iron.

Elevated hemoglobin is also sounding the alarm, because is considered a disease. Only after the examination the doctor is able to calculate deviations from the norm. To the hemoglobin in children was normal, need: to Start this care since intrauterine life of the child. Many pregnant indications hemoglobin low. And for the child it is essential to receive the necessary amount of micronutrients including iron at this time.

Children problems with hemoglobin occur in the following cases: On the occasion of the improper diet,
In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys,
If your child has worms or other diseases that lead to iron deficiency in the body,
That is why it is very important to prevent large fluctuations of hemoglobin, but not to eliminate it,

To ensure proper nutrition, eating foods rich in: copper, iron, manganese, outdoors stroll, optimum adherence of the day - the guarantee of health of the child and of course the norms of hemoglobin.

Increasing the level of hemoglobin is necessary to produce on time. Otherwise the problem is delayed for a long time. It is necessary to pass regularly the tests, to go to the pediatrician for inspection and to implement the recommendations in order to detect deviations in the level of hemoglobin in children.


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