http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThe zinc ointment. For beauty and healthIs zinc ointment, and there are salicio-zinc. Latest just well dries pimples, it is prescribed for problem skin, and zinc ointment is greasy, she is really good to lubricate dry skin, chapped lips, hands, heals wounds on the lips.Zinc ointment is an anti-inflammatory agent that has a drying, absorbent, astringent and antiseptic action. After cleaning the face, including homemade,...
Saturday, April 30, 2016
EFFECTIVE EXERCISES from saggy belly��
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comExercise 1:Take a deep breath stomach, maximum bulging of the abdominal wall. One, two, three, four, five. Relax, exhale all the air through your mouth.Pulled stomach into itself, pulling it up to the stomach. It’s like you want to hide him in the ribs. I took a breath. One, two, three. Again breathed, repeating the exercise as many times as you years. If you are unable to perform so many repetitions, then during the...
Best cold medicine
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comBest cold medicine.Save yourself ✔1. Ibupro - strong pain killers remedy, fast acting, in the form of effervescent tablets easy on the stomach, and in the candlelight suitable for kids.2. Coldrex - excellent vasoconstrictor drug. Fast acting, because it is dissolved in hot water.3. Nazol - relieves runny nose and does not dry out the nasal mucosa, is valid for 12 hours.4. Nurofen - ambulance, works quickly. For kids...
Wonderful drink herbalist from China
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comGets rid of bad cells forming in the body or inhibits their growth!To take during 3 months, health instantly restored. It’s like a miracle.* You need one beetroot, two carrots and one Apple.* Wash, cut, peel, cut into pieces and put in juicer and immediately drink the juice. * Can add lime or lemon for more refreshing taste.This miracle drink is effective in the following diseases:1. To prevent the development of cancer...
Why soda is harmful?
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comSoda is similar to cigarettes both are expensive, addictive, contain toxic substances and causes the human body irreparable harm.Fizzy and other soft drinks were repeatedly accused of all mortal sins. Food colorings and preservatives - is empty calories, obesity, yellow teeth, decrease bone density, increase blood sugar levels and cancer risk… Why drink so many toxic substances on a daily basis? - ask the experts. And...
Chicken stuffed with oranges
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comINGREDIENTSchicken 1800 gorange 450 ggarlic 1 clovemayonnaise 100 mlsalt 1 pepper 1 tsp.THE COOKING PROCESSA perfect dish for the holiday table! It will surprise guests with its appetizing appearance, aroma and taste. To prepare you need: chicken, oranges, garlic, mayonnaise, salt and ground black pepper. Wash the oranges, cut into rings, and some slices.Separate the chicken skin from the carcass, a little...
Friday, April 29, 2016
10 of the most useful nuts✔ Pistachios.These nuts:- reduce LDL ”bad” cholesterol overall by 6%;- support the health of the eye (contain zeaxanthin and lutein);- protect cells from damage.✔ Almonds:- reduces the production of insulin;- promotes weight loss;- protects cells from aggressive free radicals.✔ Peanut:- prevents diseases of Altagracia;- improves the health of the body (the ideal ratio of protein and fat).✔ Pecans:- restores the balance...
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThe medicine, which cured even Hippocrates himself! 1. Dysentery passes in 5 hours. 2. Salmonella for 5 hours. 3. Gastric ulcer in a week. 4. Colitis (colon) - for a week. 5. This download is for the week. 6. Acute appendicitis in 5 hours…Miraculous recipes healer G. I. Deep“In the newspaper “Russian Vestnik, No. 17-18, 2007 published my article it talks about fast healing of a water infusion of dried peels of pomegranate...
10 tools econometica cheaper than 100 rubles
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comWhat quality ecocosmetics have to cost millions, is a myth. To overpay for fancy packaging and the brand does not make sense, it is important to know inconspicuous, but effective natural remedies.In the New year’s eve the good Santa not only prepares the presents to the good girls, but also robs them of money. Purse emptied on the eyes, and before the winter holidays together with the flu consistently pick up the virus...
Updated the body with this product: a unique recipe of youth from our ancestors
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comUpdated the body with this product: a unique recipe of youth from our ancestors.About the benefits of sprouted seeds and beans you know almost all people who lead a healthy lifestyle. Many have tried their healing properties. For example, in days of germination in water the life force of the wheat is increased in hundred times. But not everyone knows about the beneficial effects of sprouted walnuts. 14 days it the energy...
Salt relieves headaches!
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comIf you abruptly headache and suffering is not possible - immediately prepare saline solution.Head is not to be trifled with! This simple method of treatment get rid of a headache, and still with this compress may return to normal pressure.First of all, prepare the dressing, folded in 8 layers of gauze (bandage width should match the height of the forehead, and length is the circumference of your head).Then heated to...
Julienne with chicken and mushrooms
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comYou will need:- 1 medium size onion- 100-150 g chicken (breast)- 3-4 mushroom (about 50g)- 50 g butter- 1 tbsp vegetable oil- 1 tbsp (heaped) flour- 200 ml cream 10%- 50 g of hard cheeseHow to cook:1. Finely chop the onion, fry until transparent in the vegetable oil, spread on the bottom of the form.2. On this same pan fry the chicken (you can take the Turkey), also finely chopped, also put into the form.3. Fry mushrooms,...
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Jam for the treatment of liver
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comJam for the treatment of liver. Note!In may blooming dandelions. We walk and do not pay attention to this plant. Meanwhile, it can be called a real doctor. Dandelion can cook tasty jam, regenerating liver cells and cleanses the blood.Tear 300-400 pieces of yellow dandelion blossoms, cover with water, let stand in water a day. The next morning, squeeze the flowers, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 15-20 minutes,...
When URGENTLY need money from Natalya Pravdina)Hear, Goddess, our call,let everyone the sun is shining!treasure fabulous breakthroughus Golden pour like rain!And those hearts that in unisonwith the whole Universe in the rhythm of the beatwealth and reach heightsand Angels soul touchI made giftsfor all - fabulous wealth,everything is yours ! Go - take it!join in the divine fellowship!Fortuna! Revive the mind!in order to obtain the manna...
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThe Shine on the face adds to the attraction, so it must be fought with all means available. However, do not rush to buy expensive matting means - to normalize lipid balance of the skin will mask of fresh parsley, rolled oats and tea tree oil. Remember the recipe! Necessary ingredients:- bunch of fresh parsley;- half a Cup of oatmeal;- 3 drops of tea tree oil.Pour oat flakes with boiling water and let them swell. Finely...
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Do not indulge me, you have the port. I know very well that it is not necessary to give me everything I ask for. I was just testing you.2. Don’t be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer this approach. This gives the opportunity to calculate their place.3. Don’t rely on strength in a relationship with me. It taught me to what should be considered only with force.4. Do not make promises that you cannot fulfill. It would...
Women's herbs
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comGrass necessarily to be in the medicine Cabinet of every woman. Do not rush immediately to grab a pill, sometimes natural remedies given to us by nature, is much safer and more efficient. And treatment teas from wild herbs is still very tasty and inexpensive!1. Calendula. Use flowers, leaves. It has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, dezinficiruyusch action. It is effective for cervical erosion, thrush. 30 g of calendula...
Wonderful drink herbalist from China
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comGets rid of bad cells forming in the body or inhibits their growth!To take during 3 months, health instantly restored. It’s like a miracle.* You need one beetroot, two carrots and one Apple.* Wash, cut, peel, cut into pieces and put in juicer and immediately drink the juice. * Can add lime or lemon for more refreshing taste.This miracle drink is effective in the following diseases:1. To prevent the development of cancer...
How to bring your body of unnecessary and toxic?
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThe best recipes of the detoxification!1. The Apple and cinnamon.Thinly slice one Apple and pour 500 ml of pure water, add 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, cool and drink throughout the day. The combination of apples and ground cinnamon will allow you to normalize metabolism and clean the digestive tract.2. Lemon juice and honey.2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice mix with 200 ml warm water, add 1 teaspoon of natural honey, a pinch...
How to prepare medicinal jam made from dandelions
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comHealing how to cook jam from dandelions. In may, around a lot of dandelions. You can cook them a delicious jam, regenerating cells of the liver and gallbladder, cleanses the blood. It helps the body remove harmful substances and excess cholesterol, treats atherosclerosis and improves memory. What you’ll need: - dandelion flowers - 300 PCs., - sugar - 1 kg - water - 3 cups, - lemon - 1 PC. Collect 300 dandelion flowers...
Beautiful Breasts for 15-20 minutes a day
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThe female breast, as is known, consists of 90% fat. Therefore, when dieting bust rapidly losing volume. Lost every kilogram of excess weight, tend to take 20 g of the mass of your Breasts. And despite the fact that the total mass of the mammary glands is 150-400 grams. Weight loss 4 to 9 kg and you can choose underwear at least one size smaller. But to return to the old forms much more complicated: it is not enough...
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. CHEESEHow much? 100 gWhy? The body uses vitamin B12, which many in the cheese to produce choline. Choline is synthesized from the neurotransmitter most important transmitter of nerve impulses - acetylcholine, which improves intellectual abilities and helps you to be attentive and focused.2. CEREALHow much? 3 tablespoons.Why? Slow carbs are gradually and evenly feed the brain, allowing him a long time to focus on a...
Unusual and very effective recipes from the pharmacy!
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Cubes with herbs!Daisy+series+jojoba oil+olive oil! And all in the freezer! Dice and in the morning wipe the face! It becomes fresh, rosy and soft! During the day, if the face looks tired, should to wipe, there is a lifting effect!2. AevitumAevitum - works well with wrinkles. Apply to the skin around the eyes. Capsules cost 34 rubles. This vitamin A and E together, apply morning and evening under eyes. Or, you can...
10 properties of pomegranate, about which you never heard
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comJust incredible what he is capable of this miracle fruit, 1 of the most useful fruits on Earth!Paradise Apple, tempted eve; the fruit of the tree which is planted in Cyprus, Aphrodite; berry juice which is called “love potion” and sell, as the strongest aphrodisiac is nothing like garnet!The fruit of decorative plants granatniy, ripening late in the autumn, surrounded himself with an incredible amount of myths and legends...
You can make different variants of the herb compounds for oral administration in the form of infusions with a focus on rejuvenation of the body, strengthening the immune system and just for General health
Unknown3:54 AMadministration, compounds, different, focus, general, health, immune, infusions, regular, rejuvenation, strengthening, system, variants
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http://medicine-art.tumblr.comYou can make different variants of the herb compounds for oral administration in the form of infusions with a focus on rejuvenation of the body, strengthening the immune system and just for General health.Option 1. Rose hips (3 parts), licorice root (1 part), currant leaf (2 parts), juniper needles (2 parts), eucalyptus (2 parts), horsetail (3 parts), flowers of immortelle (2 parts), birch bark (1 part), St. John’s wort...
You need to be hardy?
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1) Well-trained heart. This is the basis of everything.2) Start with short medium-intensive daily circuit training (crossfit style), gradually increasing the time and intensity of episodic.Ie, if you started with a simple 15-20 minutes of the complex, then finish the hour and a half workout with large intensity gradient and large differences of the functional areas. However, and exercise you will not every day, but 3-4...
Stretching exercises
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comStretching exercises. Train at home.1. Stand up straight, slightly spread your legs and bend them at the knees. Lift up one arm and stretch over an imaginary object. Lower it down and do the same with the other hand. Thus the head should be slightly thrown back. Do the exercise 6 times.2. Stand up straight with left hand on waist, legs shoulder-width apart. Now the right hand grasp the head and tilt it to the right....
Chinese beauty mask from honey starch and salt, which nourishes, evens skin tone, visibly diminishes the appearance of age spots
Unknown1:27 AMappearance, beauty, chinese, diminishes, evens, honey, nourishes, regular, spots, starch, visibly, which
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http://medicine-art.tumblr.comChinese beauty mask from honey starch and salt, which nourishes, evens skin tone, visibly diminishes the appearance of age spots.Ingredients:- 1 teaspoon of honey (preferably liquid)- 1 teaspoon of starch- 1 teaspoon of saltHoney and starch mixed to a uniform whitish color. Add a teaspoon of crushed sea salt (it can be replaced with ordinary iodized salt). It is kneaded.If the skin is hypersensitive or very dry, then...
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Money tree for health
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comMoney tree for health.Jade has many varieties. However, the most common as houseplants, the jade tree or money tree, Sometimes this plant is called crassula, Zyryanka.ATTENTION !In the jade contains a high concentration of arsenic, therefore, to abuse the intake of medicinal preparations based on this plant is not recommended. In overdose are vomiting, diarrhea, disturbances of consciousness.It is noticed that the jade...
Aqueous extract of dried peels of pomegranate will cure all!
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Cure for 5 hours from any of the strains of dysentery, salmonellosis, typhoid, cholera, acute appendicitis (the need for surgery is eliminated).2. Cure for one week from the following diseases: stomach ulcer, intestinal ulcer (small intestine), colitis - an inflammatory process in the large intestine, dysbacteriosis.At the request of readers I am giving the recipe of preparation of water extract of dried peels of...
A list of the most hazardous products
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Monosodium glutamate (E621). Products containing the additive E621, cause the body’s dependence. In mice in certain doses causes blindness. Is the mass additive. Sodium glutomat accumulate in the body, can cause severe attacks.2. The TRANS fats. Oil fat content less than 72% is forbidden, it is common TRANS-fat.3. Salted fish in plastic packaging. Real salted fish is kept short and only in oil.4. Peanuts. It is a...
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comNo one doubts the benefits of parsley for the human body. But few probably know how rich is this plant and how it can be used for medicinal purposes.The unusual ingredient that makes parsley a unique source of health, are essential oils (lemon, myristicin, eugenol, alpha-thujone) and flavonoids. There is an opinion that contained in the plant apigenin, lutein, myristicin protect against cancer.* Influenza, acute respiratory...
9 yoga poses for slim waist
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comLateral twistingStay in the pose for five breaths in each direction.WarriorStay in the pose for five breaths on each leg.CrescentStay in the pose for five breaths on each leg.The triangle with straight armsStay in the pose for five breaths in each direction.Side plankStay in the pose for five breaths in each direction.Strap-DolphinStay in the pose for five deep breaths.BowStay in the pose for five deep breaths.LocustStay...
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Castor and burdock oil for hair growth2. Apricot oil - for body massage and to nourish the nails3. Tincture bitter pepper - a mask for hair growth4. Shilajit - anti-stretch marks (dissolve a tablet in a body cream or water to lubricate and stretch marks)5. Lavender essential oil - add a few drops in the conditioner longer hair do not get dirty6. Sea salt soaks for nails and body.7. Peppermint oil on your temples before...
Monday, April 25, 2016
A compilation of the best facial masks
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comsoftens and makes the skin silk1 cucumber grate, add a little sour cream and a few drops of lemon. Apply on face for 30 minutes.reduces and tightens pores mask for oily skin Put on the face of the tomato slices or a cloth soaked in fresh tomato juice. The duration of the mask - 15 minutes.dry skin face mask2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 1 tbsp milk, 1 tsp sunflower oil, 1 tomato (finely chopped).softens and makes your...
6 drugs of Kalanchoe
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comKalanchoe is very widely used not only in national but also in occupational medicine. Spending a little time and effort, you can perfectly prepare these pharmaceutical drugs which in quality is not inferior to even the most publicized and expensive.1. Ointment40 ml of juice of Kalanchoe, 0.25 g of furazolidone, 0.25 ml 2% novocaine and about 100 grams of anhydrous lanolin. All carefully to mix. Store at room temperature.You...
The dietitian about the dangers of palm oil!
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comA few words about palm oil: by itself, the original product - palm oil, extracted from the fruit of the oil palm, is useful. Yes, it has a lot of saturated (harmful) fats, which makes it dense. But this harm is compensated by the amounts of carotenoids and many other nutrients. Unrefined palm oil is the case when one use eliminates the harm. He was, incidentally, are often used in cosmetics, gastroentorology.But refined,...
Fat in traditional medicine
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comFat controls cholesterolGerman researchers recommend that patients eat a thin slice of fat per day. But not anymore!Scientists have proven that this product removes from the body toxins. It’s just a total cholesterol!, - until recently disown mouth-watering Shmatov nutritionists. And I was wrong.A group of German scientists from Munich University (the Germans also know a lot of fat!) investigated the composition of the...
20 quotes by max Frei, gives faith in miracles
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. We must love ourselves and to praise. Do not entrust this responsibility to strangers!2. I have a wonderful rule: if events cease to please, we have to leave.3. We did everything we could. Still have to do all the things we can’t, and then success is guaranteed.4. Long live the dual personality - the shortest path to emotional balance!5. If you fall off a cliff into the abyss, why not try to fly? What have you got...
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Salt and oil vs degenerative disc disease
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comSalt and oil against degenerative disc disease.Cervical degenerative disc disease is difficult to treat. Propose to test a very interesting mix. After its use will not feel pain for a few years!Prepare a lot of healing massage:Need unrefined vegetable oil (with a smell) and fine salt (sea).Prepare medication for the whole course: 10 tbsp salt to fill 20 tbsp oil, all stir well, without grains.After a few days it turns...
Home drink from the cucumber with lemon for weight loss
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comIt turns out that a good way to lose weight, but rather to “launch” system, metabolism, many growing right in the garden. Many people have probably heard that cucumber juice is excellent not only affects the body as a whole, but also on the exterior, the skin, removes wrinkles, smoothes the skin, eliminates blackheads and swelling, bags under the eyes and such. And then it turned out that adding it to ginger tea cucumber...
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comBaking soda has been used for centuries in cooking and household works. But few people think that it can be successfully used for cosmetic purposes. And it is in vain. Baking soda is a wonderful product, which you can use cheap, but effective care for face, body, hair.A real woman will find soda many uses:◄ Make effective peelingJust add a pinch of baking soda to your regular foam or gel for washing, you can mix them...