Sunday, April 17, 2016

Tartlets potato with chicken fillet under garlic-cheese sauce

Chicken fillet - 700 g
Mayonnaise - 200 g
Garlic - 3 cloves
Potatoes - 6-8 pieces (large)
Cheese - 100-200 g
Green onions

1. Chicken fillet cut into medium-sized cubes. In a pan pour some water (about a glass), add the mayonnaise and place the pieces of chicken. Salt. Stew covered for 30 minutes Add the chopped garlic. Filling for tartlets ready.
2. Now we will peel the potatoes. Cleaned, washed. The three potatoes on a grater-strehlke. Do not forget to salt!
3. Then take the muffin tins. For example, with non-stick coating. Well grease them with sunflower oil.
4. Put into molds grated raw potatoes, so that it is in the form of baskets. In the middle put the chicken with the garlic.
5. Put in preheated oven (temperature &r>6. While the tarts sit in the oven, three cheese grater-strehlke and chop the green onions. Cheese and onion mix.
7. After 20-25 minutes take out the tartlets from the oven and sprinkle top with cheese and onions.
8. Again put them in the oven for 5-10 minutes.


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