Monday, April 25, 2016

The dietitian about the dangers of palm oil!

A few words about palm oil: by itself, the original product - palm oil, extracted from the fruit of the oil palm, is useful. Yes, it has a lot of saturated (harmful) fats, which makes it dense. But this harm is compensated by the amounts of carotenoids and many other nutrients. Unrefined palm oil is the case when one use eliminates the harm. He was, incidentally, are often used in cosmetics, gastroentorology.

But refined, which is a part of most foods, stripped of useful components. Sometimes hydrogenation and then more dense. Then the harm of saturated fats increases. But actually, it’s not just about palm oil. Any vegetable, even olive network connection is required while undergoing the process of hydrogenation, getting denser, it becomes harmful. Hydrogenated fats entering the body, can be placed in the cell, making the membrane inelastic. The cell can no longer absorb many nutrients, it becomes impervious to them. So violated redox processes in the body. Hence the fragility of blood vessels, atherosclerosis and other problems, especially cardiovascular.

Overall, pleasant enough. That is why, in my opinion, the initiative of the taxable products with palm oil, is good. Here, I would add any of the products on the basis of margarine and confectionery fat: it is more dangerous than margarine and palm oil.

Yes, the segment of inexpensive goods can suffer with: cheap candy, yogurt, cookies, cheese curds, Breakfast cereals, instant porridge. They should not be in our regular menu. Let’s say that they are harmful-emergency, i.e. when there is no other way, for example, have to take them in the train. And in the morning it is better to eat conventional cereals.

Another category, which in my opinion, needs to be tax on harm - inexpensive meat products with vegetable, that is, additives soy - sausage, sausage, ham. Then there are those products where a lot of starch and other additives, including soy. Few people think about the fact that soy contains phytoestrogen, a plant analogue of the female hormone, similar in its effects on the body. If you constantly, every day to eat foods with soy, the changes in hormonal background of both men and women will become inevitable. Men, especially teenagers, they can be particularly noticeable - the character becomes more hysterical, increased weight, possible infertility. Women with an excess of phytoestrogens is also doesn’t do any good - the interference in the hormones rarely leads to good things.


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