Saturday, April 23, 2016



- Hypotensive patients love to sleep. And if the average person needs 6-8 hours of sleep, those who have the pressure of “a minus” 9-12 hours - at the time. They are often called “sleepers, lazy”, but actually longer in bed and “be lazy” in the morning - a physiological need of the organism.

Here are some simple but important recommendations that will help you to feel more comfortable and more cheerful in the morning: never get up sharply;

upon awakening lie still for a few minutes, moving arms and legs, and then slowly sit up in bed;

now, having got used to the vertical position, get up slowly;

to avoid dizziness and morning fainting;

drink throughout the day about 2 liters of liquid;

eat 4-5 times a day (meals should be fortified with enough Pantothenic acid, vitamins B, C, E, etc.);

since you have a predisposition to gastritis with high acidity, avoid smoked, spicy, fried foods.

Hypotensive patients very poorly tolerate static loads. They need a movement activity, which increases muscle and vascular tone, gives a feeling of vivacity and new forces. Because it is so useful lesson in the pool, playing sports - tennis, volleyball, badminton.
Will fall in love with water treatments, massages and hydro-massages! And still a douche, however, be careful with sudden temperature changes - they should not be.

To apply some special medicines is not recommended. The best option for gipotonik - adaptogeny. For example, this extract 15-30 drops in the first half of the day, a 15-25 drops of ginseng, Chinese Magnolia vine 20-30 drops before meals.

And 1 “secret”: hypotensive patients - the people most people are emotional, vulnerable, subtle. Keep them very delicate. Increasingly’t encourage, don’t criticise it for slowness and “drowsiness”.
Surround them with care and love. Often pamper and pay attention. They will thrive on the eyes and there is a high probability that it will disappear psycho-emotional component, which reduces their vitality.


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