Friday, April 22, 2016

Best foods for depression

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The following products, which usually contain a predominant positive energy, goodness. Science says that the products are useful they contained vitamins, trace elements, minerals, textiles (fibre), carbohydrates, fats, proteins and various chemical compounds. This is true, but Ayurveda focuses our attention on the energy that these products contain. There is energy of goodness, passion and ignorance, and to overcome depression it is best to use foods rich in the power of goodness. Let us now consider the most auspicious products:

ANISEED is a sweet spice that contains a lot of energy goodness. Increases optimism, improves mood. Ground anise can be added not only in food but also in drinks.

Star ANISE is also a spice in goodness, increases vitality, eliminates tension and depression.

BANANA is 1 of the most auspicious products. The banana gives peace and optimism positively influences thinking and emotions, softens the hard nature.

BARBERRY is one of the best berries to treat depression because it greatly increases the optimism. Dried barberry is also suitable, it can be crushed and added to tea or other drinks. Best taken in the morning, but can be a little in the afternoon.

PEAR contains a lot of energy of joy, optimism increases, so, too, is an excellent means of improving mood.

GOLDEN ROOT (also called Rhodiola rosea) is a pretty strong natural remedy for depression, so you can only use in the morning in very small amounts (add the powder into a drink or to chew a piece of root). The afternoon and evening Golden root is better not to use, as it may cause excitement of the nervous system.

CARDAMOM GREEN (different from the black appearance green box and light grains inside) is a very useful spice that apart from the many useful medicinal properties, eliminates depression. It can be used at any time of the day.

RASPBERRY - improves mood, gives optimism, cheerfulness increases.

MANGO by itself is a very useful product when ripe. In our country does not grow, and bring him up here, tearing down green, nedopisan. As a variant - to buy dried mango. A good product to treat depression.

MILK (cow) is a product of goodness that soothes. But this is not the product of solar and lunar, so the day in raw form, the majority of people do not digest. So drink (raw) is better in the evening before bedtime or in the morning, preferably before sunrise. Milk porridge and other dishes, cooked in milk, are easily digested and day. In milk, you can add the most blissful (sweet) spices, honey or sugar, what antidepressant effect is greatly enhanced. At night is good to drink a little honeyed hot milk with cardamom and fennel, you can also add a little nutmeg. From the morning to the milk you can add other spices blissful listed here.


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