Friday, April 22, 2016

5 reasons to drink lemon water in the morning

1 - the pH Balance

By itself, the lemon contains acid, but once it starts to absorb in the body, it begins to turn into lye. Alkaline foods are important for preserving oxygen in the blood and maintain the pH at a safe level. These two things are necessary for healing of the body, assimilation of nutrients and maintaining the immune system.

2 - Skin

Drinking a glass of water with lemon you will notice changes in your skin. The water will allow it to be moisturized from the inside, while the vitamin C contained in the lemon, operates on the reduction of wrinkles and age spots. In addition, this vitamin is involved in the synthesis of collagen, responsible for skin elasticity.

3 - Digestion

A big glass of water with lemon is a great way to start the day. He sposobnoe of the liver which, in turn, improves digestion. After drinking lemon water you will increase urination, which will allow to get rid of toxins. Also, this morning ritual helps with heartburn and constipation.

4 - Figure

We have already mentioned that water with lemon supports an alkaline environment in the body. Such alkaline base of our body contributes to more rapid weight loss. Lemons are also rich in fiber pectin, which helps to stay longer in well-fed state, and their diuretic effect helps to rid of excess water.

5 - Antilope

If you have a habit every morning to drink coffee, a glass of lemon water will allow you to get rid of it. By the way, the invigorating effect of water with lemon no less than a coffee!


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