Thursday, April 28, 2016

Beautiful Breasts for 15-20 minutes a day

The female breast, as is known, consists of 90% fat. Therefore, when dieting bust rapidly losing volume. Lost every kilogram of excess weight, tend to take 20 g of the mass of your Breasts. And despite the fact that the total mass of the mammary glands is 150-400 grams. Weight loss 4 to 9 kg and you can choose underwear at least one size smaller. But to return to the old forms much more complicated: it is not enough just to put on weight - chances are your bust is simply saggy. You need to exercise to maintain a beautiful breast shape. Body fat, which consists of your dignity, of course, do not pump, but it is possible to strengthen muscle tissue that is deeper. When the pectoral muscles are strengthened, bust, what ever it size, become more resilient and upbeat.

To make a high chest can at home. Guaranteed results after 1.5-2 months of training. The main thing - regularity. These exercises are simply necessary for everyone to lose weight quickly, so that the loss of “upper 90” were not so obvious, and girls after the age of 25 who wish to keep a young and fresh look.

“Prayer” (repeat 10 times per day)
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, back straight. Starting position: hold your hands at chest level with palms facing each other. This pose resembles a praying position. Squeeze the palm of your hand, the tension should be strong. Hold the pressure for 20 seconds, then relax, shake hands.

“The charge of the librarian” (repeat 20 times a day)
For this exercise you need to take two books of equal weight and shape (or two dumbbells of equal gravity). Stand up, back straight, feet shoulder width apart, grab the weights in your hands. Pull straight arms in front of him at chest level, expand palms up. Slowly stand on tiptoes and simultaneously raise straight arms to the sides. Remember that hands should be at chest level. Then slowly return to starting position without dropping hands and getting up on the whole foot.

Pushups (perform each exercise 15 times a day)
Take a plank pose (push the toes of the feet and palms into the floor, back straight, hands perpendicular to the floor, hands are directly under shoulders). Monitor your position: don’t roll over at the waist, keep your head up and not to emphasize the buttocks. do push-UPS in three configurations based on the position of the palms. In the first sunset (by 5 push-UPS each set) place your hands fingers forward, in the second - fingers outwards, and the third toes inwards, hands placed slightly wider than shoulders. If it’s hard to do push-UPS with straight legs, press your knees to the floor and continue the exercise.

Bench press (perform each exercise 15 times a day)
Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. In the hands of dumbbells on 1-2 pounds, hands at chest level, bent at the elbows. Pull your hands up perpendicular to the floor, fists with dumbbells but one line. Lower your arms to the starting position. During lifting dumbbells do exhale, the lowering of hands - breath.

“Kitty” (repeat 10 times per day)
Starting position: lying on the floor on his stomach. Sit on your heels, place your hands in front of you at shoulder width, bend them at the elbows, press your palms into the floor. Straighten your legs, leaning on hands, lift upper body smoothly with voltage. At the end point of the movement your shoulders should be directly over the palms, legs straight lying on the floor, back arched, face turned to the ceiling. Hold the voltage at the end point for 10 seconds.

Performing exercises to strengthen the chest muscles, remember:
- Work “to the limit”. That is when you will feel that muscle “burn” and you can no longer perform an exercise, make the final leap - another 2-3 repetitions.
- Breathe correctly. During muscle tension do exhale during relaxation - breath. That is, at the point of maximum voltage, for example, during the bench press you exhale and returning to the starting position - inhale.


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