Sunday, April 24, 2016

Salt and oil vs degenerative disc disease

Salt and oil against degenerative disc disease.

Cervical degenerative disc disease is difficult to treat. Propose to test a very interesting mix. After its use will not feel pain for a few years!

Prepare a lot of healing massage:

Need unrefined vegetable oil (with a smell) and fine salt (sea).
Prepare medication for the whole course: 10 tbsp salt to fill 20 tbsp oil, all stir well, without grains.
After a few days it turns a white suspension of fine particles of salt and oil. Every day you need to grease her cervical vertebrae where we feel pain, vigorously massage. First two or three minutes, every day adding another two or three, bringing the result up to twenty minutes.

After the massage, obturate neck with a damp hot cloth.

After eight to ten treatments to notice a radical change in his condition, besides, it will improve vision.

Skin with this salt massage a little blurred, but gradually after the end of treatments heals quickly.

In the treatment process accelerates the metabolism, cleansing of toxins, which can cause weakness, drowsiness, dizziness. But it is not required. Usually everything goes without any side effects.


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