Saturday, April 23, 2016

How many calories needed for muscle growth?

If your goal is gaining muscle mass, then you must have to enforce 2 rules:

1. First, in order to hypertrophy the muscle tissue it is necessary to provide sufficient stimulus on skeletal muscle. This is usually achieved by performing well-crafted, program of the program of periodization of strength training.
2. Secondly, you must consume more calories than are expended. The type of calories consumed can also have an impact on the quality of the composed weight. As a rule, to optimize muscle growth and minimize growth of fat mass, increase calories should occur primarily through protein/amino acids and carbohydrates, and less due to the increase of fat (especially saturated fat).

The appropriate combination of anabolic stimulus (weight training) and receiving an adequate quantity of substrate (protein) leads to a positive nitrogen balance. Positive nitrogen balance can occur when protein synthesis exceeds its decay. In addition, it is important to remember that protein synthesis of skeletal muscles, you need a complete set of amino acids (all 20 amino acids), in the required amounts (Jeukendrup 2004) [1].

Thus, diets must contain adequate amounts of amino acids. Lambert and colleagues (2004) suggested that the optimal nutrient ratio basket for bodybuilders will be from 55% to 60% carbohydrates, 25% to 30% protein and 15% to 20% fat [2].

This recommendation will allow you to get enough protein for optimal muscle growth, enough carbs to provide the energy needed for high intensity strength training, as well as to provide a sufficient quantity of fat to maintain proper level of testosterone in the blood (Lambert, Frank & Evans 2004) [2]. Protein synthesis requires the use of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), as the lack of energy (a calorie deficit) can reduce protein synthesis. As a result, for muscle growth (to optimize protein synthesis in muscles, or muscle hypertrophy), you want to create a surplus of calories, approximately 15% (Lambert, Frank & Evans 2004) [2].

Although, as wisely noted the vast number of experts that it’s all averages, and each person (depending on its actual energy consumption, metabolic pattern, genetically determined type particionirovaniâ calories, and many others.Dr. factors) need to find your balance of calories for optimal growth of lean muscle mass. But at least so ))).

Kristin Reimers, PhD, writes in Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning (3rd Ed), that for growth of 0.45 to 0.9 kg of muscle tissue, you must create a daily surplus in the region of from 350 to 700 kcal (from support). [3]

The total recommendation for muscle growth by Paul La Bounty (PhD, MPT) and Jose Antonio (PhD, CSCS, FACSM, FISSN, FNSCA) [4]:

1. Eat a surplus of about 10% to 15% of the calories of the level of your support.
2. Break the intake of surplus calories into 5-6 meals.
3. Choose adequate software periodization of strength training.
4. Ensure consumption of carbohydrates at the level of &adequate consumption of protein every day (about 1.5-2.0 g / kg / day of dry body weight).
6. Ensure adequate nutrition around your workout (we are talking about taking protein supplements (amino acids/ whey protein, casein, carbohydrates).
7. Consider supplementing your diet with creatine.

Well and information from Lyle McDonald about the range of BGUK to set MM [(5)]:
Calories - 39 cal / kg or above;
Protein 1.76-3.3 g / kg;
Carbohydrates - 2.2-6.6 g / kg;
Fat - 1-2.2 g / kg.

Individual BIUK ratio is selected empirically (if the tolerance of the normal carbs, increase the carbs, if not, then increase the caloric value at the expense of other nutrients, including fat


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